600字范文 > 外媒认定WEY P01涉嫌抄袭福特新Bronco 文章内容充满嘲笑

外媒认定WEY P01涉嫌抄袭福特新Bronco 文章内容充满嘲笑

时间:2021-01-09 14:04:08


外媒认定WEY P01涉嫌抄袭福特新Bronco 文章内容充满嘲笑

日前,这家汽车媒体编辑Anthony Alaniz写了一篇新闻报道,关于WEY最新SUVP01的,指名道姓的贬低P01外观设计抄袭福特最新上市的Bronco。 他写的文章内容是这样描述的: Chinese automakers are infamous for cribbing the designs of other makes and models. Even as the Chinese auto industry matures, there are still new models coming out that look awfully similar to those of other automakers. The latest comes from Wey, a brand established by Great Wall Motors in , and it seems like it used the new Ford Bronco as the starting and finishing points.中国汽车制造商因抄袭其他厂商设计而臭名昭著(infamous一词:臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的)。尽管现在中国汽车行业已成熟,但仍然有一些厂商推出“山寨车”。近日,长城汽车于创立的WEY品牌即将推出新产品,似乎是以新一代福特Bronco作为起点与终点。 很明显,这位编辑认定了WEY P01就是抄袭了新一代福特Bronco。WEY P01拥有坚固的外形设计,在前脸方面,福特推出的Bronco两种外形设计与P01都有笔直的前脸线条,而WEY的设计师将Bronco上的前灯翻转了180度。 WEY P01还有一副凸显肌肉感的轮眉设计,后方还有小书包式的备胎,平坦的车顶配有行李架,但相比较Bronco,它没有可拆卸的车顶与车门,因此越野性能方面显然不如Bronco来得带劲。 最后,这位编辑还在文章内容最后一段写道:Details about Weys upcoming Bronco-like SUV are scarce; however,(translated) is reporting it will feature a double-wishbone independent front suspension and an integral bridge-type independent rear suspension. Sadly, thats all the publication discloses. Information about potential powertrains is elusive, and there are zero teasers of the interior, though wed imagine itd differ significantly from what we see in the Bronco. The Bronco Sports interior could be closer to what the P01 will offer.大概意思是:P01内饰部分谍照没有曝光,现在不知道是什么样子,但福特Bronco可以为P01设计师提供一些灵感来源,满满的嘲笑。 编者总结: 这篇文章讽刺感极强,甚至夹带着极高的嘲笑。关于即将亮相的WEY P01 SUV,大家是否认可外媒的观点,欢迎在评论区中留言讨论。
