600字范文 > 喜大普奔!英雄联盟S8总决赛IG夺冠(双语)


时间:2021-09-20 18:59:39



Chinese eSports club Invictus Gaming (iG) claimed Chinese mainland’s first world championship in League of Legends (LOL) after beating European team Fnatic 3-0 in Inchon, South Korea on Saturday. 周六,中国电子竞技俱乐部IG战队在韩国仁川以3-0击败欧洲老牌劲旅FNC战队,赢得了LPL第一个S系列赛冠军。 This victory is just one of many surprises during the eighth championship tournament. 这次胜利只是S8赛季中众多惊喜之一。 Few predicted IG to win, as the club was the last team remaining from the Chinese mainland. 几乎没有人预料到IG会夺得冠军,因为这是中国剩下的最后一支战队。 The most hopeful team, Royal Never Give Up (RNG), lost in the quarterfinal to another European team G2. The powerful South Korean teams, ruling the championship for five years, also failed to make out of the quaterfinals. 最有希望的一号种子战队-RNG,在四分之一决赛中输给另一支欧洲战队G2。实力强大统治了五年的总冠军的韩国队,也未能在四分之一决赛中出线。 But Invictus carried on with an excellent performance, beating both G2 and Fnatic 3-0 to take the crown. 但IG以优异的表现继续前行挺进决赛,以3-0击败G2和FNC,夺得桂冠。 This is also IG’s revenge after the loss to Fnatic three years ago in Paris, France. 这也是IG三年前在法国巴黎输给FNC后的成功复仇。 The Chinese mainland teams, including Invictus, have been pursuing the championship for eight years. 包括IG在内的中国大陆球队已经为了冠军而拼搏了八年。 "I have been wishing for this moment for so long time..." the star player of IG, Song "Rookie" Eui-jin, said in the after-match interview in both Korean and Chinese languages. “我期待这一刻已经很久了。”IG的明星球员(Rookie)宋义进在赛后用韩语和中文接受采访时说。 Rookie started playing professional LOL in in his home country South Korea but later joined the Chinese league in . Rookie在开始在自己的国家韩国打职业LOL,但后来在为了发展加入了中国联赛。 He tried so hard to get along with the team that he even learned Chinese which he now speaks fluently. 他非常努力地与团队相处,甚至学会了汉语,而且现在说得很流利。 "It’s IG that won the championship for the Chinese league. I hope people can pay more attention to our team," Rookie said in the after-match interview. “是IG为中国赢得了冠军“我希望大家能更加关注我们的战队,”Rookie在赛后采访中说。
