600字范文 > 极度伤感文“没有结局的故事就不要开始”


时间:2018-10-16 10:31:58



一,你总是嚷嚷着找对象但你不主动勾搭却羡慕别人成双成对所以 你在等谁。

You e always clamoring to find someone, but you don take the initiative to hook up with others, but you envy others in pairs, so who are you waiting for

二,电话要打给一接就通的人 信息要发给一看就回的人 感情要留给不会离开的人 温柔要留给值得的人。

Phone calls should be made to people who can get through as soon as they are answered, information should be sent to people who can see and return, feelings should be reserved for those who can leave, tenderness should be reserved for those who are worth it.

三,别整天情啊爱啊 好好赚钱 有钱了 带你看晴空万里 没钱了 带你抢特价大米 这不是鸡汤这是现实。

Don love and love all day long. Make money. If you have money, you can see the clear sky. If you have no money, you can grab special rice. This is not chicken soup. This is reality

四,不用每天缠绵随时联系 我知道你不会走 你知道我不会变 互相惦记 各自忙碌 这大概就是最好的关系了。

You don have to contact me every day. I know you won leave. You know I won change. I miss each other and Im busy. This is probably the best relationship

五,我不是高傲 也不是胡闹 只是厌倦了所有的依靠。

Im not arrogant, Im not fooling around, Im just tired of all my dependence.

六,有时候心情会突然的很低落 不想说话也不想动 别人问起 也不知道该怎么回答 只是假装沉默 只是无力诉说。

Sometimes I feel very depressed suddenly, and I don want to talk or move, and I don know how to answer. I just pretend to be silent, but I can tell.

八,有时候听到一首歌就是忽然想起一个人 有时候听着一首歌听着听着就哭了 有时候别人突然对你说你变了我就百感交集。

Sometimes when I hear a song, I suddenly think of someone. Sometimes when I listen to a song, I cry. Sometimes when someone suddenly tells you that you have changed, I have mixed feelings.

九,若总被忽视 又何必作践了自己 若不被珍惜,又何必苦苦去维系。

If you are always neglected, why humiliate yourself? If you are not cherished, why try to maintain it.

十,都在试探 都在取舍 都在权衡。

All are testing, all are choosing, all are weighing


Advertisements always appear at the best time, and you always leave when I love you the most.


The fate is deep and shallow, so no one can grasp it, and there is no reason to gather and disperse. We should all treat each other with common heart.


Never think about how far it is forever, because it will be an unknown number.

十四,心事不是说给别人听 是当着别人的面 说给自己听。

Worry is not to tell others, but to tell yourself in front of others

十五,深情不负只是个笑话 谁会在乎配角的感受。

Affectionate irresponsibility is just a joke. Who cares about the feelings of supporting actors?
