600字范文 > 一个美国背包客对“瑞典警察粗暴对待中国游客”事件的看法


时间:2018-11-12 13:03:15



最近,瑞典警察粗暴对待中国游客的事件在网上引起了许多讨论。来自美国的自由职业作家Edward Knight有着丰富的旅行经验,去过很多国家的他通过文章和我们分享了他的看法。一起来看看吧!

Stockholm, Sweden







Recent incidents with Chinese tourists running into conflicts with Swedish police overseas have cast a dark shadow on what should be a time to enjoy themselves. I have traveled to many places, and two things that you need to be able to count on when you travel is safety and to trust the police. If you run into a problem where you suddenly are in conflict with the police, it cannot only ruin a trip, but spoil one’s view of a country.

Most people travel to relax, get away from their daily life in their home country, see famous sights, or experience things they couldn’t otherwise. All of these reasons naturally put the traveler in a vulnerable place. As a traveler, you can often be a stranger in a strange land. You may not speak the language or know the customs of that culture. Even things as simple as how to order the food, or ride the subway, or walk down the street, can be different. What’s worse, you’re often expected to follow these rules you know nothing about.

The more experience you have with traveling, the easier it can be to find and overcome these pitfalls, but for the average tourist, they may not consider these things. Going to Sweden, France or the US for the first time can be overwhelming when considering the local customs.

This is why problems with the police can utterly ruin a trip. While it’s true that tourists need to abide by the rules, it’s also true that the police should be understanding and not discriminate against travelers. This is something that unfortunately can happen as we’ve seen in the case of Sweden, which hopefully will be resolved soon. Conflicts and misunderstandings, as well as discrimination, can create massive problems that undermine traveler’s feelings of safety. This not only can have an effect on the individual traveler, but on people from all countries.

Besides the case of Sweden, a good example is Egypt. Previously, Egypt was one of the most popular destinations around the world for tourists. However, the past few years have given the country a reputation of being unsafe. I myself went last year and can say this is now not the case. Egypt is once again very safe. However, many still have this negative impression of the country and it has drastically impacted the locals there who rely on tourism for work.

We’ll have to see if the incident that recently occurred in Sweden will make Chinese tourists less inclined to travel to Europe or Sweden. I hope that this is not the case, but only time will tell.

来源 | ChinaExpat
