600字范文 > self introduction selfintroduction自我介绍作文英语带翻译

self introduction selfintroduction自我介绍作文英语带翻译

时间:2020-11-30 00:09:13


self introduction selfintroduction自我介绍作文英语带翻译



一、Self introduction (自我介绍)

1. Please introduce yourself briefly.

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

3. What are your hobbies?

4. Which of your characteristics will play an important role in your research?

二、Motivation for PHD Study (读博动机)

1. Why do you want to study for a PHD?

2. Why are you a suitable PHD candidate?

3. Please briefly introduce your research interests.

4. What do you think PHD can bring to you?

5. Why did you choose to pursue a PHD degree after working for several years?

6. What contribution do you think you can make to this research project?

三、Reasonsfor choosing a school (择校原因)

1. Why did you choose this school compared with other schools?

2. Why are you interested in our school?

3. Why did you choose this research project?

4. Why did you choose our major? Please give a brief reason.

四、Past research (过往研究)

1. Please introduce your past research experience.

2. What innovations have you made in your previous research?

3. What do you think is your most important research achievement?

4. What difficulties did you encounter in doing research and how did you overcome them?

5. What have you learned from previous research?

五、PHD Research Plan (博士研究计划)

1. Why did you choose this research topic?

2. What is your research plan based on?

3. What challenges do you think you will encounter in the research process?

4. What research have you done before doing this research plan?

5. What is the innovation of your research plan?

六、Future planning (未来规划)

1. What are your plans after studying PHD?

2. If you are admitted, how do you plan to spend your PHD life?

3. After PHD graduation, do you plan to engage in work related to scientific research?

4. What is your future career plan?

How to Introduce Yourself Confidently!

Self-Introduction Tips & Samples

#英语# #教育微头条# #教育# #微头条名师团# #我们一起学英语# #知识分享#

英文版外资企业的面试常规套路。In order to help candidates successfully pass the interview with foreign companies, here I summarized and consolidated the common interview pattern of the foreign companies:

Normally you exchange greeting each other, such as nice to meet you, nice to meet you too. Then the interviewers will say: Thank you to come here for an interview. Firstly, could you make a brief introduction? (For this requirement, you can talk about your education background and working experience and some project experience). When you finished the self-introduction, the interviewers may ask you to detail the projects which you did in the previous companies, including:

1. What kind of projects did you do?

2. What’s the value of the project?

3. What’s your role?

4. Which achievements did you contribute?

Finished above process, there are these questions you should make some preparation:

1. Why do you want to change job?

2. What do you know about our company or products?

3. How do you evaluate your suitability for this position? And what’s your advantage and weakness?

4. How can you do a good job in the future?

5. How do you conquer or be adaptable with the high pressure?

6. What’s your career plan in the coming 3~5 years?

7. What’s your expectation for this position’s salary?

8. How long do you need to start to work for us?

Business letter include:letter head(writer's adress),the date, receiver's inside name and adress,the salution,the subject line,the body of letter,the complimentary close(your faithfully),the enclosure.

(商务信函包括信头 日期 信内名称和地址 问候 主题 主体 结尾敬语 和附件)

Firstly,establish business relations.(建立业务关系).It includes the source of the receiver's imformation,the intention and self-introduction.

Secondly,enquires.(询盘)If I wrote an enquire,I should introduce my firm,state my purpose of my letter,explain what I want the receiver to do,explain the description of the product I want,express my request for early reply.

Thirdly, offers.(发盘)It includes the expression of thank for the enquiry,if any;details of price, discount,terms of payment;statesment of what the prices cover;packing and date of delivery;period for which the offer is valid;an expression of hope that the quotation will be accepted.

Forthly,counter offer.(还盘)Writer could thank the seller for his or her offer,express the regret of unable to accept and state the reason,make count offer of his or her own,urge the seller to accept his or her proposal.

Fifthly, order&conclusion of business.(订单和成交)

An order is a contract of ording goods.It includes description of goods,prices,quantity,payment,shipment,packing.Sellers send acknowledgement after receving an order,an contract and sales comformation is made out by sellers,and signed by both parties.
