600字范文 > [学英语]“直男癌”用英文怎么说?(双语)


时间:2021-12-23 03:31:25



-Donald Trump mansplained that Hilary Clinton was doing well because she was playing the woman card.(特朗普对希拉里很不屑,认为她表现不错只是因为她在打女性牌。)

-King Joffrey Baratheon mansplained to his mother that smart women do as they are told. (King Joffrey Baratheon教育他妈妈说,聪明的女人就该听话。)

-The father mansplained that women should do more household chores so that men can concentrate more on work.(那位父亲是典型的大男子主义,认为女人就应该多干家务,这样男人才能专心干事业。)

-It is mansplaining to say that women are bad drivers!(嘲笑女人是马路杀手是“直男癌”的说法。)


【解释】(Of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.

2.Ball in ones court 轮到某人采取行动/作反应了


-After making an error at work, Bens boss said the ball was in his court to fix it. (Ben的老板告诉他,自己犯的错自己负责。)

-Rosalyn told Edmund that the ball was in his court to make their relationship work. (Rosalyn告诉Edmund,在他们的关系上,主动权在Edmund。)

-Nikki had the ball in her court after she found out her boyfriend was secretly carrying a lot of baggage. (Nikki发现男朋友悄悄拿了好多行李,就看她要怎么处理了。)

-Terrorists are targeting police and innocent people nowadays and the ball is in the governments court to come up with a method to deal with it. (如今恐怖分子针对警察和无辜平民发起袭击,政府有责任找出应对之策。)

-The husband lost his job again and the ball is now in the wifes court to decide whether she should go and find a job. (丈夫又失业了,现在是妻子做决定的时候了:自己要不要出去找份工作。)


【解释】The decision is up to you

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