600字范文 > 接地气的人生感悟句子 句句深刻有内涵 现实又很扎心

接地气的人生感悟句子 句句深刻有内涵 现实又很扎心

时间:2022-11-28 15:11:36


接地气的人生感悟句子 句句深刻有内涵 现实又很扎心


That dusty acacia song, lock acacia meaning, do not let dustyshould laugh at my sentimental. In the passing years of youth, a softmusic will be with me, expressing your charming feelings and myeternal meaning. Do not let the lost time drunk, also do not let theblurred infatuation and turmoil in the reincarnation of the mark oftime to lose their original.


I am still willing to use a few generations of reincarnation withyou in exchange for a melodious song. You stop to play the piano andstare and smile, and my lips are raised a little, and I can tell youhow many generations have passed away. Let time be quiet for a while,you can savor my feelings for you from my songs, I can crush yourthoughts from your songs. In fact, I also know that when we areclear, let it go with a song, the wind light cloud light.


I would like to forget all the troubles, hold you in my arms,smell your light fragrance, heal your inner trauma, lend you ashoulder, let you no longer sad. Touch your black hair to see how shyyou are. You whisper in my arms, singing the intoxication of thislife, singing the beauty of the afterlife.


Is there less anxiety in the world when the Buddha catches aglimpse of light? Don sentient beings have to endure the pain ofparting and lovesickness? On the street where I met, it was the same.Your red sleeve covers your face, and your lips seem to be half open.I hold the slide fan, there is no sadness and pain of parting.


Can I grow old with you? You cook me a simple meal, and Ill add afoot of coarse cloth. Don care about the secular vision, don careabout other peoples words, let all the beautiful scenery stay inthis moment, in my humble meals, in your coarse linen. I don wantto live a rich life, but I want to live a dull life for twolifetimes.


Let the most beautiful stay in my four eyes touch you at thatmoment. Your brow touches the heart of my spirit, my cleverness hurtsyour inner grace. If life is like a first glance, we will notdescribe our butterfly dance in the autumn wind. Lets keep this lovefor a lifetime, until forever.


If life is like the first sight, there will be no sadness behindothers, there will be no pain bound by parting. At first glance, itsamazing. Bye, or.
