600字范文 > 华南理工计算机学院硕士研究生导师何生导师 华南理工大学研究生导师简介-何盛烽...

华南理工计算机学院硕士研究生导师何生导师 华南理工大学研究生导师简介-何盛烽...

时间:2020-06-11 23:47:12


华南理工计算机学院硕士研究生导师何生导师 华南理工大学研究生导师简介-何盛烽...

华南理工大学研究生导师简介-何盛烽本站小编 Free考研网/-05-05


姓 名 何盛烽 性 别 男

出生年月 1986年9月 籍贯 广东广州市

民 族 汉族 政治面貌 致公

最后学历最后学位 哲学博士

技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导

行政职务Email hesfe@

工作单位 华南理工大学 邮政编码 510006

通讯地址 广州市大学城华南理工大学B3栋

单位电话 **

个人主页 /


I am an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at South China University of Technology. Before joining SCUT, I was a research fellow in the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong, working with Prof. Qingxiong Yang and Prof. Rynson W.H. Lau. I received the Ph.D. degree from City University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Prof. Rynson W.H. Lau in August . I received the B.Sc. degree and M.Sc. degree in the Faculty of Information Technology from Macau University of Science and Technology, in and respectively. From January to June , I visited the Computational Perception Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology, working with Prof. James Regh. Originally I am from Guangzhou (Canton), a beautiful city in southern China. ?

My research interests span computer vision, image processing, computer graphics and deep learning.


I am an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at South China University of Technology. Before joining SCUT, I was a research fellow in the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong, working with Prof. Qingxiong Yang and Prof. Rynson W.H. Lau.


I received the Ph.D. degree from City University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Prof. Rynson W.H. Lau in August . I received the B.Sc. degree and M.Sc. degree in the Faculty of Information Technology from Macau University of Science and Technology, in and respectively. From January to June , I visited the Computational Perception Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology, working with Prof. James Regh.


My research interests span computer vision, image processing, computer graphics and deep learning.








