600字范文 > 英语四级准考证打印入口 英语四级考试报名时间

英语四级准考证打印入口 英语四级考试报名时间

时间:2020-02-21 07:45:00


英语四级准考证打印入口 英语四级考试报名时间

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4. 进入四六级准考证打印页面


5. 输入个人信息


6. 打印准考证


7. 其他注意事项


(1) 由于四六级考试为无纸化考试,不提供纸质准考证。因此,在打印准考证时,不需要选择票据类型。

(2) 如果在打印准考证时出现任何问题,可以在页面下方找到“在线客服”按钮进行咨询。

(3) 对于身份证号码很长的用户,建议先复制身份证号码,然后进行粘贴操作,避免打错身份证号码。



1. Introduction

The English language is an essential tool for communication globally, and the ability to communicate effectively in this language is highly valued by individuals and organizations. One of the ways through which English proficiency is evaluated is through standard tests like the English Four-Level (EFL) examination. The EFL exam assesses the four fundamental aspects of the English language- listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and is a qualification certificate used by many English-speaking countries, especially for education and employment purposes. In this article, we will discuss the English Four-Level (EFL) exam and provide information on the registration timeline.

2. Background Information on EFL Exam

The EFL examination is commonly known as the Cet-4 exam in China, where it is taken by millions of college students every year. The exam is managed by the Ministry of Education and is recognized as one of the essential qualifications for accessing jobs, further education, and scholarships. The test has four sections, namely:

a) Listening Comprehension- The paper tests how well the students can comprehend spoken English. It involves listening to conversations, speech, and taking notes on what has been said.

b) Reading Comprehension- The paper tests students reading skills in English. It involves reading various texts, including newspapers, magazines, and short stories.

c) Writing- This paper tests a students writing skills in English. It involves writing essays, letters, or summaries based on what has been read or listened to.

d) Speaking- This paper tests a students ability to communicate effectively in spoken English. It involves forming an argument and presenting it fluently and with good pronunciation.

3. EFL Exam Registration Timeline

English Four-Level exams are usually held on a specific date throughout the country, and students can take the exam as many times as they like. However, the dates for registration, examination, and submission of results are unique to each year, and the timeline for the exam is as follows:

a) Registration- The registration process for the EFL exam is expected to begin tentatively in May . However, students must confirm the exact date and time for registration with their respective schools, colleges, or EFL testing centers.

b) Payment- After registering, students must pay the registration fees before the deadline set for payment. The payment deadline for the exam is expected to be within two weeks after the registration period ends.

c) Examination- The EFL examination date for the exam has not been officially announced but is expected to take place in mid-June . The exact date, time, and venue for the exam will be communicated to all registered students in due time.

d) Results- The EFL exam results are usually released within two weeks after the examination date. In this case, the exam results for the exam are expected to be released by the end of June .

4. Conclusion
