600字范文 > 干净脱俗的英文句子:阳光又实诚 真是越看越喜欢!

干净脱俗的英文句子:阳光又实诚 真是越看越喜欢!

时间:2021-05-07 05:26:05


干净脱俗的英文句子:阳光又实诚 真是越看越喜欢!

一、Life is full of warmth, as long as we have a pair of bright eyes that are good at finding.生活中处处充满着温情,只要我们有一双善于发现的明亮的眼睛。

二、You don have to dream every day, as long as you are not awakened every day by nightmares.不一定要天天做美梦,只要每天不被噩梦惊醒。

三、Don think you can do better than others, even if you are a good person.不要认为自己比别人做得好,即便你很出色。

四、To be happy, to a bright and cheerful disposition, to tough, to warm, sincere to people.要快乐,要开朗,要坚韧,要温暖,对人要真诚。

五、Or travel, or reading, body and soul, there must be one on the road.要么旅行,要么读书,身体和灵魂,必须有一个在路上。

六、At the beginning, that lovely me has long disappeared, replaced by a more lovely me.当初那个可爱的我早已不见,取而代之的是一个更可爱的我。

七、All the past is now for the end, all of the future is now as a starting point.一切的过去都以现在为归宿,一切的未来都以现在为起点。

八、This is life, you don want to change it, then it will change you.这就是人生,你不想改变它,那么它就会改变你。

九、Give up and have to, no more than a rebirth, watch is broken, would be relieved.舍与得,无非一种轮回,看破了,也就释然了。

十、To accompany me is whether you need it or not, I have been there all along.陪伴,就是不管你需不需要,我一直都在。

十一、The strings of slack, can not play beautiful music; life rambling, kindle the flame of life.琴弦松弛,弹不出动听的乐曲;生活散漫,点不燃生命的火焰。

十二、You only remember my strength, but you always forget that I am a girl.你只记得我的坚强,却一直忘了我是个女孩。

十三、I know that the best way to avoid rejection is to reject others first.我知道要想不被人拒绝,最好的办法就是先拒绝别人。

十四、Life is very tired, don let the heart tired again; life is not long, don let yourself carry.生活很累,别让心灵再累;生命不长,别让自己硬扛。
