600字范文 > 「有硬货」6月最新雅思口语权威预测


时间:2020-11-20 08:24:40



现在所有雅思口语预测题库都已经稳定下来了,鑫姐6月的预测新题都是考官必考的范围,小伙伴赶紧收藏啦,不要错过任何一个话题! 千里之行始于足下,大家现在就开始备考啦~

下面就来看都有哪些必考题目吧~ 一道不能略过,都在考官考试话题册中!

Part 1必考一级超高频重点话题

外国食物 foreign food喜欢什么外国食物?第一次吃的外国食物是什么?在中国什么外国食物比较流行?最近吃的外国食物是什么?喜欢尝试新的食物吗?打发无聊 killing time什么时候会觉得无聊?无聊的时候干什么?小时候无聊的时候干什么?你们国家的人如何放松?大家喜欢开party吗?过生日的时候开party吗?给小朋友开生日party好吗?地图 map经常用地图吗?多久用一次?什么时候学习的用地图?怎么学的(谁教给你的)?喜欢用电子地图还是纸质地图?假期 holiday喜欢假期吗?难忘的一次假期经历干了什么?上次假期去了哪里?下次假期计划去哪里?喜欢(擅长)制定假期计划吗?钱 money有过省钱的经历吗?小时候怎么省钱?家长该如何教孩子用钱?给过小朋友钱作为礼物吗?家长给你零用钱吗?家长给你钱租房子吗(如果你自己住)?小的时候,家长会因为你做家务而付钱给你吗?书信 letter and email经常写信吗?写明信片吗?小的时候写信吗?写给谁?生日的时候会收到很多信还是邮件?植物 plant家里面有植物吗?谁负责养植物?以前学过关于植物的知识吗?在你们的文化中,可以送植物当礼物吗?Family 家人你多长时间见一次家人?你喜欢跟家人住在一起吗?为什么?你未来想要跟家人住在一起吗?你和家人的关系有多紧密?Studying time学习时间你喜欢什么时候学习,早上还是下午?对你来说最佳的学习时间是什么时候?你喜欢一个人学习还是跟朋友一起学习?Celebrity名人谁是你最喜欢的你们国家的名人?什么样的人可以成为名人?如何才能成名?

Part 1其他必考高频话题(大家注意:也是必考范围)

11. Name

12. Work or study

13. Accommodation

14. Friends

15. Punctuality

16. Gifts

17. Dictionary

18. Sleep

19. Rainy days

20. Applications

21. Music

22. Travel (incl.太空旅行)

23. Daily transport

24. Outdoor exercises

25. Writing

26. Animal

27. Teachers

28. Newspaper

29. Boat/boating

30. Advertisement

31. Future job/ideal job/dream job

32. School life & Teacher

33. Being late/lateness/punctuality/being on time

Part 2必考一级超高频重点话题

1. An interesting job

2. A meaningful song that you like

3. Something you wore on special occasions

4. An experience when you went shopping in a street market

5. A math class / something useful you learned from math classes

6. Your first mobile phone / the impact your first mobile phone had on your life

7. Something that you own but you want to replace

8. A time when you had to change your plan (mind)

9. Describe a person who you know, you like and is very talkative

10. An interesting animal

11. A competition you want to join in

12. A perfect holiday or vacation away from home

13. A party you went to before

14. Something that happened recently and made you happy

15. A building you like

16. A trip you took public transport to

17. A trip you plan to have

18. A popular comic actor/actress

19. The subject that you like most

20. Something important you lost

21. Something interesting that some of your friends have done but you have not

22. A good decision that someone around you made recently

23. A recent development in your city

24. A time when you saved money for something

25. A place that you like to visit

26. An important river or lake in your country

27. A country or a city you want to work in or live in

28. A public place that needs to be improved

29. Something that you can concentrate on/something that can make you concentrate

30. A magazine you like

31. A quiet place you like

32. A sport you have watched and want to try

34. A childhood friend you like

Part 2其他必考高频话题(大家注意:也是必考范围)

34. A special day out that did not cost much money

35. An important event that you celebrated

36. A good parent

37. A technology you like using (not a computer)

38. A person who often visits your home / an occasion when someone visited your home

39. A website you like

40. A special dinner you had

41. A leisure facility (like a cinema, a theater or a sports center) you like to have in your hometown

42. A TV program you like

43. A time when you had to be polite

44. Something you enjoy doing with an old person of your family

45. The season you like most in a year

46. A famous sportsman or athlete you admire

47. A popular person you know

48. A famous person you are interested in

49. An impressive story someone told you

50. An occasion when you helped someone (who, what you did, when, why)

51. A historical period you are interested in

52. A photo you can remember clearly/that someone took for you

53. A good/happy service you got recently

54. A traditional product in your country /a piece of furniture

55. A toy in your childhood
