600字范文 > 给女朋友留言的“温柔情话”庆幸是什么 是江河千里 遇见你~

给女朋友留言的“温柔情话”庆幸是什么 是江河千里 遇见你~

时间:2022-05-05 07:38:41


给女朋友留言的“温柔情话”庆幸是什么 是江河千里 遇见你~


I look at you, the little spark in my eyes is ignited, and there is no room for a thousand rivers and mountains. There is only one you.


I found you, like after a long distance of light years, finally arrived at the star among the stars.


There is not much I can give you, so I want to give you the most simple love and protection in my life, as well as countless gentleness.

能够被人坚定选择是一件特别幸福的事,就像夜晚的星空星星再多 我眼里也只有你这一个月亮。

Its a very happy thing to be chosen firmly, just like the stars in the night. No matter how many stars there are, you are the only moon in my eyes.


The setting sun drowns in the clouds, the Milky Way slips into the sea, and the moonlight is scattered in the forest. At this time, we should walk in this romance hand in hand with you.


It will snow in spring, heavy rain in summer, windy in autumn, sunny in winter, and many accidents in all seasons of the year, but the most fascinating thing is that I met you.


When you smile, your eyes are full of spring and your eyebrows are frowning. Laughter wakes up the azalea on the slope. It makes me like it for many years.


I hope you can all meet a clean person, without the thought of leaving in advance, without the behavior of concealing, sunshine for you, morning for you.


The big bear is waiting for A dream. Piggy is waiting for George. The big star is waiting for SpongeBob SquarePants. The cherry is waiting for the meatball. The bareheaded is waiting for him. I am waiting for you.

