600字范文 > 最美的英语情书:播下种子 期盼收获

最美的英语情书:播下种子 期盼收获

时间:2019-11-13 23:28:08


最美的英语情书:播下种子 期盼收获

The story is told of two boys who were walking through a field and found some corn seeds scattered across the ground.They each took one of the seeds home and planted it. 这是一个关于两个男孩的故事。他俩穿过田地时,发现地上有一些散落的玉米种子,每人捡了一粒,带回家,种到了土里。 When the first boy didn see a tiny sprout after the second day,he dug up the seed to see if it had sprouted.Each day he dug up the seed and replanted it,but the corn would not grow.The seed had germinated;yet the boy had not allowed it to maintain contact with the soil,take root ,and obtain nutrients.So,it died. 第二天,第一个男孩见种子还没有发出芽来,便将种子从土里掘出来,看看它到底有没有发芽。每一天他都要将种子从土里掘出,然后再重新种上,但是种子始终不长。其实,种子已经发芽了,但是男孩总不让它与土壤接触,结果种子无法生根,吸收养分,便死了。 The second boy planted his seed and left it alone.He imagined a tall stalk of corn where he had planted the seed.He waited patiently as rains came and sunshine bathed the ground with warmth.In ten days,a small sprout had broken through the ground,its curled leaves reaching toward the sky. 第二个男孩把种子种上后,就没再打扰它。他想象着他播下种子的地方会长出一株茁壮高大的玉米。不管下雨,还是温暖的阳光沐浴大地,他都耐心的等待。十天后,一个嫩芽破土而出,它那卷曲的叶子伸向天空。 Achieving any desire,whether large or small,begins with a seed sown in the mind.That seed is the vision of its fulfillment.It also requires the commitment to allow the vision to mitment in daily life allows lifes storms to strengthen resolve.Resolve allows us to nurture a new dream,improve an exisiting dream,or even begin over if necessary. 任何愿望的实现,不管其大小,都始于我们心灵中播下的那颗种子。那里种子能勾勒出愿望实现时的景象,但它需要我们尽心尽力地耐心地等待这一景象成为现实。日常生活中,如果我们尽心尽力,生活中的暴风雨只会加强我们的决心,而决心会使我们滋养新的梦想,完善已有的梦想,或者必要时甚至重新再来。 How ofen do we plant the seed of a beautiful deam in the fertile soil of our minds,and then dig it up?What could you achieve if you allowded your seed to grow,continuing to foucus your spiritual eyes on the harvest?Just sow your seed,allow it to grow,and see an abundant harwest. 我们在心灵的沃土中,播下一颗美好梦想的种子后。是不是不待它生根发芽就将它掘出土壤?这样的事情每隔多长时间我们就会做一次呢?如果你让种子生长,不断将你心灵的眼睛投向那丰收时的景象,你会收获什么呢?所以,播下种子,让它成长,期待着大丰收,这就可以了。

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