600字范文 > 中山大学计算机学院导师张峰 中山大学信息科学与技术学院研究生导师:刘玉葆...

中山大学计算机学院导师张峰 中山大学信息科学与技术学院研究生导师:刘玉葆...

时间:2022-08-11 11:39:04


中山大学计算机学院导师张峰 中山大学信息科学与技术学院研究生导师:刘玉葆...

刘玉葆,中山大学信息科学与技术学院副教授,硕士生导师。获华中科技大学计算机软件与理论专业博士学位。主要从事数据库,数据仓库与数据挖掘等方面的研究。目前,主要关注空间数据库、基于位置的服务及隐私保护的数据挖掘等领域中感兴趣的问题。近年来在SIGMOD, VLDB, CIDR, VLDBJ, KAIS, JCST等国内外权威期刊和顶级学术会议上发表论文40多篇,获得软件版权2项,申请发明专利1件。先后主持和参与了10多项国家和省部级研究项目,其中主持国家自然科学基金项目2项。是中国计算机学会会员,中国计算机学会数据库专委会委员,ACM和IEEE成员。是国家自然科学基金和广东省自然科学基金等通讯评审专家。


Yubao Liu is currently an Associate Professor with the School of Information and Science Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University, China. He received his PHD from the major of Computer Software and Theory of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in . His research interests are Database, Data Warehouse and Data Mining. Currently, he focuses on the topics related to Spatial Database, Location Based Service, and Privacy Preserving Data Mining etc.

He has published more than 40 papers in prestigious journals and conferences including SIGMOD, VLDB, CIDR, VLDBJ, KAIS, and JCST etc. He has also achieved 2 software copyrights and 1 invention patent. Besides, he has served as a principal investigator (PI) and participated as a key member in more than 10 national and provincial and ministerial research projects, of which 2 projects served as PI are from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

He is a member of China Computer Federation (CCF), China Computer Federation Technical Committee on Databases (CCF-TCDB), ACM and IEEE. He is also a communication reviewer for NSFC and Guangdong Province Natural Science Fund etc.

He mainly teaches the course of database system and the course of data mining etc. He has co-authored one textbook on database system and published several teaching papers. He has achieved the first prize of Sun Yat-Sen University Teaching Achievement Award and the second prize of Guangdong Province Teaching Achievement Award.

Selected papers (CCF Rank):

1. Z. Chen, Y. Liu, R. C.W. Wong, J. Xiong, G. Mai, and C. Long. Efficient Algorithms for Optimal Location Queries in Road Networks. In Proc. SIGMOD (Full paper, CCF A) (Z. Chen is my student)

2. Y. Liu, R.C.W. Wong, K. Wang, Z. Li, C. Chen, and Z. Chen. A new approach for maximizing bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor search. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 36(1): 23-58, (CCF B, SCI)

3. C. Chen, B. He, X. Tang, C. Chen, and Y. Liu. Green Databases through Integration of Renewable Energy. In Proc. CIDR (Full paper, CCF B) (C. Chen is my student)

4. Y. Liu, X. Chen, Z. Li, Z. Li, and R.C.W. Wong. An efficient method for privacy preserving location queries. Frontiers of Computer Science 6(4): 409-420, (CCF C, SCI)

5. R.C.W. Wong, M. T. Özsu, A.W.C. Fu, P. S. Yu, L. Liu, and Y. Liu. Maximizing bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor for L p -norm in two- and three-dimensional spaces. VLDB J. 20(6): 893-919, (CCF A, SCI)

6. R. C.W. Wong, A.W.C. Fu, J. Pei, Y. S. Ho, T. Wong, and Y. Liu. Efficient skyline querying with variable user preferences on nominal attributes. In Proc. VLDB (Full paper, CCF A)

7. Y. Liu, J. Cai, J. Yin, A. W. C. Fu. Clustering Text Data Streams. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 23(1): 112-128, (CCF B, SCI)

8. Y. Liu, J. Feng, and J. Yin. The Incremental Mining of Constrained Cube Gradients. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 6(2): 253-278, (SCI)
