600字范文 > 英雄联盟error report 英雄联盟手游安卓

英雄联盟error report 英雄联盟手游安卓

时间:2021-09-16 05:57:58


英雄联盟error report 英雄联盟手游安卓

Egregious as it is, the Cap Cities decision earns only a silver medal. Top honors go to a mistake I made five years ago that fully ripened in 1994: Our $358 million purchase of USAir preferred stock, on which the dividend was suspended in September. In the 1990 Annual Report I correctly described this deal as an "unforced error," meaning that I was neither pushed into the investment nor misled by anyone when making it. Rather, this was a case of sloppy analysis, a lapse that may have been caused by the fact that we were buying a senior security or by hubris. Whatever the reason, the mistake was large.

【开源资讯】InfluxDB 1.8.5 发布,开源时序数据库

开源时序数据库 InfluxDB 1.8.5 现已发布,具体更新内容如下:


#20917:feat(inspect):添加 report-disk 以衡量磁盘使用情况


#20910:feat:使元查询 respectQueryTimeout 值

#20989:feat:influx_inspect 导出到标准输出

#21021:feat:记录 POST 请求的查询文本

二、Bug 修复

#21053:fix:influx_inspect 的帮助文本


#20276:fix(error):不支持的值:+Inf" 错误未得到妥善处理

#20277:fix(query):Group By 查询的偏移量超过了 DST 边界,可能会失败

#20295:fix:cp.Mux.Serve() 在发生错误时默默关闭所有 net.Listener 实例

#19832:fix(prometheus):正则表达式处理应符合 PromQL

#20432:fix(error):SELECT INTO 不返回不支持的值的错误

#3:fix(tsm1):备份时出现“snapshot in progress”的错误




I failed the first quarter of a class in middle school, so I made a fake report card. I did this every quarter that year. I forgot that they mail home the end-of-year cards, and my mom got it before I could intercept with my fake. She was PISSED—at the school for their error. The teacher also retired that year and had already thrown out his records, so they had to take my mother’s “proof” (the fake ones I made throughout the year) and “correct” the “mistake.” I’ve never told her the truth.

我初中第一节课不及格,所以我做了一张假的成绩单。 那年我每个季度都这样做。 我忘了他们把年终卡寄回家了,我妈妈在我用假货拦截之前就收到了。 她很生气——在学校因为他们的错误。 那年老师也退休了,他的记录已经扔掉了,所以他们不得不拿我妈妈的“证明”(我一年来做的假的)并“纠正”“错误”。 我从来没有告诉她真相。
