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adobe dreamweaver cs5 adobe dreamweaver cs5

时间:2020-06-26 05:42:35


adobe dreamweaver cs5 adobe dreamweaver cs5

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 is a web development software that enables users to design, develop, and publish their web pages. The software is equipped with a range of features and tools that make web development efficient and easy. Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 is a widely used web development software among web designers and developers.

User Interface

The user interface of Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate and access the softwares tools and features. The main window of the software displays the websites design view and code view, allowing the user to interact with the website visually or by editing its code.


Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 comes with a range of features that provide users with an extensive toolkit to develop and design their websites with ease. Some of the notable features of Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 are:

1. Code Editor

The softwares code editor enables users to create and edit HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web languages with ease. The code editor provides syntax highlighting and code completion features, making it easier for users to write code more efficiently.

2. Visual Layout

The visual layout feature of Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 provides users with the ability to view their websites content visually, making it easy to design and layout their web pages. The visual layout feature provides a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) user interface that allows users to see how their website will look as they create it.

3. FTP Connectivity

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 provides users with FTP connectivity, which enables them to upload their website files to a web server with ease. Users can easily connect to their web server, upload their website files, and manage their website through the software.


Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 is a powerful web development software that provides users with an extensive range of features that make web development efficient and easy. Some of the advantages of Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 are:

1. Cross-browser compatibility

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 ensures that websites created by the software are compatible with various web browsers, ensuring that the website is accessible by a larger audience.

2. Time-saving features

The softwares features, such as code completion and syntax highlighting, enable users to complete their projects quickly and efficiently, saving time in the process.

3. Integration with other Adobe software

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 integrates with other Adobe software such as Photoshop and Illustrator, enabling users to create graphic designs that can be incorporated into their website.


Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5是由Adobe公司开发的一款专业的网站制作软件。它具备完整的网站建设、网页设计、网页代码编辑以及动态网页开发等多个方面的功能,可以帮助用户方便快捷地开发高质量的网页。

Dreamweaver CS5拥有多项功能升级和特性优化,使其在代码编辑、设计、布局和样式等方面都具有了更多的创意和灵活性。其细致的用户界面可以非常方便地为用户提供触手可及的工具和快捷键控制,大大提升了用户的开发效率和编辑精度。

Dreamweaver CS5的设计模式UI则结合了实际反馈和设计模式之间的距离,使您的设计过程更为高效。这款软件还提供了众多的代码提示和突出显示功能,可使开发人员更加方便地查找和定位错误。同时,它还加入了对PHP、Java和MySQL等服务端语言的支持,能够让用户更便利地开发动态网站。

除此以外,Dreamweaver CS5还提供了多种框架、库、模板和样式等丰富的选项,以便于开发人员在不同场合下快速完成对网站的构建和开发。这些选项可以在用户界面上找到和运用,节省了开发人员大量的时间和工作量。

总体来说,Adobe Dreamweaver CS5是一款极为强大和实用的网站制作软件。如今,无论是个人博客还是大型网站的建设、开发和维护,都可以通过Dreamweaver CS5拥有更完备的工具和配件,以更高效的方式完成任务。
