600字范文 > powerpoint编程_如何自定义PowerPoint讲义布局


时间:2022-09-19 11:44:30




PowerPoint handouts are a great resource to distribute to your audience so that they can follow along during your presentation or use for future reference. If you’d like to customize the handout layout before its distribution, PowerPoint has a way.

PowerPoint讲义是分发给听众的绝佳资源,以便他们可以在演示过程中进行跟进或用作将来的参考。 如果要在分发分发版之前对其进行自定义,PowerPoint可以提供一种方法。

自定义PowerPoint讲义的布局 (Customizing a PowerPoint Handout’s Layout)

Go ahead and open up the PowerPoint presentation you’ll be working with if you haven’t already. Switch over to the “View” tab and click the “Handout Master” button.

继续并打开您将要使用的PowerPoint演示文稿。 切换到“查看”选项卡,然后单击“讲义母版”按钮。

This action opens a new “Handout Master” tab on the Ribbon. Here you’ll find several available options for customizing the PowerPoint’s handout, such as Page Setup, Placeholders, Edit Theme, and Background.

此操作将在功能区上打开一个新的“讲义母版”选项卡。 在这里,您将找到几个自定义PowerPoint讲义的可用选项,例如页面设置,占位符,编辑主题和背景。

Let’s first look at the options available in the “Page Setup” group, starting with “Handout Orientation.” By default, the orientation is set to “Portrait,” but you can change it to “Landscape” from the drop-down menu.

首先,从“讲义方向”开始查看“页面设置”组中的可用选项。 默认情况下,方向设置为“纵向”,但是您可以从下拉菜单中将其更改为“横向”。

“Slide Size” gives you three options: Standard (4:3), Widescreen (16:9), or Custom Slide Size. Selecting “Custom Slide Size” lets you specify the exact width and height of the slides.

“幻灯片大小”为您提供三个选项:“标准”(4:3),“宽屏”(16:9)或“自定义幻灯片大小”。 选择“自定义幻灯片大小”可让您指定幻灯片的确切宽度和高度。

“Slides Per Page,” as the name suggests, lets you select how many slides appear on each page, ranging anywhere from one to nine slides per page.


Moving on to the “Placeholders” group, you can select or deselect the specific placeholders you want to appear on the handout. Placeholders include the header, footer, date, and page number.

转到“占位符”组,您可以选择或取消选择要显示在讲义上的特定占位符。 占位符包括页眉,页脚,日期和页码。

To edit the content within these placeholders, make sure the optionisenabled and then click the space to start editing.


Finally, you can edit the fonts, effects, background style, and color scheme of the handout by using the tools in the “Background” group.


Once you’re finished customizing the layout of your handout, click the “Close Master View” button.


Be sure to save before closing PowerPoint.


将讲义导出到Word文档 (Exporting the Handout to a Word Document)

To export the PowerPoint presentation to a Word Document to create handouts, first select the “File” tab.


Next, select “Export” in the menu options on the left-hand side.


On thelist of options that appears, select “Create Handouts.”


Finally, click the “Create Handouts” button.


Now the “Send to Microsoft Word” menu will appear. Select your desired page layout type and then select “Paste” or “Paste Link.”

现在将出现“发送到Microsoft Word”菜单。 选择所需的页面布局类型,然后选择“粘贴”或“粘贴链接”。

Once you’re ready, click “OK.”


Once you’ve selected “OK,” your presentation handout will open up in Word.


To edit the content within the slides, double-click the slide to be edited. Selecting the area next to the slide allows you to enter notes about the slide.

要编辑幻灯片中的内容,请双击要编辑的幻灯片。 选择幻灯片旁边的区域可让您输入有关幻灯片的注释。

Feel free to add a header or footer to the handout. Once you’re finished, be sure to save the document and print out however many handouts you think you’ll need plus a few more just in case!

随时向讲义添加页眉或页脚 。 完成后,请务必保存文档并打印出您认为需要的许多讲义,以防万一!

翻译自: /401579/how-to-customize-a-powerpoint-handout-layout/

