600字范文 > 励志系句子‖其实你并不孤单 你身旁有书有台灯更有未来

励志系句子‖其实你并不孤单 你身旁有书有台灯更有未来

时间:2019-06-18 08:49:27


励志系句子‖其实你并不孤单 你身旁有书有台灯更有未来


To tell you the truth, I am an ordinary girl, not beautiful to amazing, also not excellent to brilliant, but my courage and persistence for me plated with gold, unique.


In fact, you are not alone, you have a book, a lamp, more future.


Don think about the future. The stupidest thing in the world is to be ambitious and waste time.


There are many different types of people in the world, some are working hard for the offer of famous schools, some are working until the early hours of the morning for their career development, some are making three meals a day for their beloved children, and others are working hard to exercise, sweat and restrain themselves from eating only healthy food for their physique and appearance.

No matter which kind of person is very beautiful, is worth to be hugged and loved.


There will be black horses, there will be stars falling, I hope you are the former.


When you can hold on, you can say to yourself that Im so tired, you can also stop to have a rest, but never admit that you can do it in your heart.


Sink in the mind, make a good effort, next time I will make a big splash.

今天看到一个很喜欢的句子:你无法决定醒来后窗外是晴是雨,爱你的人是否还能留在身边, 你此刻的坚持换来了什么。但你能决定今天有没有准备好雨伞,有没有好好爱人,以及是否足够努力,路途遥远,前方仍旧充满未知,但无论如何不要忘了自己坚持了多久才走到这里,今天尽力做的虽然辛苦,但未来发生的都是礼物。

Today I saw a very like Sentence: you can decide whether its sunny or rainy outside the window after you wake up, whether the person who loves you can still stay with you, and whats your insistence at the moment.

However, you can decide whether you have an umbrella ready today, whether you have a good lover, and whether you work hard enough. The road is far away, and the front is still full of unknown. In any case, don forget how long it took to get here. Although its hard to do today, what happens in the future is gifts.


