600字范文 > maple的Linux安装步骤 Linux下面如何安装maple mathematica matlab这类软件?

maple的Linux安装步骤 Linux下面如何安装maple mathematica matlab这类软件?

时间:2020-06-16 05:20:43


maple的Linux安装步骤 Linux下面如何安装maple mathematica matlab这类软件?




# Name:

# install - script file for invoking the Multi-platform installer on Linux.


# Usage: install [-h|help]

# [-javadir ] | [-root ] |

# [-test] | [-v|-verbose]

# -h|-help - Display arguments.

# -test - Don't actually run the java

# command (only useful with -v).

# -v|-verbose - Display settings.

# -javadir - Override default java root directory.

# -root - Override default DVD root directory.

# -tmpdir - Override default directory for temporary files.


# The default settings when no override inputs are supplied are:

# -root =

# -javadir = /sys/java/jre/$ARCH/jre

# -tmpdir = /tmp



# Copyright - The MathWorks, Inc.






trap "exit 1" 1 2 3 15


#========================= java_launcher (start) ============================


#========================= archlist.sh (start) ============================


# usage: archlist.sh


# abstract: This Bourne Shell script creates the variable ARCH_LIST.


# note(s): 1. This file is always imbedded in another script


# Copyright 1997- The MathWorks, Inc.

# $Revision: $ $Date: /11/12 22:52:47 $



ARCH_LIST='glnx86 glnxa64 mac maci maci64 sol2 sol64'


# Functions:

# check_archlist ()


check_archlist () { # Sets ARCH. If first argument contains a valid

# arch then ARCH is set to that value else

# an empty string. If there is a second argument

# do not output any warning message. The most

# common forms of the first argument are:


# ARCH=arch


# argument=-arch


# Always returns a 0 status.


# usage: check_archlist arch=[-]value [noprint]


if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then

arch_in=`expr "$1" : '.*=\(.*\)'`

if [ "$arch_in" != "" ]; then

ARCH=`echo "$ARCH_LIST EOF $arch_in" | awk '


{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i = i + 1)

if ($i == "EOF")

narch = i - 1

for (i = 1; i <= narch; i = i + 1)

if ($i == $NF || "-" $i == $NF) {

print $i





if [ "$ARCH" = "" -a $# -eq 1 ]; then


echo ' '

echo " Warning: $1 does not specify a valid architecture - ignored . . ."

echo ' '

