600字范文 > 第一场雅思考试大作文解析!(雅思写作名师解析)


时间:2021-02-06 23:20:22






A few criminal trials can be watched by the audience on the television in some nations, which may bring negative effects according to certain people. For example, the bloody pictures and immoral ways of behavior may leave the audiences with uncomfortable and disgusting impressions. But as far as I am concerned, the advantages of showing these criminal trials to the general public are more because of the two reasons below.

Firstly, showing the criminal trials on TV can teach people about laws and how to protect themselves from criminals. For example, younger generations, especially kinds and teenagers, sometimes can not tell right from wrong since they are so young. By watching these kind of criminal trials, they can get involved in the laws through real cases and learn from misfortunes of others rather than themselves, thus knowing the dos and don’t, following the laws and regulations of the society when they grow up in the future.

Secondly, showing the criminal trials can get the general public involved in the trial process and speculate the trial directly, letting them know what happened outside. For example, the audience from each places in the nation can never see one trial at the same time without the help of TV, government can have better communication with the general public from everywhere by showing the criminals trials on TV, thus the general public can have a speculation and know if it is fair or not.

To conclude, showing the criminals on TV will definitely bring more benefits for us than the negative impacts, such as teaching people about laws and regulations and get the public involved in the trial processes directly, which will do good for the general public as well as the governments.

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