600字范文 > findclass java_Java Context.findClass方法代码示例

findclass java_Java Context.findClass方法代码示例

时间:2024-01-08 15:47:15


findclass java_Java Context.findClass方法代码示例

import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Context; //导入方法依赖的package包/类

private static Class> simpleType(final String typeName) throws ClassNotFoundException {

final Class> primClass = TypeUtilities.getPrimitiveTypeByName(typeName);

if(primClass != null) {

return primClass;


final Context ctx = Global.getThisContext();

try {

return ctx.findClass(typeName);

} catch(final ClassNotFoundException e) {

// The logic below compensates for a frequent user error - when people use dot notation to separate inner

// class names, i.e. "java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock" vs."java.lang.Character$UnicodeBlock". The logic

// below will try alternative class names, replacing dots at the end of the name with dollar signs.

final StringBuilder nextName = new StringBuilder(typeName);

int lastDot = nextName.length();

for(;;) {

lastDot = nextName.lastIndexOf(".", lastDot - 1);

if(lastDot == -1) {

// Exhausted the search space, class not found - rethrow the original exception.

throw e;


nextName.setCharAt(lastDot, '$');

try {

return ctx.findClass(nextName.toString());

} catch(final ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {

// Intentionally ignored, so the loop retries with the next name




