600字范文 > Udacity机器人软件工程师课程笔记(十八)-机械臂仿真控制实例(其三)-KR210机械臂反


时间:2021-06-09 08:24:50





反向运动学概述为Kuka KR210创建IK解算器



首先我们要解反向位置问题,我们涉及到球形手腕joint4,5,6joint 4,5,6joint4,5,6,手腕的中心位置由前三个关节控制,通过使用基于末端执行器得出的完整的齐次变换矩阵,我们可以获得手腕中心的位置。






wxw_xwx​,wyw_ywy​,wzw_zwz​ =手腕位置

d6d_6d6​ =来自DH参数表

lll =末端执行器长度


获取此校正后的旋转矩阵后,需要接下来计算相对于的末端执行器base_linkbase\_linkbase_link的姿态。在“ 旋转的合成”部分中,已经说过有关欧拉角的不同约定以及如何选择正确的约定。


Rrpy = Rot(Z, yaw) * Rot(Y, pitch) * Rot(X, roll) * R_corr









R0_6 = R0_1*R1_2*R2_3*R3_4*R4_5*R5_6

由于整体RPY((Roll Pitch Yaw)旋转base_linkgripper_link必须等于各个链接之间的单独旋转的结果,因此:

R0_6 = Rrpy




R3_6 = inv(R0_3) * Rrpy

在RHS(Right Hand Side of the equation)不具有任何变量代关节角度的值,因此比较LHS后(Left Hand Side of the equation)与RHS将导致方程式用于关节4、5和6。



最后,我们有了描述所有六个关节变量的方程,接下来我们将把运动学分析转换成ROS python节点,该节点将执行取放操作的逆向运动学。

2.为Kuka KR210创建IK解算器





# CalculateIK.srv file# requestgeometry_msgs/Pose[] poses---# responsetrajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint[] points



# import modulesimport rospyimport tffrom kuka_arm.srv import *from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory, JointTrajectoryPointfrom geometry_msgs.msg import Posefrom mpmath import *from sympy import *





def IK_server():# initialize node and create calculate_ik servicerospy.init_node('IK_server')s = rospy.Service('calculate_ik', CalculateIK, handle_calculate_IK)print "Ready to receive an IK request"rospy.spin()




def handle_calculate_IK(req):rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))if len(req.poses) < 1:print "No valid poses received"return -1else:...joint_trajectory_list = []for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):# IK code starts herejoint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()...joint_trajectory_point.positions = [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6]joint_trajectory_list.append(joint_trajectory_point)rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" % len(joint_trajectory_list))return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)








#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport rospyimport tffrom kuka_arm.srv import *from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectory, JointTrajectoryPointfrom geometry_msgs.msg import Posefrom mpmath import *from sympy import *def handle_calculate_IK(req):rospy.loginfo("Received %s eef-poses from the plan" % len(req.poses))if len(req.poses) < 1:print"No valid poses received"return [] # 如果按教程给的-1,就会有报错else:# Create symbolsq1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8')d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols('alpha0:7')dh = {alpha0: 0, a0: 0, d1: 0.75,alpha1: -pi / 2, a1: 0.35, d2: 0, q2: q2 - pi / 2,alpha2: 0, a2: 1.25, d3: 0,alpha3: - pi / 2, a3: -0.054, d4: 0,alpha4: pi / 2, a4: 0, d5: 1.50,alpha5: -pi / 2, a5: 0, d6: 0,alpha6: 0, a6: 0, d7: 0.303, q7: 0}def dh_tf(alpha, a, d, q):dh_matrix = Matrix([[cos(q), -sin(q), 0, a],[sin(q) * cos(alpha), cos(q) * cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), -sin(alpha) * d],[sin(q) * sin(alpha), cos(q) * sin(alpha), cos(alpha), cos(alpha) * d],[0, 0, 0, 1]])return dh_matrixdef rot_mat(martix):rot_mat = martix[0:2, 0:2]return rot_matT0_1 = dh_tf(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(dh)T1_2 = dh_tf(alpha1, a1, d2, q2).subs(dh)T2_3 = dh_tf(alpha2, a2, d3, q3).subs(dh)T3_4 = dh_tf(alpha3, a3, d4, q4).subs(dh)T4_5 = dh_tf(alpha4, a4, d5, q5).subs(dh)T5_6 = dh_tf(alpha5, a5, d6, q6).subs(dh)T6_G = dh_tf(alpha6, a6, d7, q7).subs(dh)T0_G = T0_1 * T1_2 * T2_3 * T3_4 * T4_5 * T5_6 * T6_Gjoint_trajectory_list = []for x in xrange(0, len(req.poses)):# IK code starts herejoint_trajectory_point = JointTrajectoryPoint()# px,py,pz = end-effector position# roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientationpx = req.poses[x].position.xpy = req.poses[x].position.ypz = req.poses[x].position.z(roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w])# IK code# 建立旋转矩阵r, p, y = symbols('r p y')x_rot = Matrix([[1, 0, 0],[0, cos(r), -sin(r)],[0, sin(r), cos(r)]])y_rot = Matrix([[cos(p), 0, sin(p)],[0, 1, 0],[-sin(p), 0, cos(p)]])z_rot = Matrix([[cos(y), -sin(y), 0],[sin(y), cos(y), 0],[0, 0, 1]])G_rot = x_rot * y_rot * z_rot# 建立旋转修正矩阵Rot_Rrror = z_rot.subs(y, radians(180)) * y_rot.subs(p, radians(-90))# Gripper的完整旋转矩阵G_rot = G_rot * Rot_RrrorG_rot = G_rot.subs({'r': roll, 'p': pitch, 'y': yaw})Gripper = Matrix([[px],[py],[pz]])# 计算球型手臂中心位置的坐标WC = Gripper - (0.303) * G_rot[:, 2]# 计算相关的theta值theta1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[0])# 借助三角形解出相关theta角的坐标side_a = 1.501side_b = sqrt(pow((sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35), 2) + pow((WC[2] - 0.75), 2))side_c = 1.25angle_a = acos((side_b * side_b + side_c * side_c - side_a * side_a) / (2 * side_b * side_c))angle_b = acos((side_a * side_a + side_c * side_c - side_b * side_b) / (2 * side_a * side_c))angle_c = acos((side_b * side_b + side_a * side_a - side_c * side_c) / (2 * side_a * side_b))theta2 = pi / 2 - angle_a - atan2(WC[2] - 0.75, sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35)theta3 = pi / 2 - (angle_b + 0.036)# 计算球型手臂的旋转矩阵R0_3 = T0_1[0:3, 0:3] * T1_2[0:3, 0:3] * T2_3[0:3, 0:3]R0_3 = R0_3.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3})# 利用LU解算法计算逆矩阵R3_6 = R0_3.inv("LU") * G_rottheta4 = atan2(R3_6[2, 2], -R3_6[0, 2])theta5 = atan2(sqrt(R3_6[0, 2] * R3_6[0, 2] + R3_6[2, 2] * R3_6[2, 2]), R3_6[1, 2])theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1, 1], R3_6[1, 0])print[theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6]theta_table = [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6]# filter 为了给输出的角度进行平滑处理,所以对角度的变化进行了限制def theta_error(theta, theta_ver, g):dis = abs(theta - theta_ver)if dis < g:theta = thetaelse:if theta > theta_ver:theta = theta_ver + gelse:theta = theta_ver - greturn thetaif x == 0:theta_com = theta_tableelse:for n in xrange(3, 6):theta_table[n] = theta_error(theta_table[n], theta_com[n], 0.5)theta_com[n] = theta_table[n]print'modification OK!'# joint_trajectory_point.positions = [theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6]joint_trajectory_point.positions = theta_tablejoint_trajectory_list.append(joint_trajectory_point)rospy.loginfo("length of Joint Trajectory List: %s" % len(joint_trajectory_list))return CalculateIKResponse(joint_trajectory_list)def IK_server():# 初始化节点并声明calculate_ik服务rospy.init_node('IK_server')s = rospy.Service('calculate_ik', CalculateIK, handle_calculate_IK)print"Ready to receive an IK request"rospy.spin()if __name__ == "__main__":IK_server()



# px,py,pz = end-effector position# roll, pitch, yaw = end-effector orientationpx = req.poses[x].position.xpy = req.poses[x].position.ypz = req.poses[x].position.z(roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w])

此处理从模拟器中接收到的数据。其中,旋转是以四元数的形式给出的,我们使用euler_from_quaternion函数来将其转换成RPY( Roll, Pitch, Yaw)角度。


# 借助三角形解出相关theta角的坐标side_a = 1.501side_b = sqrt(pow((sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35), 2) + pow((WC[2] - 0.75), 2))side_c = 1.25angle_a = acos((side_b * side_b + side_c * side_c - side_a * side_a) / (2 * side_b * side_c))angle_b = acos((side_a * side_a + side_c * side_c - side_b * side_b) / (2 * side_a * side_c))angle_c = acos((side_b * side_b + side_a * side_a - side_c * side_c) / (2 * side_a * side_b))theta2 = pi / 2 - angle_a - atan2(WC[2] - 0.75, sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35)theta3 = pi / 2 - (angle_b + 0.036)




# 计算球型手臂的旋转矩阵R0_3 = T0_1[0:3, 0:3] * T1_2[0:3, 0:3] * T2_3[0:3, 0:3]R0_3 = R0_3.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3})# 利用LU解算法计算逆矩阵R3_6 = R0_3.inv("LU") * G_rottheta4 = atan2(R3_6[2, 2], -R3_6[0, 2])theta5 = atan2(sqrt(R3_6[0, 2] * R3_6[0, 2] + R3_6[2, 2] * R3_6[2, 2]), R3_6[1, 2])theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1, 1], R3_6[1, 0])

以上计算的是球型手腕的组成theta4, theta5, theta6的值了。我感觉这几个角度非常棘手,如果我不使用对反向滤波器的结果的平滑处理的话,整个机械手的运动完全处于一个不稳的状态之中,尤其是theta4, theta5, theta6。



# filter 为了给输出的角度进行平滑处理,所以对角度的变化进行了限制def theta_error(theta, theta_ver, g):dis = abs(theta - theta_ver)if dis < g:theta = thetaelse:if theta > theta_ver:theta = theta_ver + gelse:theta = theta_ver - greturn thetaif x == 0:theta_com = theta_tableelse:for n in xrange(3, 6):theta_table[n] = theta_error(theta_table[n], theta_com[n], 0.5)theta_com[n] = theta_table[n]print'modification OK!'



(1)调试IK IK_debug.py

from sympy import *from time import timefrom mpmath import radiansimport tftest_cases = {1: [[[2.16135, -1.42635, 1.55109],[0.708611, 0.186356, -0.157931, 0.661967]],[1.89451, -1.44302, 1.69366],[-0.65, 0.45, -0.36, 0.95, 0.79, 0.49]],2: [[[-0.56754, 0.93663, 3.0038],[0.62073, 0.48318, 0.38759, 0.480629]],[-0.638, 0.64198, 2.9988],[-0.79, -0.11, -2.33, 1.94, 1.14, -3.68]],3: [[[-1.3863, 0.02074, 0.90986],[0.01735, -0.2179, 0.9025, 0.371016]],[-1.1669, -0.17989, 0.85137],[-2.99, -0.12, 0.94, 4.06, 1.29, -4.12]],4: [],5: []}def test_code(test_case):# Set up code# Do not modify!x = 0class Position:def __init__(self, EE_pos):self.x = EE_pos[0]self.y = EE_pos[1]self.z = EE_pos[2]class Orientation:def __init__(self, EE_ori):self.x = EE_ori[0]self.y = EE_ori[1]self.z = EE_ori[2]self.w = EE_ori[3]position = Position(test_case[0][0])orientation = Orientation(test_case[0][1])class Combine:def __init__(self, position, orientation):self.position = positionself.orientation = orientationcomb = Combine(position, orientation)class Pose:def __init__(self, comb):self.poses = [comb]req = Pose(comb)start_time = time()######################################################################################### Create symbolsq1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8') # theta_1d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols('alpha0:7')# Create Modified DH parametersdh = {alpha0: 0, a0: 0, d1: 0.75,alpha1: -pi / 2, a1: 0.35, d2: 0, q2: q2 - pi / 2,alpha2: 0, a2: 1.25, d3: 0,alpha3: - pi / 2, a3: -0.054, d4: 0,alpha4: pi / 2, a4: 0, d5: 1.50,alpha5: -pi / 2, a5: 0, d6: 0,alpha6: 0, a6: 0, d7: 0.303, q7: 0}# Define Modified DH Transformation matrixdef dh_tf(alpha, a, d, q):dh_matrix = Matrix([[cos(q), -sin(q), 0, a],[sin(q) * cos(alpha), cos(q) * cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), -sin(alpha) * d],[sin(q) * sin(alpha), cos(q) * sin(alpha), cos(alpha), cos(alpha) * d],[0, 0, 0, 1]])return dh_matrix# Create individual transformation matricesT0_1 = dh_tf(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(dh)T1_2 = dh_tf(alpha1, a1, d2, q2).subs(dh)T2_3 = dh_tf(alpha2, a2, d3, q3).subs(dh)T3_4 = dh_tf(alpha3, a3, d4, q4).subs(dh)T4_5 = dh_tf(alpha4, a4, d5, q5).subs(dh)T5_6 = dh_tf(alpha5, a5, d6, q6).subs(dh)T6_G = dh_tf(alpha6, a6, d7, q7).subs(dh)T0_G = T0_1 * T1_2 * T2_3 * T3_4 * T4_5 * T5_6 * T6_G# Extract rotation matrices from the transformation matrices# px, py, pz = end - effector position# roll, pitch, yaw = end - effector orientationpx = req.poses[x].position.xpy = req.poses[x].position.ypz = req.poses[x].position.z(roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y, req.poses[x].orientation.z,req.poses[x].orientation.w])# Find EE rotation matrixr, p, y = symbols('r p y')x_rot = Matrix([[1, 0, 0],[0, cos(r), -sin(r)],[0, sin(r), cos(r)]])y_rot = Matrix([[cos(p), 0, sin(p)],[0, 1, 0],[-sin(p), 0, cos(p)]])z_rot = Matrix([[cos(y), -sin(y), 0],[sin(y), cos(y), 0],[0, 0, 1]])G_rot = x_rot * y_rot * z_rotRot_Rrror = z_rot.subs(y, radians(180)) * y_rot.subs(p, radians(-90))G_rot = G_rot * Rot_RrrorG_rot = G_rot.subs({'r': roll, 'p': pitch, 'y': yaw})Gripper = Matrix([[px],[py],[pz]])WC = Gripper - (0.303) * G_rot[:, 2]# Calculate joint angles using Geometric IK method# More information van be found in the Inverse Kinematics with Kuka KR210theta1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[2])# 计算theta1,theta2,theta3side_a = 1.501side_b = sqrt(pow((sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35), 2) + pow((WC[2] - 0.75), 2))side_c = 1.25angle_a = acos((side_b * side_b + side_c * side_c - side_a * side_a) / (2 * side_b * side_c))angle_b = acos((side_a * side_a + side_c * side_c - side_b * side_b) / (2 * side_a * side_c))angle_c = acos((side_b * side_b + side_a * side_a - side_c * side_c) / (2 * side_a * side_b))theta2 = pi / 2 - angle_a - atan2(WC[2] - 0.75, sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35)theta3 = pi / 2 - (angle_b + 0.036) # 0.036 accounts for sag in link4 of -0.054mR0_3 = T0_1[0:3, 0:3] * T1_2[0:3, 0:3] * T2_3[0:3, 0:3]R0_3 = R0_3.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3})R3_6 = R0_3.inv("LU") * G_rot'''# 找到最小误差对应的旋转矩阵的值def err_s(A, theta_test, S):theta_err = 10for i in xrange(0, 3):for j in xrange(0, 3):for m in xrange(0, 3):for n in xrange(0, 3):for p in [1, -1]:for q in [1, -1]:theta = atan2(p * A[i, j], q * A[m, n])if abs(theta - theta_test) < theta_err:end = [i, j, m, n, p, q]theta_err = abs(theta - theta_test)else:continueprint('result', end, 'err:', abs(theta_err - theta_test))return atan2(end[4] * A[end[0], end[1]], end[5] * A[end[2], end[3]])theta4 = err_s(R3_6, test_case[2][3], 1)theta6 = err_s(R3_6, test_case[2][5], 1)'''# 旋转矩阵的欧拉角,在前面的笔记中提到过# 从旋转矩阵中提取欧拉角,然后得出theta4, 5, 6的值theta4 = atan2(R3_6[2, 2], -R3_6[0, 2])theta5 = atan2(sqrt(R3_6[0, 2] * R3_6[0, 2] + R3_6[2, 2] * R3_6[2, 2]), R3_6[1, 2])theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1, 1], R3_6[1, 0])theta_table = {q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3, q4: theta4, q5: theta5, q6: theta6}######################################################################################### 正向运动学FK = T0_G.evalf(subs=theta_table)######################################################################################### 机械手中心位置坐标your_wc = [WC[0], WC[1], WC[2]]# 夹持器坐标your_ee = [FK[0, 3], FK[1, 3],FK[2, 3]]######################################################################################### 误差分析print("\nTotal run time to calculate joint angles from pose is %04.4f seconds" % (time() - start_time))# 手腕中心的误差if not (sum(your_wc) == 3):wc_x_e = abs(your_wc[0] - test_case[1][0])wc_y_e = abs(your_wc[1] - test_case[1][1])wc_z_e = abs(your_wc[2] - test_case[1][2])wc_offset = sqrt(wc_x_e ** 2 + wc_y_e ** 2 + wc_z_e ** 2)print("\nWrist error for x position is: %04.8f" % wc_x_e)print("Wrist error for y position is: %04.8f" % wc_y_e)print("Wrist error for z position is: %04.8f" % wc_z_e)print("Overall wrist offset is: %04.8f units" % wc_offset)# 由反向运动学计算得出的角度误差t_1_e = abs(theta1 - test_case[2][0])t_2_e = abs(theta2 - test_case[2][1])t_3_e = abs(theta3 - test_case[2][2])t_4_e = abs(theta4 - test_case[2][3])t_5_e = abs(theta5 - test_case[2][4])t_6_e = abs(theta6 - test_case[2][5])print("\nTheta 1 error is: %04.8f" % t_1_e)print("Theta 2 error is: %04.8f" % t_2_e)print("Theta 3 error is: %04.8f" % t_3_e)print("Theta 4 error is: %04.8f" % t_4_e)print("Theta 5 error is: %04.8f" % t_5_e)print("Theta 6 error is: %04.8f" % t_6_e)print("\n**These theta errors may not be a correct representation of your code, due to the fact \\nthat the arm can have muliple positions. It is best to add your forward kinmeatics to \\nconfirm whether your code is working or not**")print(" ")# 由正向运动学计算得出的夹持器误差if not (sum(your_ee) == 3):ee_x_e = abs(your_ee[0] - test_case[0][0][0])ee_y_e = abs(your_ee[1] - test_case[0][0][1])ee_z_e = abs(your_ee[2] - test_case[0][0][2])ee_offset = sqrt(ee_x_e ** 2 + ee_y_e ** 2 + ee_z_e ** 2)print("\nEnd effector error for x position is: %04.8f" % ee_x_e)print("End effector error for y position is: %04.8f" % ee_y_e)print("End effector error for z position is: %04.8f" % ee_z_e)print("Overall end effector offset is: %04.8f units \n" % ee_offset)if __name__ == "__main__":# Change test case number for different scenariostest_case_number = 1test_code(test_cases[test_case_number])




test_cases = {1:[[[2.16135,-1.42635,1.55109],[0.708611,0.186356,-0.157931,0.661967]],[1.89451,-1.44302,1.69366],[-0.65,0.45,-0.36,0.95,0.79,0.49]],2:[[[-0.56754,0.93663,3.0038],[0.62073, 0.48318,0.38759,0.480629]],[-0.638,0.64198,2.9988],[-0.79,-0.11,-2.33,1.94,1.14,-3.68]],3:[[[-1.3863,0.02074,0.90986],[0.01735,-0.2179,0.9025,0.371016]],[-1.1669,-0.17989,0.85137],[-2.99,-0.12,0.94,4.06,1.29,-4.12]],4:[],5:[]}


[[[EE position], [EE orientation as quaternions]], [WC location], [Joint angles]]





或者可以通过启动正向运动学演示来生成其他测试用例,如“ 调试正向运动学”部分中所述。使用的滑块joint_state_publisher设置一组特定的关节角度,并获得相应的EE位置和方向,如下所示:



q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8') # theta_1d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8')a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7')alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols('alpha0:7')dh = {alpha0: 0, a0: 0, d1: 0.75,alpha1: -pi / 2, a1: 0.35, d2: 0, q2: q2 - pi / 2,alpha2: 0, a2: 1.25, d3: 0,alpha3: - pi / 2, a3: -0.054, d4: 0,alpha4: pi / 2, a4: 0, d5: 1.50,alpha5: -pi / 2, a5: 0, d6: 0,alpha6: 0, a6: 0, d7: 0.303, q7: 0}def dh_tf(alpha, a, d, q):dh_matrix = Matrix([[cos(q), -sin(q), 0, a],[sin(q) * cos(alpha), cos(q) * cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), -sin(alpha) * d],[sin(q) * sin(alpha), cos(q) * sin(alpha), cos(alpha), cos(alpha) * d],[0, 0, 0, 1]])return dh_matrixT0_1 = dh_tf(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(dh)T1_2 = dh_tf(alpha1, a1, d2, q2).subs(dh)T2_3 = dh_tf(alpha2, a2, d3, q3).subs(dh)T3_4 = dh_tf(alpha3, a3, d4, q4).subs(dh)T4_5 = dh_tf(alpha4, a4, d5, q5).subs(dh)T5_6 = dh_tf(alpha5, a5, d6, q6).subs(dh)T6_G = dh_tf(alpha6, a6, d7, q7).subs(dh)T0_G = T0_1 * T1_2 * T2_3 * T3_4 * T4_5 * T5_6 * T6_Gpx = req.poses[x].position.xpy = req.poses[x].position.ypz = req.poses[x].position.z(roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y, req.poses[x].orientation.z,req.poses[x].orientation.w])r, p, y = symbols('r p y')x_rot = Matrix([[1, 0, 0],[0, cos(r), -sin(r)],[0, sin(r), cos(r)]])y_rot = Matrix([[cos(p), 0, sin(p)],[0, 1, 0],[-sin(p), 0, cos(p)]])z_rot = Matrix([[cos(y), -sin(y), 0],[sin(y), cos(y), 0],[0, 0, 1]])G_rot = x_rot * y_rot * z_rotRot_Rrror = z_rot.subs(y, radians(180)) * y_rot.subs(p, radians(-90))G_rot = G_rot * Rot_RrrorG_rot = G_rot.subs({'r': roll, 'p': pitch, 'y': yaw})Gripper = Matrix([[px],[py],[pz]])WC = Gripper - (0.303) * G_rot[:, 2]theta1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[2])side_a = 1.501side_b = sqrt(pow((sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35), 2) + pow((WC[2] - 0.75), 2))side_c = 1.25angle_a = acos((side_b * side_b + side_c * side_c - side_a * side_a) / (2 * side_b * side_c))angle_b = acos((side_a * side_a + side_c * side_c - side_b * side_b) / (2 * side_a * side_c))angle_c = acos((side_b * side_b + side_a * side_a - side_c * side_c) / (2 * side_a * side_b))theta2 = pi / 2 - angle_a - atan2(WC[2] - 0.75, sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35)theta3 = pi / 2 - (angle_b + 0.036) # 0.036 accounts for sag in link4 of -0.054mR0_3 = T0_1[0:3, 0:3] * T1_2[0:3, 0:3] * T2_3[0:3, 0:3]R0_3 = R0_3.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3})R3_6 = R0_3.inv("LU") * G_rottheta4 = atan2(R3_6[2, 2], -R3_6[0, 2])theta5 = atan2(sqrt(R3_6[0, 2] * R3_6[0, 2] + R3_6[2, 2] * R3_6[2, 2]), R3_6[1, 2])theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1, 1], R3_6[1, 0])theta_table = {q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3, q4: theta4, q5: theta5, q6: theta6}



# 找到最小误差对应的旋转矩阵的值def err_s(A, theta_test, S):theta_err = 10for i in xrange(0, 3):for j in xrange(0, 3):for m in xrange(0, 3):for n in xrange(0, 3):for p in [1, -1]:for q in [1, -1]:theta = atan2(p * A[i, j], q * A[m, n])if abs(theta - theta_test) < theta_err:end = [i, j, m, n, p, q]theta_err = abs(theta - theta_test)else:continueprint('result', end, 'err:', abs(theta_err - theta_test))return atan2(end[4] * A[end[0], end[1]], end[5] * A[end[2], end[3]])theta4 = err_s(R3_6, test_case[2][3], 1)theta6 = err_s(R3_6, test_case[2][5], 1)






在当前IK_server.py脚本中,大多数涉及sympy计算的代码都在main之外for loop。Sympy可能需要花费大量时间来乘法矩阵,因此,实现的正向运动学部分会降低速度。因此,为了确保不会发生这种情况,最好遵循当前结构并使FK实现在之外for loop。









$ CD 〜 / catkin_ws / src目录/ ROBOND运动学项目/ kuka_arm /脚本$ ./safe_spawner.sh

要运行自己的Inverse Kinematics代码,请将/RoboND-Kinematics-Project/kuka_arm/launch文件夹下target_description.launch 中的demo标记全更改为“ false”,然后通过以下方式运行代码(一旦成功加载了项目):

$ CD 〜 / catkin_ws / src目录/ ROBOND运动学项目/ kuka_arm /脚本$ rosrun kuka_arm IK_server.py


ROS机械臂仿真控制-基于Udacity的Kuka KR210仿真模拟器

