600字范文 > 基于php个人博客文献综述 个人博客网站的设计与实现—.NET(开题报告+源代码+论文+文

基于php个人博客文献综述 个人博客网站的设计与实现—.NET(开题报告+源代码+论文+文

时间:2021-12-31 18:59:32


基于php个人博客文献综述 个人博客网站的设计与实现—.NET(开题报告+源代码+论文+文



摘 要


Studio 集成开发环境下采用技术和C#语言,后台数据库使用SQL Server


关键词:;C#;SQLServer 2000;博客网站

The Design and Realization of Simple Blog Website Based on


The simple blog website realizes the functions of publishing

articles, browsing articles and remarking articles online, offers a

friendly terrace of the sharing of individual information and

exchanging of people’s thought and feeling. It changes the

traditional way of publishing articles, breaks the chains of

traditional publication, realizes the creation of articles online

and makes the traditional and intricate publishing more simply and

popularly. This website system is based on the mode of B/S in the

environment of Visual Studio integration development kit. It

is developed with the technology of , C# programming

language and SQL Server 2000. It can satisfy the requirement of

individual information sharing and article information, make people

to convert their thought and feelings reciprocally, and offer the

following functions, i.e. register, publish articles and remarks,

manage articles and remarks, change template of blog.

This system can be run quickly and be strong function. The users in

this system can search articles fleetly and manage efficiently. All

of which achieve the anticipated effect.

Key words:; C#; SQL Server 2000; simple blog


目 录


1 引言 1

1.1 概述 1

1.2 设计背景 1

1.3 设计意义 1

1.4 设计方法 1

2 需求分析 2

2.1 调查研究 2

2.2 组织结构 3

2.3 操作流程 3

2.4 环境配置 4

3 概要设计 4

3.1 模块划分 4

3.2 功能模块初步设计 4

3.3 功能模块结构图 5

3.4 数据库设计 7

4 详细设计 9

4.1 网站界面设计 9

4.2 个人主页界面设计 11

4.3 用户功能界面设计 13

4.4 管理员界面设计 18

5 系统测试 21

5.1 遇到的问题 21

5.2 解决问题的方法 21

结 论 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 24

声 明 25

1 引言

1.1 概述


基于php个人博客文献综述 个人博客网站的设计与实现—.NET(开题报告+源代码+论文+文献综述+答辩PPT)...
