600字范文 > gmail收件箱标签设置_如何在Gmail中自动分类的收件箱选项卡之间移动电子邮件...


时间:2019-10-18 03:49:16




Gmail’s tabbed inbox system is a handy way to organize your emails into categories, but tweaking which emails go to which categories isn’t a trick that’s immediately obvious.


Google introduced the tabbed inbox system back in and millions of people got a new inbox where all emails were automatically sorted into default categories like “Primary”, “Social”, and “Promotions”. The change worked decently well, but occasionally you’ll get an email show up in the wrong tab.

Google于推出了选项卡式收件箱系统,成千上万的人获得了一个新的收件箱,其中所有电子邮件都自动分类为默认类别,例如“主要”,“社交”和“促销”。 所做的更改效果不错,但有时您会在错误的标签中看到一封电子邮件。

Thereare no filter options for the inbox tabs like there are for labels–nor are they controlled by Gmail’s label system. So no amount of selecting emails and attempting to use the “Move to”, “Label as” or other Gmail GUI elements will help.

收件箱标签没有像标签一样的过滤器选项,也不受Gmail的标签系统控制。 因此,选择电子邮件并尝试使用“移至”,“标签为”或其他Gmail GUI元素无济于事。

However, youcanmove emails between tabsusing the Gmail web interface (it doesn’t work on the mobile apps): simplydrag and drop them. We know, we know, it seems obvious now, but if you don’t (read: never) use the drag and drop functionality in Gmail you likely would never have stumbled upon this trick on your own. Don’t beat yourself up.

但是,您可以使用Gmail网络界面在标签之间移动电子邮件(不适用于移动应用程序):只需将其拖放即可。 我们知道,现在看来,这似乎很明显,但是如果您不(读:从不)使用Gmail中的拖放功能,则您可能永远不会自己迷失这个技巧。 不要打自己。

To move emails between inbox tabs, locate the emails you wish to recategorize. You can move one at a time or, if you wish, you can select multiple emails by placing a check mark beside them and move the entire group. For the purposes of this tutorial we’ll be moving the How-To Geek newsletter from the Updates tab to the Primary tab. In the screenshot below you can see the email in question at the top of the Update tab list.

要在收件箱选项卡之间移动电子邮件,请找到要重新分类的电子邮件。 您可以一次移动一个,也可以根据需要选择多个电子邮件,方法是在电子邮件旁边放置一个复选标记,然后移动整个电子邮件组。 出于本教程的目的,我们将“ How-To Geek”时事通讯从“更新”选项卡移至“主要”选项卡。 在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以在“更新”选项卡列表的顶部看到有问题的电子邮件。

Click and hold on the email. Drag the selected email towards the tab you wish to relocate it to.Release the mouse button to place the email into the new category.

单击并按住电子邮件。 将选定的电子邮件拖到您希望将其重新定位到的选项卡。 释放鼠标按钮,将电子邮件放入新类别。

You’ll receive a notification, seen below, that the email has been moved to a new tab (you can reverse the move by clicking “undo” if you moved it into the wrong tab). You’ll also see a prompt “Do this for future messages from…”; click “Yes” to have Gmail automatically sort messages from that sender into that tab.

您将收到一条通知,如下所示,该电子邮件已被移至新标签页(如果将电子邮件移至错误的标签页,则可以通过单击“撤消”来撤消此操作)。 您还将看到提示“为将来来自...的消息执行此操作”; 点击“是”,让Gmail自动将来自该发件人的邮件分类到该标签中。

After click “Yes”, you’ll receive a confirmation message “Future messages from [address] will be moved to [new tab].”


If you wish to reverse the process, you can simply look for an email from said email address in the new tab and repeat the process to return it to the old tab, confirming that you want future messages to be delivered to the new tab selection.


With a few seconds of effort you can easily move miscategorized emails and enjoy a much better organized Gmail experience.


翻译自: /263507/how-to-move-emails-between-the-auto-sorted-inbox-tabs-in-gmail/

