600字范文 > 发动态人气超高的情感文案 精辟现实 越看越喜欢

发动态人气超高的情感文案 精辟现实 越看越喜欢

时间:2023-03-22 08:05:20


发动态人气超高的情感文案 精辟现实 越看越喜欢

之前我会歇斯底里地告诉你我的不开心 如今我不会 只是会沉默

Before I would hysterically tell you that I am not happy. Now I will not, silence will continue

没人宠溺你 还是乖乖安静着,这样才不失体面

No one dotes on you, youd better be quiet, so as not to lose your dignity


Grown up, measured, and finally found, are self deception

幸运和不幸都有结束 我们都从一惊一乍的孩子 变成了一个冷漠的大人

Luck and misfortune have an end. We have all changed from a surprised child to an indifferent adult

顽皮扮演懂事快乐的女孩很累 讨厌强迫你提前长大的人 可你从来不敢说只能偷偷把眼泪藏在枕头里

Naughty play sensible happy girl very tired Dudu mouth hate to force you to grow up ahead of time, but you never dare to say can only secretly hide tears in the pillow

你一直认为是我在耍脾气 你却没有想过你做的事 说过的话 到底有没有伤害我

You always think that Im playing, that Im playing my temper, but you don think that what you do and what you say will hurt me


When you are independent, you will feel relaxed and natural, happy and unrestrained, which is more attractive

遇见的你 如此特殊我根本舍不得让别人替你

Its so special that I can bear to let someone else do it for you


Love is not a shackle, selfishness is hope you will.

可以大家还是会拿真心换真心 在众多风险中 一次又一次地相信

Can we still love, adhere to, will take the heart for the heart, in many risks again and again believe

在我的保护下 我想起他说过后悔 没有更早地遇见我 没有早点爱我

Under my protection, I remember that he said he regretted not meeting me earlier and loving me earlier

我与他分手的原因很简单 我改变不了他 忍不住未来太久怕难熬 就这样而已

The reason why I broke up with him is very simple. I can change him. I can help it. Im afraid it will be too long in the future. Thats all
