600字范文 > 英文简历RESUME范文怎么写 英文简历文件名怎么写(九篇)

英文简历RESUME范文怎么写 英文简历文件名怎么写(九篇)

时间:2022-03-17 22:54:22


英文简历RESUME范文怎么写 英文简历文件名怎么写(九篇)



commission agreement of foreign trade agents



party a: (manufacturer)______________________________

party b: (intermediary )_______________________________


according to "peoples republic of china contract law" and the provisions of relevant laws and regulations, party a hereby appoints party b to develop overseas market. both parties have agreed to sign this agreement.


1. the entrusted matters


party a hereby appoints party b to develop overseas market and promote its products.


2. obligation

(1) 甲方应保证所生产产品的合法性及保证产品质量。

party a shall ensure the legality of the products and ensure product quality.

(2) 甲方与海外客商交易的具体价格、交货方式、支付方式等由甲方与海外客商双方协商约定。

all the trade terms including price, payment term, delivery, etc are negotiated by party a and customers.

(3)甲方应严格按国家的“fob、 c&f或 cif条款”执行与海外客商所签定的合同。

party a shall be in strict accordance with the " fob, c & f or cif terms in the contracts.


party b promise that the turnover will be more than usd ______ per year through party b.


party b should assist party a to receive the full payment as per the sales contracts.

party b will provide the market information to party a.


party b should not disclose the customer information to a third party. otherwise party a will indict party b.


3. rate of commission, payment term

(1) 甲方同意按每笔合同成交总额(扣除税金,运费和货代的费用)的______支付佣金给乙方。

party a will agree to pay ______ of the total turnover of each contract - deducting taxes and the freight- to party b.

(2) 给付方式及时间:

payment term


party a will pay 100% commission within 14 days upon receiving the full payment from customer.


4. liability


if party a does not follow (2) of section 3, party a have to pay the overdue fine. the amount is 5 ‰ of the total commission per day.


5. agreement arbitration

双方如果发生纠纷,可凭此合同向甲方所在仲裁机构进行。in the event of dispute, both parties can present to arbitration court from party a’s place.


6. changes.

any changes of terms relating to this agreement must be done in a written form, and agreed upon by both parties.



special clause

本合同一式肆份双方各执贰份具有同等法律效用。中英文版本如有冲突,以中文版本为准。 this agreement has been drawn up in four identical copies, of which two copies for each party. the chinese version of these terms and conditions shall prevail wherever there is a discrepancy between the english and chinese versions. 第八条:履行



whilst signature on this agreement certifies the intention of both parties to the agreement, the terms of this agreement shall become binding upon both parties only at such time as the following have been complied with, in writing.

第九条:同意签字人agreement signatories


in witness thereof, the parties have signed below and by doing so have accepted and approved all covenants, terms and conditions of this agreement.

---------------------------- -----------------------



signing date: 签名盖章




casey a. hadley

3990 farnum road

new york, ny 10016

phone: 212-345-8654

email id:@


to secure an entry level position in an organization where my skills and expertise are utilized in a way that helps both me and the company


j.d. degree (or juris doctor degree–never juris doctorate) anticipated or expected may, , west virginia university

college of law, morgantown, wv.

gpa 2.9/4.3 class rank: 45/160. top one/third.

b.s. in civil engineering, summa cum laude, may , west virginia university college of engineering, morgantown, wv

gpa 3.98/4.0. class rank: second in class of 500.


summer associate, dewey cheatham and howe, pittsburgh, pa. may- august

rotated between real estate and corporate departments. research and drafted memoranda in areas of antitrust and trade regulation, electronic commerce, and land use planning.

volunteer legal clerk, hometown legal firm, anywhere usa may-august

researched property records at courthouse and prepared memoranda for attorneys; delivered and picked up various legal documents as assigned. helped with document sorting.

student intern, wvu college of engineering, morgantown, wv. june 2002-may

performed legal research and analysis to assess the statutory, regulatory and case law ramifications of innovative underground storage tank remedial technology.

summer worker, 1999-.

various jobs to provide part of educational experiences including: laborer convex eagle glass, clarksburg, wv. counter person, wendy’s international, morgantown.

honors and activities

wvu college of law

student member, american bar association; member, patent law student association; member, volunteer law clerks, student organization which researches legal questions assigned by wv circuit judges; member, international law society; phi alpha delta, international legal fraternity.

west virginia university

member, mountain honorary, highest honor society for wvu undergraduate students; mortar board national honor society; captain, (two years) varsity tennis team.

skills and interests

fluent in spoken and written german, reading knowledge of spanish and french. certified in lexis and west law. excellent ability in wordperfect, microsoft word, groupwise and quicken. captain, tennis team, 4 years undergraduate.


1、 one page, concise, easy-to-read format 一页、简洁、排版清晰

one page is the optimal length for most entry and mid-level positions: 大多数入门或中层职位,一页简历是最佳长度

hiring managers are busy. a one-page résumé makes their job easier to quickly make an interview decision: 招聘经理时间有限,一页长度的简历能帮你传达最核心信息,帮他们快速做出是否面试的决定

2、 include a hyperlink to your email address 邮箱地址加超链接

hyperlinks make it easie for hiring managers to contact you directly from your résumé: 邮箱地址加个超链接,这样招聘经理看完简历,直接就能联系你;

details like this will make you more professional and help you stand out from the crowd: 这些小细节能让你显得更专业,帮你从一堆简历里脱颖而出

3、 include a linkedin profile 创建一个linkedin账户

hiring managers at multinational companies increasingly look at linkedin profiles to find out detailed information about a candidates professional experiences: 很多跨国公司hr会用linkedin查看求职者的过往工作经历

a linkedin profile helps make you seem more professional and globally-minded: 创建一个linkedin账户,能让你显得更专业、更有国际思维

4、 do not use the pronoun "i" 千万别用第一人称"i"

never refer to yourself in the first person: 写简历的时候,千万不要用第一人称"i"

using "i" makes your writing unprofessional and lacking objectivity: 这样的书写会让你显得非常不专业、让简历缺乏客观性

不用"i", 怎么写?


5、 lead with an executive summary 写一段自我概括

instead of using a cover letter, lead with a summary to state your years of experience and career highlights: cover letter太长了,现在的趋势是用一段简短的概述把你的职业履历、工作成绩体现出来

put the summary right after your contact details: 概述应该放在简历最开头,联络信息下

instead of labeling it "summary", use your expertise as the header: 不要给摘要起名"summary", 直接把你的专长和优势作为题目

5、 use keywords in the job description 简历里体现招聘职位的关键词

use keywords in the job description throughout your résumé to show that you have the right experience and skillset: 招聘广告职位描述里出现的`关键词、能力应该不断出现在你的简历里, 体现你拥有最匹配的经验和能力

6、 do not include irrelevant experiences 不相关的工作经历不要写

if you do not have relevant experiences, your chances of getting an interview and getting the job are probably low: 如果你没有任何和这个职位相关的经验,老实说,成功几率也不高

7、 use data and results whereever possible 用数字说话

use data to support your claim of skills: 用数字体现你的能力

use results by action sentence structure: 使用"做了什么达到什么成果"的句型

8、 list education at the end of the résumé 教育背景放最后

if you are a recent graduate, try to highlight your internship experience as much as possible: 如果你是应届毕业生,多花点篇幅描述实习经验,不要只说学校的成绩

hiring managers are more likely to choose the most "job ready" candidates: 招聘方更倾向于选择能快速上手工作的人

9、 remove empty statements like "a passionate inpidual looking for an opportunity to grow" 空话、废话不要说

hiring managers are focused on finding the right hire: 用人单位想找到最适合这个职位的人选

empty statements do not increase your chances: 空话不会增加你的机会

10、 subject line, attachment name 邮件主题、附件名称

the subject of your email should be the job position and your name

发送简历时,email的主题应该是你应聘的职位名、你的名字, 让招聘经理一目了然

the name of the attachment should also follow the same rule: 附件的文件名也应该一样; 千万不要是乱码、数字;



basic information

name: yjbys

gender: man

education: junior college

nationality: han nationality

marital status: unmarried native place: henan - xinxiang city

height: 180cm weight: 70kg

major: engineering cost working experience: fresh graduates

where to work: new country

job objective

industry/position: party a is expected to pay a monthly salary: full time

industry/position: real estate/construction construction management is expected to pay a monthly salary: the nature of the discussion: full time

industry/position: the property/construction engineering supervision is expected to pay a monthly salary: the nature of the discussion: full time

industry/position: real estate/construction project cost/budget expected monthly salary: the nature of the discussion: full time

education experience

school name: university of puyang professional technical college: engineering cost of study time: -09-07-01 for education: junior college

linguistic ability

language: english ability: good

work history

company name: xinxiang fangyuan engineering management co., ltd

working hours: -05-05-01

company size: 100 ~ 200 people

department: engineering department

job classification: construction supervision engineer

monthly salary: 4000 and above

job description: project supervision

company name: xinxiang wooden river decoration

working hours: -05-07-20

size: 10 to 100 people

department: engineering department

work classification: decoration/decoration project supervision

salary: 1500 ~ 1999

job description: mainly responsible for the safety and quality of the construction of several houses.


looking for a job near the downtown area of xinxiang


英文简历 | 英文简历模板 | 英文自我介绍 | 英语求职信 | 英语自我介绍

job objective:

a position offering challenge and responsibility in the realm of consumer affairs or marketing.


2000- bejing university, college of commerce

graduating in july with a b. s. degree in marketing.

fields of study include: economics, marketing, business law, statistics, calculus,psychology, sociology, social and managerial concepts in marketing, consumer behavior, sales force management, product policy, marketing research and forecast,marketing strategies.

1994-2000 the no.2 middle school of xi"an.


social activities:

2000- secretary of the class league branch.



thank you for interview i

dear (bosss name),

i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the

position of (job title) with (company name).

i really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the

job. the entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and

the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. from ourdiscussion,i gained a strong sense of (company name)s commitment to their

clients and their employees. i also enjoyed our discussion of myopportunities and future within the firm.

i feel strongly that i possess the qualities required as a (job title). i

believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future

with you. i eagerly anticipate our next meeting. thank you for considering

me for this opportunity.



thank you for interview ii

dear (bosss name),

thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. the interview

confirmed what others have told me - that (company name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests.

i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a similar conclusion. it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction.

again, you can reach me (when) (call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and i will return your call promptly.








yours sincerely, (signature) 商务邀请函是正式公函,请用单位带英文抬头、地址、电话的信纸打印,结尾加盖公章。



july 29, 20xx

xxx, ceo

xxx, vp sales

xxxxxxxx corporation


we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.

yours truly,


vice president sales


necessary terms of english contract

1.前言 preamble

一份标准英文合同通常可以分为前言(preamble)、正文(operative part)、附录(schedule)及证明部分即结束词(attestation)四大部分组成。 前言(preamble)由“parties”及“recitals”两部分组成。


i. 以下为“parties”的常用表达方式:

1. this agreement is entered into by and between ____ and ____. 本协议由以下双方____和___ 签署。

2. this agreement is entered into by and between ____ (hereinafter referred to as____) and ____ (hereinafter referred to as "_____"), whereby it is agreed as follows:



this agreement is entered into through friendly negotiations between _____ co.

(hereinafter referred to as the “party a”) and _____ co. (hereinafter referred to as the “party b”) based on equal

ity and mutual benefit to develop business on the terms and conditions set forth below:


this agreement is entered into between _____ (hereinafter referred to as "company"), and ______, (hereinafter referred to as "employee") pursuant to paragraph viii(2) of the employee handbook, whereby it is agreed as follows:


ii. 以下为标准的“parties”条款:

3. this agreement is made and entered into this _____th day of _____ in the year of ____ by and between ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at _____ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), and ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of _____, with its principal place of business at _____ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), whereby it is agreed as follows:


iii. “recitals”由数个以"whereas"字样开头的句子所组合而成(这些句子俗称为“whereas clauses”),表示当事人乃是在基于对这些事实(例如订约的目的、背景来由等)的共同认识,订立此合约。

4. this agreement is made and entered into this _____ day of _____ in the year of ____ by and between _______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at ______ (hereinafter referred to as “_____”), and ______, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of ______, with its principal place of business at ______ (hereinafter referred

to as “_____”)


whereas, now therefore, the parties hereto agree as follows:




注:witnessed可以用withnessth、withnessth that等来代替。

iv. 在很多美国常用合同中,在很多情况下直接用recitals引导数个陈述语句或“whereas clauses”。下面为一个资产购买协议实例:

this asset purchase agreement (the "agreement") is made and entered into as of may 19, 1997 by and among aaa, a delaware corporation ("aaa"), bbb, a delaware corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of aaa ("buyer"), ccc ("summit"), and ddd, an oregon corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of summit ("seller").


a. the boards of directors of each of summit, seller, aaa and buyer believe it is in the best interests of each company and their respective security holders that buyer acquire certain listed assets and assume certain listed liabilities of seller (the "acquisition").

b. on the date hereof, buyer has executed a $2,000,000 irrevocable purchase order to purchase 400 time-based licenses for summits visual hdl interfaces for visual test bench ("vtb") software on aaas standard form of purchase order, which is payable within five (5) business days after the date hereof.

now, therefore, in consideration of the covenants, promises and representations set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

2.定义 definition



i. 常见的定义语句常用mean, refer to, be construed as, include等来表达。如:

1. "territory" means the united states of america.“销售地区”是指美利坚合众国。

2. “commencement date” shall mean the date of signing this agreement by the last signing party hereto.


3. the “agreement” herein referred to shall mean this agreement of agency by entrustment.


4. “code” shall refer to the current and applicable internal revenue code.


5. reference to any statutory provision shall be construed as a reference to the same as it may have been, or may from time be, amended, modified or re-enacted.


6. "expenses" include costs, charges and expenses of every description. “费用”包括各种形式的金钱支出。

ii. 还有一类特殊的定义语句,即对于「单、复数」及「阴、阳性」名词的范围定义。通常都是用include来表达:

1. "stock certificate" includes "stock certificate" and "stock certificates".


2. "he" includes "he" and "she".


3. words using the singular or plural number also include the plural or singular number.


iii. 定义语句中,有时需限定范围。而通常用得最多的是:“for the purpose of ”及“in relation to”某概念的定义条款,如果适用范围仅限于合同的“特定部份”,可以用“for the purpose of ”来为定义条款起头。而如果定义条款是针对合同的“特定概念”,就用“in relation to”来界定。如下例:

1. for the purpose of this agreement, "products" means all types of the machineries manufactured by manufacturer as are specified in attachment

a hereto.


2. "address" means-

(a) 就自然人而言in relation to an inpidual, his usual residential or business address; and

(b) in relation to a corporation, its registered or principal office in the republic of china.


iv. 在定义条款中,在定义语句前有时会加上一些陈述语句来引导,如:


dear sirs/madam:

we hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at the continental exhibition center from april 15th to 20th 20xx.

we’re one of the manufacturers specialized in sanitaryware, concluding one & two piece toilet, wash basin, cabinet basin, pedestal basin, bidet, urinal, counter basin , decorated ceramics and so on. our new models offer superb design and their new features give them distinct advantages over similar products from other manufacturers.

it would be a great pleasure to meet you at the expect to establish long-term business relations with your company in future.

exhibition center : the continental exhibition center

booth number : g-k105 g-k-106

date : apr 15th to 20th

best regards

general manager



英文简历 | 英文简历模板 | 英文自我介绍 | 英语求职信 | 英语自我介绍

从新产品研发到上市的推进协调 (新事业发展(nbd)部)

l promotion and co-ordination of new product in the stages from their research and development to launching them onto the market; (the new business development pision)

2000 - 2002年 上海○○○○科技有限公司 总经理 (个人公司)

2000 - 2002 had acted as the general manager of shanghai technology co. ltd. (an inpidual-owned company)

进口药品添加剂的国内销售 技术支持 财会等全面管理

l in charge of overall management affairs of selling the imported medicinal additives on the home market, handle the technical support jobs and those in the finance pision.

1996 - 1999年 日本著名大公司 药品及食品添加剂部 中国市场经理

1996 - 1999 had been a chinese marketing manager of medicine and food additives pision of a famous big-sized japanese company.
