600字范文 > android程序键盘锁_适用于Android的最佳键盘应用程序


时间:2024-03-25 15:02:18




The interactions you have with your phone’s keyboard are easily some of the most intimate relationships that you will have with your mobile device. It is the mouth through which all your texts, emails, and other messages are spoken, and frankly…typing on a small keyboard is a pain. So choosing the right one can make things all the easier.

与手机键盘的交互很容易就是您与移动设备之间最亲密的关系。 通过它可以说出您所有的文本,电子邮件和其他消息的口,坦率地说……在小键盘上打字非常痛苦。 因此,选择合适的产品可以使一切变得容易。

Not only that, but you have to trust it with your sensitive data (like passwords) and everything else you type.So which should you choose?

不仅如此,您还必须将其与敏感数据(例如密码)以及您键入的所有其他内容相信任。 那么您应该选择哪一个呢?

最适合大多数人:Google键盘 (The Best for Most People: Google Keyboard)

It’sreally hard for the average user to go wrong withGoogle Keyboard.It’s fast, efficient, and already a part of the Google ecosystem, so you’re not sharing any information with a third party (that doesn’t already have all your info, at least). Google has gone to great lengths to make Google Keyboard better than ever, with more advanced predictions engines and autocorrect algorithms, as well as sought-after features like gesture typing (à la Swype).

对于普通用户而言,使用Google键盘确实很难出错。 它快速,高效,并且已经成为Google生态系统的一部分,因此您不会与第三方共享任何信息(至少尚未拥有您的所有信息)。 Google竭尽全力使Google键盘比以往更好,它具有更高级的预测引擎和自动更正算法,以及诸如手势键入(la Swype)之类的抢手功能。

Plus, it isn’t bogged down with extra features, so you can always count on it being fast and smooth–unlike some other keyboards, which can occasionally feel a bit laggy. Though it does have some nice options, including themes, a custom dictionary, and other things you’ve come to expect from a mobile keyboard.

另外,它并没有因附加功能而陷入困境,因此您始终可以指望它快速而流畅–与某些其他键盘不同,该键盘有时可能会有些松懈。 尽管它确实提供了一些不错的选项,包括主题,自定义词典以及您希望通过移动键盘获得的其他功能。

If you’re using a stock Android device, then you probably already have Google Keyboard installed—it’s the default option on Nexus devices (as well as most others running “pure” Android). If not, though, there’s good news: Google Keyboard is available as a free download in the Play Store. If nothing else, you can give it a shot and see if it’s the right option for you.

如果您使用的是普通的Android设备,则可能已经安装了Google键盘-这是Nexus设备(以及大多数其他运行“纯” Android的设备)的默认选项。 不过,如果不是这样,则有个好消息:Google键盘可在Play商店免费下载 。 如果没有别的,您可以试一试,看看它是否适合您。

最佳的额外定制功能:SwiftKey (The Best for Extra Customization: SwiftKey)

SwiftKeyhas been a long-time favorite on Android, thanks to its highly accurate predication engine and typing accuracy. In recent years it’s gottena makeover of sorts, with the company stripping superfluous features that slowed the keyboard down and adding more desirable tools to the mix. Still, it’s worth mentioning that it is sometimes known to lag on certain devices–it just bogs down under pressure. I’ve personally seen it happen on a handful of devices (like the Galaxy S7 Edge), but had perfect results out of it on others (like the Nexus 6P). Really, it’s a crap shoot, but still worth a shot.

SwiftKey一直以来都是Android上的最爱,这要归功于它的高度精确的谓词引擎和键入准确性。 近年来,它进行了各种改头换面,该公司剥离了多余的功能,这些功能减慢了键盘的运行速度,并为组合添加了更多理想的工具。 不过,值得一提的是,有时它会滞后于某些设备,它只是在压力下停滞不前。 我个人已经看到它在少数设备(例如Galaxy S7 Edge)上发生,但在其他设备(例如Nexus 6P)上却取得了完美的结果。 确实,这是胡扯,但还是值得一试。

Of all SwiftKey’s features, it’s ability to “learn” how you type is easily the most powerful. The more you use it, the more accurate it gets and the better it’s able to predict your next word (or words!). This is far and away the best reason to consider SwiftKey as your main keyboard, but that also makes it more difficult to tell if you like the keyboard in a short-term use case. You have to really use it for awhile to see howpowerful it is. It also connects to your Google account, so your typing style and custom dictionary are synced across devices.

在SwiftKey的所有功能中,“学习”键入方式的功能很容易实现。 您使用的次数越多,它就越准确,并且可以更好地预测您的下一个单词(或多个单词!)。 这无疑是将SwiftKey用作主键盘的最佳理由,但这也使得在短期使用情况下判断您是否喜欢键盘更加困难。 您必须真正使用它一段时间才能看到它的功能。 它还会连接到您的Google帐户,因此您的打字风格和自定义词典会在设备之间同步。

Like Google Keyboard, SwiftKey also has gesture typing (called “Flow”), as well as a solid theme engine that allows for customization of how the keyboard looks. Where Google Keyboard is a more lightweight option that focuses on ease-of-use, SwiftKey packs a lot of optionsunder its hood. So if there’s something you don’t like about it, dig around in its Settings—there’s a good chance you can change it.

与Google键盘一样,SwiftKey也具有手势输入(称为“流程”),以及一个可靠的主题引擎,可以自定义键盘的外观。 Google Keyboard是一种更轻便的选项,着重于易用性,而SwiftKey则提供了很多选项。 因此,如果您不喜欢它,请在它的“设置”中四处浏览-您很有可能可以对其进行更改。

SwiftKey is a free download in the Play Store, but contains in-app purchases for themes and such. All of the core functionality is available in for free, however, so it’s definitely worth trying out. There’s also a beta version if you like to live on the edge and try new features before they’re available in the stable channel.

SwiftKey 可在Play商店免费下载 ,但包含主题等应用程序内购买。 但是,所有核心功能都是免费提供的,因此绝对值得尝试。 如果您想生活在边缘并尝试新功能,然后再在稳定频道中使用它们,则还有一个beta版本 。

最适合扩展(如GIF):Fleksy (The Best for Extensions (like GIFs): Fleksy)

Ask most people which keyboard they use on Android, and Fleksywill probably never get a mention. It’s easily the newest keyboard on this list, but it’s not one you should sleep on, either: it’s powerful, fast, has a crazy-accurate autocorrect engine, and brings some pretty insane features that others simply don’t have.

询问大多数人在Android上使用哪种键盘, Fleksy可能永远不会被提及。 它很容易成为此列表中最新的键盘,但也不是您不该使用的键盘:它功能强大,速度快,具有疯狂准确的自动更正引擎,并具有其他人根本没有的疯狂功能。

While its autocorrect engine is probably the biggest reason to give this keyboard a shot, there are also things that make it instantly unique, like the ability to add GIFs directly from the keyboard. Yeah,GIFs. If you love sharing hilariously-accurate animated images with your friends, coworkers, or even people you barely know, this is a keyboard to take for a spin.

尽管它的自动更正引擎可能是让这款键盘出类拔萃的最大原因,但也有一些因素使其立即具有独特性,例如直接从键盘添加GIF的能力。 是的,GIF。 如果您喜欢与您的朋友,同事甚至是您几乎不认识的人分享搞笑的动画图像,那么这是一个可以旋转的键盘。

But that’s not all—this is also the only keyboard on the list to make use of an extension system. With these built-in extensions, you’re able to do things like launch apps instantly from the keyboard, quickly edit text, add text shortcuts, and a lot more.

但这还不是全部-这也是列表中唯一使用扩展系统的键盘。 借助这些内置扩展程序,您可以执行以下操作,例如从键盘立即启动应用程序,快速编辑文本,添加文本快捷方式等等。

Like SwiftKey, Fleksy is free to use, but also contains in-app purchases for things like themes. Again, however, all of the core functionality is available for free.

像SwiftKey一样, Fleksy是免费使用的 ,但还包含应用程序内购买的主题等内容。 同样,所有核心功能都是免费提供的。

Choice is one of the things that makes Android so desirable by many—choice of phone manufacturers, choice of custom skins, choice of software preferences, among others. With Android, most of the time you don’t just “get what you get,” but can instead change most of the things that you don’t like. As personal a choice as keyboards are, you should definitely exercise this right and take a look at some of the other options available to you.

选择是许多人对Android如此渴望的事情之一-电话制造商的选择,自定义外观的选择,软件偏好的选择等等。 使用Android,大多数时候您不仅可以“得到所得到的”,而且可以改变大多数您不喜欢的事物。 作为键盘的个人选择,您绝对应该行使这一权利,并查看一些可用的其他选项。

翻译自: /275947/the-best-keyboard-apps-for-android/

