600字范文 > 恋空经典台词 恋空经典台词英文翻译

恋空经典台词 恋空经典台词英文翻译

时间:2019-09-26 14:11:29


恋空经典台词 恋空经典台词英文翻译



1. “时间和距离,不能打败一个真正想要在一起的人。”


2. “我会永远记得你的名字,永远记得你的声音,这是我一生中最美好的回忆。”


3. “抱紧我,不许撒手。”



Love in the Air Classic Quotes English Translation

Love in the Air, also known as Sky of Love, is a Japanese romantic drama that gained popularity not only in Japan but also internationally. It tells the story of a high school girl named Mika who falls in love with her classmate Hiro after he saves her from a groping incident on the train. The movie is filled with poignant scenes and memorable quotes. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most classic quotes from Love in the Air, translated into English.

1. \"キミと出会った時、僕は変わった\"

“When I met you, I changed.”

This line is spoken by Hiro to Mika after he helps her on the train. It highlights the impact that meeting Mika had on Hiro’s life. Their encounter not only led to his romantic feelings for her but also inspired him to become a better person. This quote is a testament to how love can change someone for the better.

2. \"あなたのこと、ずっと好きだった。ずっと、ずっと。\"

“I’ve always loved you. Always, always.”

This confession by Mika to Hiro is a heartfelt moment in the movie. It’s a reminder that love sometimes takes time to develop and that it’s possible to have feelings for someone for a long time without them knowing. This quote also shows the depth of Mika’s love for Hiro and her courage in finally admitting her feelings.

3. \"大好きだよ。だから、君と一緒にいたいんだ。\"

“I love you so much. That’s why I want to be with you.”

These words are spoken by Mika to Hiro during a scene in which she confesses her love to him. This quote shows that love is not just a feeling but also a decision to be with the person you love. Mika’s words express her desire to be with Hiro and her willingness to face any obstacles that may come their way.
