600字范文 > 加拿大留学|毕业生工签利好政策出台 留学生可以安心上课了

加拿大留学|毕业生工签利好政策出台 留学生可以安心上课了

时间:2023-11-14 23:02:24


加拿大留学|毕业生工签利好政策出台 留学生可以安心上课了



Students may nowstudy online from abroad until April 30, , with no time deducted from thelength of a future post-graduation work permit, provided 50% of their program of study is eventually completed in Canada.

1. 现在已有有效学签的留学生,可以境外在线学习到4月30日,在至少有50%的课程是在加拿大境内完成的前提下,该学生在加拿大境外的在线学习的时间也将计算进毕业工签的时间;

Students who have enrolled in a program that is between 8 and 12 months in length, with a start date from May to September , will be able to complete their entire program online from abroad and still be eligible for a post-graduation work permit.

2. 现已申请或已经拿到学签的留学生,而且在5月至9月期间注册了8至12个月的短期课程,可以在加拿大境外完成在线课程,其毕业后仍有资格申请毕业后工作许可证。

Students who have enrolled in a program with a start date from May to September and study online up to April 30, , and who graduate from more than one eligible program of study, may be able to combine the length of their programs of study when they apply for a post-graduation work permit in the future, as long as 50% of their total studies are completed in Canada.

3. 现已申请或已经拿到学签的留学生,已注册两个或以上的课程,课程时间从5月至9月开始,至4月结束,在未来申请毕业工签时,只要该学生在加拿大境内完成总课程长度(两个或以上的课程时间)的50%,那么该学生在加拿大境外的在线学习的时间也将计算进毕业工签的时间。
