600字范文 > c9是什么网络语言 经典的十大网络流行语节选

c9是什么网络语言 经典的十大网络流行语节选

时间:2022-12-18 22:51:02


c9是什么网络语言 经典的十大网络流行语节选

No1. Are

you happy with your life?



question may sound mundane. While during the October holiday

period, thousands of common people from all walks of life and from

literally all places of the country were interviewed by CCTV

(Central China Television) reporters the same question, it became

the No.1 frequently asked question in China since then. And the

truth is varied answers collected by the hard-working reporters are

actually way funnier than the question itself. “My surname is Zeng”

is generally regarded as the most classic answer for the question.

It was made by a migrant worker from west China’s Shanxi province.

The trick is the Chinese pronunciation of “Are you happy with your

life?” sounds the same with the Chinese question “Is your surname

Fu?” So, when being asked by a sincere young reporter of CCTV, the

hard-nosed worker corrected, “No, My last name is Zeng.” The whole

country applauded the honest worker for his unintentional



No. 2:



Diaos is

thought to be the most talented coinage in , which refers to

the group of youth who are not pretty or handsome and don’t have

well-paid jobs or rich families to lean on. In one word, Diaos is

the under-privileged youth who could only rely on their own talents

and hard work for a shabby existence. The phrase is initially

coined to set off the other hot word “Gao Shuai Fu” which means

“tall, handsome, and rich”. Without a doubt, Diaos means the

opposite of “Gao Shuai Fu”. And, once getting out, the funny

coinage not only got the attention of mainstream media like

People’s Daily and but strike a resonance in the general

public who are also self-reliant common people.


No. 3: XX




Style, a hit song by South Korean singer PSY, became a global

phenomenon in . Soon, a“style”craze engulfed the

cyberspace.People talked about Shanghai style, Diaos style,

pre-school style and even the aircraft carrier style (the deck

staff of China’s carrier made funny gestures indicating aircrafts

to take off, the common public got so amused that they rushed to

produce their own editions of the gestures online). Sanxia Zaixian

personally holds that maybe Gangnam Style would be gone with the

wind soon, but the “style” craze would stay to keep coloring our


