600字范文 > 关于城市利弊的英语作文 生活在城市的利弊英语作文

关于城市利弊的英语作文 生活在城市的利弊英语作文

时间:2023-12-01 18:17:48


关于城市利弊的英语作文 生活在城市的利弊英语作文



is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life, because each has its merits and shortcomings.

in a city, people have certain advantages. First, people enjoy various entertainments, both foreign and domestic. Second, there are more cultural activities in a city. Third, city dwellers(居民) gain access to better information service and educational facilities. However, problems exist. The overcrowded population, traffic jam, housing problem, industrial pollution and other issues may result in depression, nervousness and diseases. laving in the country, people can enjoy living in pure nature. They lead a simple and trouble free life. But rural life may not be that perfect. People usually lack cultural activities. They are relatively ill informed (消息闭塞). Things go fairly slowly there. And people miss some golden opportunities of making a fortune. The chances of their children being admitted to colleges are slim(不多).

Obviously, whatever life they lead, people can never feel perfectly satisfied, for conveniences and inconveniences always coexist (共存). People wish that they could enjoy the pleasures of both lives. With the rapid economic development, nowadays city dwellers can relax themselves in the country during vacation; and country people have chance to experience city lifestyle when they come to cities.


in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. It is often easier to find work. There are always many choices of public transport. Besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. You can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. However, living in a city is often very expensive. You must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do. What's more, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.



Nowadays, most people, especially college graduates choose to work and live in city. They have already used to the city’s lifestyle; they think it’s more convenient to work and live in city. However, for me, I prefer to live in the suburbs, I have three reasons to support my view.


Firstly, we can enjoy fresh air in the suburbs. With the rapid development of industry, the city's quality of life become worse and worse,people's physical and mental health is threatened. Suburb has not so many people and cars, has not so many pollution, so living in the suburbs is good for people's physical and mental health.

首先, 郊区有新鲜的空气。工业的快速发展,使城市的生活质量变得越来越差,人们的身心健康受到威胁。郊区没有那么多人和车,没有那么多污染,所以住在郊区更有益于人们的身心健康。

Secondly, the house price is cheaper in the suburbs. The same money can buy or rent larger and more comfortable house in the suburb area than in city. As we all know, the city’s house prices are expensive, many people are not affordable for the high house prices in city.

其次, 郊区的房子的价格相对城市更便宜。同样的钱在郊区比在城市可以买或租更大更舒适的房子。正如我们所知道的,城市的房子的价格是昂贵到很多人特别是年轻人都无法承受。

but not least, the suburbs are not busy; people don't have to endure a traffic jam in here. When we go to work in morning and go off work in afternoon, we have to endure all kinds of serious traffic problems, such as electric vehicles drive illegally and too much cars crowed on road.

最后, 郊区的交通通畅。在市区的话,当我们上下班的时候,不得不忍受各种各样的严重的交通问题,如电动车非法行驶,还有太多的堵车的各种交通问题。而在郊区,我们就不用忍受那些问题,郊区车少道路宽广。

a word, I think living in the suburbs have so many advantages. Live and work in suburbs is more comfortable, it also is good for our physical and metal life. We shall choose a lifestyle which is suitable for us, not just following others blindly.




in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. it is often easier to find work. there are always many choices of public transport. besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. however, living in a city is often very expensive.


must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do. what's more, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. it is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.



it good to live in a big city?

dwellers are always complaining about traffic jam,high prices,security conditions and something like that.But the advantages people gains in living in a big city are much greater than problems it entails.Actually,it’s indeed a good thing to live in a big city.

big city equipped with modern infrastructure makes people’s life convenient and efficient.High-developed underground lines,first-class international airports and all-covered post and telecommunication net make it possible to deliver persons and goods at the highest speed and cost least time.Besides,hospitals and schools in a big city are much better than those in the country.People live in a big city enjoy good medical and educational conditions.In a word,a big city involves most advanced achievements we have gained and these achievements are the most powerful tools to improve people’s life.

Furthermore,it is universally acknowledged that people are more likely to succeed in a big city,or it can be stated as there are more opportunities in metropolitan areas for people to achieve something.

may argue that city life brings too much polluted air and occupies too much free time.There’s no doubt that living in a big city has its merits as well as disadvantages.But when the advantages and disadvantages are weighed,the conclusion is quite striking:it’s good to live in a big city







number of people prefer to live in countryside because they consider that living in big cities has many disadvantages.


of all, the most obvious problem is traffic. In big cities, traffic jam is quite common everywhere, especially in the rush time. And a large number of people have to spend a great deal of time in going to work and coming back from work. In addition, traffic accident is another threat.


Second, with the increase of cars and buses in big cities, air pollution has become another disadvantage of living in big cities. Besides, a growing number of factory have also accounted for air pollution in big cities. Consequently, many diseases caused by air pollution are emerging in an endless stream.


Finally, another image of big cities is relative to noise, such as the noise of transportation, the noise of construction and so on.


a word, living in big cities has many advantages but also disadvantages. And living in big cities or countryside should depend on our personal preference and needs.







