600字范文 > 对话机器人 多轮对话_如何打印短信对话

对话机器人 多轮对话_如何打印短信对话

时间:2022-06-05 06:33:57


对话机器人 多轮对话_如何打印短信对话

对话机器人 多轮对话

While you can easily back up your text messages to your computer so that you don’t lose them, sometimes a text message conversation is so important that you also might need a paper copy to keep in a safe place. Here’s how to print out text message conversations so that you’ll always have a physical copy available in case of emergency.

尽管您可以轻松地将文本消息备份到计算机上,以免丢失消息,但有时进行文本消息对话非常重要,以至于您可能还需要纸质副本才能保存在安全的地方。 这是打印短信对话的方法,以便在紧急情况下始终可以使用物理副本。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Would I Want to Do This?)

Any time you have a text message conversation with someone that’sextremelyimportant, it’s always a good idea to keep a backup of it so that you’ll have it on record whenever you need it. Even if you back up these text messages to your computer, it’s always a good idea to keep them backed up somewhere else as well.

每当您与非常重要的人进行短信对话时,始终备份它始终是一个好主意,这样您就可以随时记录下来。 即使您将这些文本消息备份到计算机,也最好将它们备份到其他位置。

With that said, having a physical, printed-out copy of an important text message conversation is great to have. Maybe you were texting someone about something that could prove useful in court during a hearing, or you just want to save the last text messages you received from a friend who passed away–it’s never a bad idea to print them out and keep them safe somewhere.

话虽如此,拥有重要文本消息对话的物理打印输出副本真是太好了。 也许您正在向某人发短信,说在听证会上可能会在法庭上证明有用的东西,或者您只想保存从一位去世的朋友那里收到的最新短信,将它们打印出来并将其保存在某个地方绝对不是一个坏主意。 。

使用AirPrint或Google Cloud Print (Using AirPrint or Google Cloud Print)

If you have a printer that supports Apple’s AirPrint or Google Cloud Print on Android devices, then you can print out your text message conversations right from your device. If you’re not sure if your printer supports either one of these features, check here to see if your printer supports AirPrint, and check here for Google Cloud Print.

如果您的打印机在Android设备上支持Apple的AirPrint或Google Cloud Print,则可以直接从设备上打印出文本对话。 如果不确定打印机是否支持这些功能之一, 请在此处查看打印机是否支持AirPrint,然后在此处查看Google Cloud Print。

Unfortunately, though, there’s no built-in feature forprint out text message conversations. Neither iOS or Android have features that allow you to do this, but there is a workaround that’s still fairly easy.

但是,不幸的是,没有内置功能可以打印出短信对话。 iOS和Android都没有允许您执行此操作的功能,但是有一种解决方法仍然相当简单。

The first thing you’ll need to do is open up the text message conversation on your phone and take a screenshot. To do this on an iOS device, simply press down on the home button and power button at the same time. On Android, it depends what device you have, but more than likely it’s the volume down button and power button.If you need to print out more than what’s shown on the screen, simply scroll up or down to show the previous text messages and take another screenshot.

您需要做的第一件事是在手机上打开短信对话并截图 。 要在iOS设备上执行此操作,只需同时按下主页按钮和电源按钮即可。 在Android上,这取决于您拥有的设备,但很有可能是降低音量按钮和电源按钮。 如果您需要打印的内容多于屏幕上显示的内容,只需向上或向下滚动以显示先前的短信并拍摄另一个屏幕截图。

All of your screenshots will save to your photo gallery on your phone where all of your other photos are stored. From there, you can print out these screenshots.

您的所有屏幕截图都将保存到手机上的照片库中,其中存储了所有其他照片。 从那里,您可以打印出这些屏幕截图。

在iOS上 (On iOS)

If you have an iPhone or iPad, start by opening up the Photos app.


Tap on “Screenshots”.


Tap on “Select” in the top-right corner of the screen and tap on each screenshot to select it if you have more than one screenshot you want to print out. If not, just tap on the single screenshot to open it.

点击屏幕右上角的“选择”,然后点击每个屏幕截图以选择它(如果要打印多个屏幕截图)。 如果没有,只需点击单个屏幕截图将其打开。

Tap on the share button down in the bottom-right corner.


At the very bottom, scroll to the right and select “Print”.


If your printer isn’t already selected, tap on “Select Printer”.


Select your printer when it appears.


Tap on “Print” in the top-right corner and the screenshot will begin to print.


在Android上 (On Android)

Using Google Cloud Print, you can print directly from your Android device to your printer if it supports Google Cloud Print, but there’s a bit more to do to get it working. This guide does a good job of explaining your options if you’re on Android.

使用Google云端打印,如果支持Google云端打印,则可以直接从Android设备打印到打印机,但是还有很多工作要做。 如果您使用的是Android设备,则本指南可以很好地解释您的选择。

In a nutshell, you’ll need the Cloud Print app installed on your phone if it isn’t already. More than likely, though, it’s already installed by default and comes stock with your device, but if not, simply download it from the Google Play Store.

简而言之,您需要在手机上安装Cloud Print应用程序(如果尚未安装)。 不过,它很有可能已经默认安装并随设备一起提供,如果没有,只需从Google Play商店下载即可。

After that, there are several ways you can print from your device, either by saving it to a .PDF file to Google Drive and then printing it out, using a brand-specific app for your printer from HP, Epson, etc., or printing directly to your printer if it’s connected to your home network.


It’s certainly not quite as straightforward as AirPrint on iOS, but at least you have some different options to choose from if you’re on Android.


打印老式的方式 (Printing the Old-Fashioned Way)

If you have basic printer that doesn’t support AirPrint or Google Cloud Print, then you’ll need to perform a couple of extra steps.

如果您拥有不支持AirPrint或Google Cloud Print的基本打印机,则需要执行几个额外的步骤。

You’ll still need to screenshot the text message conversation, only this time you’ll also need to send those screenshots to your computer. There are a lot of different ways you can do that.

您仍然需要对短信对话进行屏幕截图,只是这次您还需要将这些屏幕截图发送到计算机。 您可以通过许多不同的方式来做到这一点。

One method that works on both iOS and Android is to simply email the screenshots to yourself. In Android, you can do this by selecting the screenshots in your photos app and hitting the share button. From there, select Gmail and send the screenshots to your own email address. You could also save them to your Dropbox, Google Drive, or other cloud service and access them from your computer.

在iOS和Android上均可使用的一种方法是简单地将屏幕截图通过电子邮件发送给自己。 在Android中,您可以通过在照片应用中选择屏幕截图并点击“共享”按钮来完成此操作。 从那里,选择Gmail并将屏幕截图发送到您自己的电子邮件地址。 您也可以将它们保存到Dropbox,Google云端硬盘或其他云服务中,然后从计算机访问它们。

In iOS, you can select the screenshot(s), hit the share button and select “Mail” from the options. Just like on Android, you can also save them to your Dropbox, Google Drive, or other cloud service and access them from your computer.

在iOS中,您可以选择屏幕截图,点击共享按钮,然后从选项中选择“邮件”。 就像在Android上一样,您也可以将它们保存到Dropbox,Google云端硬盘或其他云服务中,然后从计算机上访问它们。

There are other methods as well, if you have them enabled. For instance, in iOS you can use AirDrop to quickly send your screenshots to your Mac, or if you have iCloud Photo Library enabled, your screenshots will automatically appear in the Photos app on your Mac, from which you can then drag and drop them into any folder.

如果启用了其他方法,则还有其他方法。 例如,在iOS中,您可以使用AirDrop 快速将屏幕截图发送到Mac ,或者如果启用了iCloud照片库,则屏幕截图会自动显示在Mac上的“照片”应用中 ,然后您可以将其拖放到任何文件夹。

Once these screenshots are on your computer, you can print them out like you would with any other document. Personally, I like to open up photos in Photoshop or some other editing software and fine-tune the printing settings for the images, but if you’re not picky, you can simply just send the photos to print without any preparation and they should print out just fine.

将这些屏幕截图保存在计算机上后,就可以像打印其他任何文档一样将其打印出来。 就个人而言,我喜欢在Photoshop或其他一些编辑软件中打开照片,并微调图像的打印设置,但是如果您不挑剔,则可以直接发送照片进行打印,而无需进行任何准备,因此它们应该进行打印出来就好了。

翻译自: /269206/how-to-print-a-text-message-conversation/

对话机器人 多轮对话
