600字范文 > 虚拟机无法重启服务器 windows虚拟机管理服务无法启动

虚拟机无法重启服务器 windows虚拟机管理服务无法启动

时间:2023-08-09 19:27:10


虚拟机无法重启服务器 windows虚拟机管理服务无法启动


您这个是一个Hyper V cluster 的环境吗?然后在群集中频繁出现1146的报错,并且Hyper V manager无法启动吗?

综合这两个现象来看,我们一般需要收集kernel dump来看。

On problematic nodes

Confirm the cluster node had configured Kernel memory dump and paging file\dump location

disk has enough space


To set up a kernel memory dump, steps can be referred to:

Enable the system to generate a kernel memory dump by changing the following

registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \System\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl

Value Name: CrashDumpEnabled

Data Type: REG_DWORD

Value: 2

Please explicitly specify the paging files on the system drive.

Locate to the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

Double click 'PagingFiles' and change the paging file on C drive as "C:\pagefile.sys

8300 8300" which changes the initial size and maximum size of paging file.

Please specify the following registry key to change the dump file location:

Locate to the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl

Double click 'DumpFile' to change the location of the dump file. Please choose another disk drive with more free space.


the server for settings take effect.

Add a DWORD registry value named "DebugBreakOnDeadlock"

value 3 atHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ClusSvc\Parameters\DebugBreakOnDeadlock

Restart the cluster service.


from attachment, runrun.cmd.

Upload system event log and cluster log from both nodes.

When the RHS deadlock issue occurs, rhsmon.exe will detect it. It will launch dumpncrash.cmd to create user dump for rhs.exe/clussvc.exe and then crash the box to get the memory

dump. Please remove the DebugBreakOnDeadlock key from this node once the issue been reproduced and dump generated.


Best Regards,


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