600字范文 > 七夕情人节情浓浓:热门英文歌曲盘点(附歌词)


时间:2021-11-29 08:51:59



又快到七夕啦,想好怎么庆祝了吗?吃饭看电影太老套了吧,唱首英文情歌吧!就算没有男女朋友的单身汪们也不要难过,一样情歌唱起来,未来的一半一定就在路上啦。 小编在这里整理了七首适合七夕听的甜蜜爱情歌曲,快来和你的她一起听起来吧! Miley Cyrus——《Adore You》 快节奏的情歌听太多但对方却喜欢舒缓的歌曲?没问题,这首《Adore You》送给你们,看看歌词:“当你说爱我的时候,不,我更爱你。当你说需要我的时候,其实我更需要你。我爱慕着你啊,我爱慕着你啊。”这么腻歪的歌词还不够?你的眼神也好配合好啊,深情什么必不可少,仰慕的度也要把握好。只能帮到你们这了! Baby baby, are you listening? One dream, where youve been? I want my life, I just started living Baby, are you listening? When you say you love me No, I love you more And when you say you need me No, I need you more Boy I adore you I adore you Baby, are you human, when Im crying out for you Im scared, so scared But when you near me, I feel like Im standing, waiting on me I mean, under weapon Hey, oh When you say you love me No, I love you more And when you say you need me No, I need you more Boy I adore you I adore you I love lying next to you I can do this for eternity You and me, we e meant to be in holy matrimony Got you exactly where he was doing when he lent me to you When you say you love me No, I love you more And when you say you need me No, I need you more Boy I adore you I adore you When you say you love me No, I love you more And when you say you need me No, I need you more Boy I adore you
