600字范文 > 神仙情头·扎心丧句:我还在原地 没有等你 只是在等自己不再需要你

神仙情头·扎心丧句:我还在原地 没有等你 只是在等自己不再需要你

时间:2023-01-31 08:49:35


神仙情头·扎心丧句:我还在原地 没有等你 只是在等自己不再需要你


There was a time when I thought I found the happiness I wanted, but when I gave without reservation, I found that it had always been my wishful thinking.


There is always a place that will never be mentioned again, but will never be forgotten. There is always a person, a sorry, let you heartache, unforgettable. There is always a feeling, has been living in the heart, but farewell in life. What can be forgotten is memories, what goes on is life. What you miss is just passing by.


Some people can only leave if they don come; some things can only be given up if they don want them; some past, about happiness or pain, can only bury their hearts.


I used to think that I would be very happy, and even that I should be loved by my lover, but in fact, I can feel that kind of sincerity. Because I am too weak and others are too strong; because I care too much and others don care


There are so many friends, few confidants, so many passers-by, few memories, no one knows my sadness, no one knows my loss, no one knows my helplessness, no one knows my loneliness, no one knows my unhappiness, no one knows my unhappiness, no one understands my heartache.
