600字范文 > 瞬间泪奔的伤感句子 心酸不已 虐哭无数人!

瞬间泪奔的伤感句子 心酸不已 虐哭无数人!

时间:2023-12-08 02:46:44


瞬间泪奔的伤感句子 心酸不已 虐哭无数人!

我主动来找你,是因为我太喜欢你, 我已经不主动找你,因为你每一句回复都敷衍得那么不走心,不是不喜欢你了,只是不敢再那样喜欢了。

I come to you because I like you so much. I don want to find you any more, because every reply you make is so perfunctory. I don like you any more, but I dare not like you any more.


In fact, you don feel like it from him. Thats because he doesn really like you.


Im sorry, I prefer to think blindly. I like to think about everything in a bad way. Im more selfish and sensitive. Im also careful. Im not willing to share everything with others. Im sorry, you e mine. I feel like a robber when someone touches you.



Why haven you left since he hurt you so long? " "Occasionally he would apply medicine and feed me sugar."


Later, I didn dislike you. I really waited for you for a long time, but you didn respond. You should not come back to me even if you are confused or don understand. Its like a cold meal being reheated again. Its not the original taste.


I want to know how many times I have to break my heart to stop my stupid innocence.


In the past, we could chat for a night and say good night for 40 minutes. Now its different. We take a bath at 8:00 and get sleepy at 9:00.


The older you are, the more extravagant you will be when you meet someone who loves you. You used to pay 200% of what you like. Now you are very careful. You learn to keep and wait and see, and gradually become more self-centered.


You can only see that I am now full of energy and self-confidence, but you don know how many nights, I cry and count the days when I walk for a second. Fortunately, I finally come out.


