600字范文 > 唯美的句子 经典有哲理 读一读给你一天的好心情

唯美的句子 经典有哲理 读一读给你一天的好心情

时间:2020-07-28 10:20:46


唯美的句子 经典有哲理 读一读给你一天的好心情

一、对一个有意无意在你面前展露风情的漂亮女人,一个贵族务必要表现出程度适中地热情来回应,否则会遭到这个女人小心眼的报复。这就是女人的可悲,丑陋的被主流世界抛弃,动人的,却往往只想着用身体征服男人,而不是智慧。An aristocrat must respond with moderate enthusiasm to a beautiful woman who intentionally or unintentionally shows her amorous feelings in front of you, otherwise she will be cautiously retaliated. This is womens tragedy, ugly abandoned by the mainstream world, moving, but often only want to use the body to conquer men, rather than wisdom.

二、人在的时候,总觉得来日方长什么都还有机会,殊不知其实人生就是减法,见一面,少一面。人生有太多不如意,不能强加给自己,但是也不能全部责备社会,要学会努力,就要学会怎么放弃。When people are around, they always feel that there are opportunities for everything in the future, but they don know that life is actually a subtraction, meeting one side, less one side. Life has too many unsatisfactory, can not impose on themselves, but also can not blame the whole society, to learn to work hard, we must learn how to give up.

三、人生在世,需要向前看,更需要常回头看看。过去的莞尔一笑,该放下的放下,该铭记的铭记;未来的坦然面对,让来的来,让去的去。Life in the world, we need to look forward, but also need to look back often. The past smiles, should put down, should remember; the future face calmly, let come, let go.

四、 懂得进退,方能成就人生,我们的一生不长,今天的辛酸经历,就是明天最美好的回忆,今天的努力将成为明天更多的收获!错过的就让它永远的错过。我们要珍惜眼前的生活,活出自己的人生,为自己的人生加油!早安!Understand the progress and retreat, can achieve life, our life is not long, todays bitter experience is the best memories of tomorrow, todays efforts will become more harvest tomorrow! If you miss something, let it miss forever. We should cherish the life in front of us, live our own life, and refuel for our own life! Good morning!

五、退让带来的基本都是得寸进尺,别妄想能换来什么尊重和心疼。其实从一开始你就不该对我那么好的,给了我这么多希望然后又独自离开,这种感觉真的好难受。The concession brings about the basic inches, don delusion can be exchanged for any respect and heartache. In fact, you shouldn have been so kind to me from the beginning. You gave me so much hope and then left alone. Its really a bad feeling.

六、即使没有人为你鼓掌,也要优雅地谢幕,感谢自己的认真付出。与其埋怨世界,不如改变自己。管好自己的心,做好自己的事,这比什么都强。Even if no one applauds for you, you should gracefully close the curtain and thank yourself for your earnest efforts. Instead of complaining about the world, change yourself. Its better to take care of your heart and do your own thing than anything else.

七、生活其实很简单,过了今天就是明天。每个人都有两个自己:一个是外在的、社会性的、变了形的;一个是内在的、本质的真实的自己,就是心灵。两个自己需要交谈,如果隔绝太久,日久天长,最后剩下的只是一个在地球上跑来跑去、被社会所异化的自己。Life is very simple. Today is tomorrow. Everyone has two selves: one is external, social and transfigured; the other is inner, essential and real selves, that is, the soul. Two of them need to talk. If they are separated for too long, for too long, all they have left is a person who runs around the earth and is alienated by society.

八、这一生中,我们固执地以自己喜欢的方式存在着,并渴望与自己同行的人,也能按照这种方式来演绎生活的节奏。于是,为了生计、爱情和梦想,我们在无数次的摩擦与碰撞中,慢慢地改变着并湮没了原来的自己。来到这个世界上,我们谁都没有错,就是因为固守或者改变得太多,我们错过了很多烟花般的美丽。In this life, we stubbornly exist in the way we like, and those who are eager to go with us can interpret the rhythm of life in this way.

So, in order to make a living, love and dream, we slowly change and annihilate ourselves in countless friction and collision. Coming to this world, none of us is wrong, because we are stubborn or change too much, we have missed a lot of fireworks-like beauty.

九、明明说好一起共白头的人,却在中途一声不吭的离开你。曾以为的来日方长,可一转身便是人走茶凉。很心酸吧,曾经那么喜欢的人却无法再拥有了。Clearly said that a total of white-headed people, but in the middle of a silent leave you. Once thought that the future is long, but when you turn around, you will walk away. Very sad, once so fond of people can no longer have.

十、真正的懂得,不必言语,不必刻意,有时,只需浅浅一个微笑。真正的懂得,不必解释,不必逃避,有时,只需轻轻的一声呼唤。有时候看错人,不是因为你瞎,而是因为你善良。Real understanding, no words, no deliberate, sometimes, just a shallow smile. Real understanding, need not explain, need not escape, sometimes, just a gentle call. Sometimes the wrong person is not because you are blind, but because you are kind.

十一、小时候总怕别人不喜欢我,拼命迎合讨好,被人误会恨不得抓着对方衣领解释三天三夜。现在越活心越大,不喜欢就不喜欢,大路朝天各走一边,我这么可爱有趣,好同情你不能和我做朋友。When I was a child, I was always afraid that other people didn like me. I tried my best to please others. I was misunderstood and wanted to grab each others collar and explain for three days and three nights. The more active I am now, the more I don like it, the more I walk along the road. Im so cute and interesting. Im so sympathetic that you can make friends with me.

十二、昨夜的梦见,今日的思念;爱你的感觉,从来没有变。善良的人,总觉得拒绝别人像是自己做错了事。有些人,你帮她七分,她反倒觉得你欠她三分。Last nights dream, todays thoughts; the feeling of loving you, has never changed. Kind people always feel like they have done something wrong by refusing others. Some people, you help her seven points, but she feels you owe her three points.

十三、所谓穿越不过是对现状的一种不满,如果一切如愿以偿,又何必辛苦穿越。像我们这帮俗人,爱做的事无非就是喝喝烈酒,吹吹冷风,于是乎,这般就真的醉了。The so-called "crossing" is only a dissatisfaction with the status quo, if all is achieved, why bother crossing. Like our vulgar people, what they like to do is to drink spirits and blow cold wind, so they are really drunk.

十四、相逢是缘、相知最美、相爱是罪、相守最累!爱到不能爱时说分手,到底是谁辜负了谁?相逢的日子淡如水,谁爱谁都是无所谓的。因为在那个时候的,谁也不会是谁的谁,海阔天空自由飞。Meeting is fate, knowing each other is the most beautiful, loving each other is sin, and being together is the most tired! When love cannot be loved, say goodbye. Who has failed whom? The day of meeting is as light as water. It doesn matter who loves whom. Because at that time, no one will be who, the sea and sky fly freely.

十五、不要让别人的看法淹没了自己心底的声音,最重要的是,要有勇气跟随自己的内心与直觉。Don let other peoples opinions drown out your own inner voice. The most important thing is to have the courage to follow your own heart and intuition.

十六、 你为什么那么在意别人的看法,是因为他们戳到你的痛处了吗?还是因为你太经不起打击,如果每一句流言蜚语都要浪费时间去理会的话,你会很累,倒不如活得精彩些,给那些贱人看。Why do you care so much about other peoples opinions because they poke you in pain? Or because you can stand the blow, if every gossip is wasted time to listen to, you will be very tired, rather than live better, to those bitches to see.

十七、人的心只容得下一定程度的绝望,海绵已经吸够了水,即使大海从它上面流过,也不能再给它增添一滴水了。The human heart can only tolerate a certain degree of despair. The sponge has sucked enough water. Even if the sea flows over it, it can no longer add a drop of water to it.

十八、眼里藏着一个梦,梦里等着一个人,这份伤害,这份读懂,人潮汹涌,孤独的滂湃,思念一个人的逗留,多少心,多少情,多少无辜,无法回头。There is a dream in the eyes, waiting for a person in the dream, this injury, this understanding, the surge of people, lonely, missing a persons stay, how many hearts, how many feelings, how many innocent, can not turn back.

十九、多少已经不联系的朋友,默默地存在通讯录中。多少已模糊的记忆藏在内心的角落里,不是不想联系,实在是人生残酷,时空变幻,你我再无交集。坚强一些,豁达一些,一切都没什么了不起,走过去你就是一个强者。How many friends have not been contacted, silently exist in the address book. How many vague memories are hidden in the corner of my heart, not because I don want to connect, but because of the cruelty of life, time and space change, you and I have no intersection.

Be strong and open-minded. Everything is nothing special. You are a strong person when you walk past.

二十、有时候我们愿意原谅一个人,并不是我们真的愿意原谅他,而是我们不愿意失去他,不想失去他,唯有假装原谅他。——张小娴Sometimes we are willing to forgive a person, not that we really want to forgive him, but that we do not want to lose him, do not want to lose him, only pretend to forgive him. —— Zhang Xiaoxian

二十一、爱情不是儿戏,不能说换就换,有些人错过了就再也不会遇见,有些爱失去了就再也无法回头,多爱自己一点,多理解对方一点,爱情从来都不复杂,不过是彼此拥有,又彼此自由。Love is not a joke, can not be changed, some people missed will never meet, some love lost will never be able to return, love themselves a little more, understand each other a little more, love is never complex, but each other has, and each other is free.

二十二、人生在世,快乐是一生,忧愁也是一生,何不开开心心的过好这一生,凡事看开些,看淡些,嘴角上弯,疏开眉头,把事情简单一些,你会发现,事实远没那么糟糕!虽然人生有很多劳累和辛苦,但是人生已无路可退!只有勇敢的面对和坚强的路过,人生真正的归宿,是心地的清净和解脱。In life, happiness is a lifetime, and sorrow is a lifetime. Why don you live a happy life? Look at everything more openly and lightly, bend your lips, open your eyebrows, and make things simpler. You will find that the fact is far from so bad!

Although life has a lot of fatigue and hard work, but life has no way back! Only brave face and strong passing, the real destination of life is the purity and liberation of mind.

二十三、不要因为害怕被人误解,而把自己过得很卑微!用微笑宣泄悲伤,用沉默装点痛苦,哪怕是假装,也要假装成快乐的那一个,人生的路你不坚强,没人替你勇敢!Don live humbly for fear of being misunderstood! Use a smile to vent grief, use silence to decorate pain, even if it is pretending, but also pretend to be the happy one, the road of life you are not strong, no one is brave for you!
