600字范文 > 【考研英语语法】并列连词详解


时间:2019-06-22 17:07:50



0 并列连词练习题

1. 体会并列结构: and

1.并列名词:She playstennis and badminton.

2.并列动词:Jack cansing and dance.

3.并列动名词:“What is Lucy interested in ?” “Singing and dancing

4.并列句子:Jack won the first game and Peter won the second.

5.并列形容词:The house isbig and nice.

6.并列副词:Quickly and surely,the girl finished her homework.

5.多重并列:A, B, C, D and E.


2. 并列结构的省略

省略:平行结构(并列/比较)例句: She sings and (she) plays the voilin. 平行结构,she 重复了He plays tennis and (he plays) badminton.They have offices in Britain and (in) America.We stayed with my brother and my sister.The house and the garden were full of people.I’ve been to Greece and (I’ve been to) Turkey.I washed (my shirt) and (I) dried my shirt. 这里是动词前边重复的内容去掉后者,后边重复的内容去掉前者

3. 双重并列句

both ... and ...: 是对 and 加深语气,意思基本一致 既 … 也 … ,包含并列的公共部分

either ... or ....: 是对 or 加深语气,意思基本一致 要么 … 要么 … /ˈaɪðə/

neither ... nor ....:表示既不也不


He is both a top sportsman and a famous writer. 加上 both 后可以表示强调,加深语气

You can either come with me or find your way home. either 是对 or 加深语气

We have time to visit either the museum or the cathedral, but not both.

The lecture was neither interesting nor useful.

nor 用于否定强调,表示也不,与 neither 连用和单独使用完全不一样

She didn’t phone that day, nor the next day. Nor the next.

Nor 放句首引起倒装

I don’t smoke and drink , Nor do I gamble. 不抽烟,不喝酒,也不赌博

4. 总结:顺接/选择/转折/因果

共计 7 类并列连词。可以使用助记符fanboys来帮助它们

fis for“for”ais for“and”、 “both and”nis for“nor”、 “neither nor”bis for“but”、 “not only … but also”、 “not only … but … as well”、 “noly … but …”ois for“or”、 “either … or …”yis for“yet”sis for“so”

1. 表示并列(顺接)

not noly … but also … 详细介绍

连接句子:Not onlydo I like this movie, butmy mother likes itas well.

连接名词:Not only the students but (also) their teacher is enjoying the movie.不仅学生们津津有味地看着这部电影,而且他们的老师也是如此。

连接句子: I am not only confident but I hope to help those around me. 我不仅自信而且我希望帮助我周围的人。


2. 表示选择

either or / neither nor 详细讲解

3. 表示转折

but 详细介绍yet 详细介绍yet 在完成时中常作为程度词,很少作为连词出现The castle is grand yet mysterious. 这座城堡宏伟而神秘。

4. 表示因果的并列连词

for 详细介绍So 详细介绍
