600字范文 > 映射的网络驱动器怎么共享_如何在Windows上通过网络共享CD和DVD驱动器


时间:2021-11-07 01:50:16




From ultrabooks to netbooks, computers are shedding their optical drives. If you still use an occasional CD or DVD, you don’t have to buy an external optical drive – you can share another computer’s optical drive over the network.

从超极本到上网本,计算机都在脱落其光驱。 如果您仍然偶尔使用CD或DVD,则不必购买外部光盘驱动器-您可以通过网络共享另一台计算机的光盘驱动器。

The two computers must be on the same local network to share an optical drive. This requires using the Advanced Sharing settings in Windows – there’s no easy, HomeGroup-style way of doing this.

两台计算机必须位于同一本地网络上才能共享光盘驱动器。 这需要使用Windows中的“高级共享”设置-没有简单的HomeGroup风格的方法。

共享驱动器 (Sharing a Drive)

First, open the Computer window (click Start and select Computer) on the computer with the optical drive.


Right-click the drive you want to share, point to Share with and select Advanced Sharing


Click the Advanced Sharing button in the properties window that appears.


In the next window, enable the Share this folder checkbox. Type a descriptive name – such as “CD Drive” – for the share, and then click the Permissions button.

在下一个窗口中,启用共享此文件夹复选框。 为共享键入一个描述性名称,例如“ CD Drive”,然后单击“权限”按钮。

Ensure that the Everyone group has Read access to the drive. If you require additional security – for example, if you’re not using a home network — you can restrict access to specific users. Click OK to save your changes after configuring the permissions.

确保“所有人”组对驱动器具有读取权限。 如果您需要额外的安全性(例如,如果您不使用家庭网络),则可以限制对特定用户的访问。 配置权限后,单击“确定”保存更改。

You may want to disable password-protected sharing to make this easier, assuming you’re on a secure home network. To do so, click the Network and Sharing Center link under Password Protection.

假设您使用的是安全的家庭网络,则可能要禁用密码保护的共享,以使此操作更容易。 为此,请单击“密码保护”下的“网络和共享中心”链接。

Click the Home or Work header, scroll down, and select Turn off password protected sharing to disable it. Click the Save changes button after you’re done.

单击家庭或工作标题,向下滚动,然后选择关闭密码保护的共享以将其禁用。 完成后,点击保存更改按钮。

After you click the OK button, your drive will be shared on the network. You’ll see its address under Network Path in the properties window.

单击确定按钮后,您的驱动器将在网络上共享。 您将在属性窗口的“网络路径”下看到其地址。

An icon over the drive indicates that it’s shared. To stop sharing the drive later, go back into its Advanced Sharing window and uncheck the Share this folder checkbox.

驱动器上的图标表示已共享。 要在以后停止共享驱动器,请返回其“高级共享”窗口,然后取消选中“共享此文件夹”复选框。

映射驱动器 (Mapping a Drive)

On your other computer, open Windows Explorer and click the Network option to view your network.


Browse to the share you created, then right-click it and select Map network drive.


You can specify a drive letter for the shared optical drive and have it automatically become mapped each time you log in.


The mapped drive will appear as its own drive letter in the My Computer window. Double-click the drive, or navigate to it in any application, to access its contents over the network.

映射的驱动器将在“我的电脑”窗口中显示为自己的驱动器号。 双击驱动器,或在任何应用程序中导航至该驱动器,以通过网络访问其内容。

We’ve also covered using Paragon Net Burner, a third-party program, to share disc drives over the network.

我们还介绍了使用第三方程序Paragon Net Burner通过网络共享磁盘驱动器。

翻译自: /114254/how-to-share-cd-dvd-drives-over-the-network-on-windows/

