600字范文 > 又暖又有爱!两江新区博雅小学首发中英文宣传片


时间:2021-12-12 23:04:06










Xiaobo: Hi, hello, everyone. Im Xiaobo.

Xiaoya: Im Xiaoya.

Qi: Welcome to our school, Boya Primary School, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing. Lets start a colorful and elegant life together.

Our school is located in the first state-level inland development and opening new area, Liangjiang New District, north of the lush Zhaomu Mountain, adjacent to Chongqing Finance School, Chongqing First Bilingual School and Chongqing Yaozhong International School. , In September , Boya Primary School was officially completed and started into operation, which also welcomed us as the first group of students.

Our school, together with all the schools in the new district, shoulders the glorious mission of improving the livable level of the new district, bringing together talents for the development and opening of the new district, and improving the level of education and public service in the new district. The total investment of the school is over 250 million yuan, covering an area of 52 acres, with an estimated size of 48 classes and 2160 students. It is a modern school with beautiful environment, advanced facilities, happy and lively activities.

School Style: Small and Big, Broad and New

Our Boya is a new school --- but in her bones, she retains the fine tradition of Peking Universitys "pedagogy of holistic, all-round education" and "five domains education simultaneously" as well as the cultural gene of Chinese and foreign Boya education. Facing the future full of infinite possibilities, facing the vast unknown, in order to cultivate "love, erudite talent, strong body, innovative ability, elegant products", to help us open up a colorful and elegant life.

"Face the whole", help every little partner grow up in every day, harvest progress from every lesson; "Elegant Teaching and Happy Learning", on the way to the future, accompany us to taste the sweetness of knowledge, the surprise of exploration, the vitality of challenges, the cumulative steadfastness, the joy of release, and the power of cooperation bit by bit.

Teaching Style: Great Love, Small Beauty and Elegance

Our Boya is a colorful school - Boya has four brilliant seasons: sports festival in spring, rhyming wisdom festival in summer, creating festival in autumn, enjoying Academic Festival in winter, as well as Chinese Studies Course for self-cultivation, mind and hand planting Course, sensitive and interesting table tennis course... Rich and vivid courses await us to discover that there are more beautiful sounds than music boxes, richer colors than three primary colors, more wonderful emotions than happiness and pleasantness, a larger world than home and school, a more magical future than scientists predict, a broader human mind than the sky and the sea...

Style of Study: Learn to be Wisdom, From Action to Elegance

Our Boya is a school full of love and beauty. Teachers, moisten childhood with love, nourish childhood with beauty, pour the beauty of nature, art and science into every corner of the campus, and guard our childhood with gentle and generous love, gentle and firm belief, tender and dedicated company.

A lifetime is long, Boya sets its sail. Boya teachers with kindness, affection, strong creativity and broad tolerance strive to fulfill the promise of "be a good school on opening day ", and strive to realize the good initial intention of "cultivating oneself in Boya, seeking new things in the future".

Principal: Cultivate ourselves in Boya, seek novelty in the future, lets start a colorful and elegant life together.



















小而聚大 广而求新






大爱育博 小美润雅






学以致广 行以致雅









Xiaobo: Hi, hello, everyone. Im Xiaobo.

Xiaoya: Im Xiaoya.

Qi: Welcome to our school, Boya Primary School, Liangjiang New District, Chongqing. Lets start a colorful and elegant life together.

Our school is located in the first state-level inland development and opening new area, Liangjiang New District, north of the lush Zhaomu Mountain, adjacent to Chongqing Finance School, Chongqing First Bilingual School and Chongqing Yaozhong International School. , In September , Boya Primary School was officially completed and started into operation, which also welcomed us as the first group of students.

Our school, together with all the schools in the new district, shoulders the glorious mission of improving the livable level of the new district, bringing together talents for the development and opening of the new district, and improving the level of education and public service in the new district. The total investment of the school is over 250 million yuan, covering an area of 52 acres, with an estimated size of 48 classes and 2160 students. It is a modern school with beautiful environment, advanced facilities, happy and lively activities.

School Style: Small and Big, Broad and New

Our Boya is a new school --- but in her bones, she retains the fine tradition of Peking Universitys "pedagogy of holistic, all-round education" and "five domains education simultaneously" as well as the cultural gene of Chinese and foreign Boya education. Facing the future full of infinite possibilities, facing the vast unknown, in order to cultivate "love, erudite talent, strong body, innovative ability, elegant products", to help us open up a colorful and elegant life.

"Face the whole", help every little partner grow up in every day, harvest progress from every lesson; "Elegant Teaching and Happy Learning", on the way to the future, accompany us to taste the sweetness of knowledge, the surprise of exploration, the vitality of challenges, the cumulative steadfastness, the joy of release, and the power of cooperation bit by bit.

Teaching Style: Great Love, Small Beauty and Elegance

Our Boya is a colorful school - Boya has four brilliant seasons: sports festival in spring, rhyming wisdom festival in summer, creating festival in autumn, enjoying Academic Festival in winter, as well as Chinese Studies Course for self-cultivation, mind and hand planting Course, sensitive and interesting table tennis course... Rich and vivid courses await us to discover that there are more beautiful sounds than music boxes, richer colors than three primary colors, more wonderful emotions than happiness and pleasantness, a larger world than home and school, a more magical future than scientists predict, a broader human mind than the sky and the sea...

Style of Study: Learn to be Wisdom, From Action to Elegance

Our Boya is a school full of love and beauty. Teachers, moisten childhood with love, nourish childhood with beauty, pour the beauty of nature, art and science into every corner of the campus, and guard our childhood with gentle and generous love, gentle and firm belief, tender and dedicated company.

A lifetime is long, Boya sets its sail. Boya teachers with kindness, affection, strong creativity and broad tolerance strive to fulfill the promise of "be a good school on opening day ", and strive to realize the good initial intention of "cultivating oneself in Boya, seeking new things in the future".

Principal: Cultivate ourselves in Boya, seek novelty in the future, lets start a colorful and elegant life together.


总编:张黎 | 副总编:杜术林

主编:张科 | 编辑:操梅



