600字范文 > 经典犀利的短句子 句句精简有深度 越看越喜欢!

经典犀利的短句子 句句精简有深度 越看越喜欢!

时间:2023-08-27 06:49:49


经典犀利的短句子 句句精简有深度 越看越喜欢!

一、喜欢上一个不喜欢你的人,就像是自己挖了个坑,然后义无反顾的跳进去,坑是自己挖的,跳也是自己跳的,最后爬不出来的也是自己。Like a person who doesn like you, its like digging a pit and jumping in without hesitation. The pit is dug by oneself, jumping is jumping by oneself, and finally its oneself that can climb out.

二、世界上哪有那么多的将心比心,你一味的付出不过是惯出来得寸进尺的人。太过考虑别人的感受,就注定自己不好受。所以啊,余生没那么长,请你忠于自己,活得还像自己。world where there are so many heart-to-heart, you blindly pay is just habitual out of the inch into the person. If you think too much about other peoples feelings, you are doomed to feel bad. So ah, the rest of your life is not that long. Please be loyal to yourself and live like yourself.

三、世上最难求的是爱情,世上最难受的是无情,世上最难还的是人情,世上最难断的是感情,世上最难得的是友情,世上最难分的是亲情,世上最难找的是真情,世上最难猜的是心情,世上最难报的是恩情,世上最痛苦的是自作多情,世上最可爱的是你们微笑的表情。The hardest thing to ask for in the world is love, the hardest thing in the world is ruthlessness, the hardest thing to return in the world is human feelings, the hardest thing in the world is affection, the hardest thing in the world is friendship

the hardest thing in the world is family feelings, the hardest thing in the world is true feelings, the hardest thing to guess is mood, the hardest thing in the world is gratitude, the most painful thing in the world is self-expression, the loveliest thing in the world is your smiling expression.

四、水是一天前的别喝了,面包,是一个星期前的别吃了,那些话,是他很久以前说的就别再想了。你要相信,你会被世界温柔相待,幸福只是迟到了,它不会永远缺席。water is a day ago do not drink, bread, a week ago do not eat, those words, he said a long time ago do not think. You have to believe that you will be treated tenderly by the world. Happiness is only late. It will not be absent forever.


nobody listens to you finish your story, because everyone has his own words to say; nobody likes to hear you complain about life, because everyone has his own pain. Dreams are all sad, wake up all lost. Unable to say what you like, you will understand the bitter taste. Fleeting years, give me only one broken heart.

六、卑微的讨好别人,只会换来别人的无视。只有自身的强大,才能换来别人对你的重视,只有平等的对待,才能换来真正的尊重。没有尊重,爱会走掉。没有在乎,爱会无聊。没有诚实,爱会不爽。没有信任,爱会不牢。humble to please others, will only be in exchange for other peoples ignorance. Only when you are strong, can you get the attention of others. Only when you treat you equally, can you get the real respect. Without respect, love will go away. Love is boring without caring. Without honesty, love will not be happy. Without trust, love is not strong.

七、不合适就是穷,没感觉就是丑,一见钟情就是好看,深思熟虑就是有钱,这就是现实。那一刻我才明白,原来有些等待是因为放不下,有些等待是因为还放不过自己,抱着幻想的同时,又在一步步靠近绝望。Not suitable is poor, not feeling is ugly, love at first sight is good-looking, deliberation is rich, this is the reality. At that moment, I realized that some of the original waiting is because they can not let go, and some of the waiting is because they can not let go of themselves, holding illusions, but also step by step close to despair.

八、唯一的仓促,盲目的阳光,思念频繁的相遇,等来一个错,错过一个失去,珍惜多少人,失去多少明白,辜负的温柔,慈悲的心,总是这样简单,后悔一辈子。The only hurry, blind sunshine, frequent miss encounters, such as a mistake, miss a loss, cherish how many people, lose how much understanding, disappoint the tender, compassionate heart, always so simple, regret for a lifetime.

九、人生在世,无法预知未来。幸与不幸,总须坚持到最后才能知道。所以,人生的好坏都取决于心态。你的心态好,坏事变好事;你的心态不好,好事也变成坏事。Life is alive and there is no way to predict the future. Fortunately or unhappily, we must persevere until the end. Therefore, the quality of life depends on mentality. If you have a good mind, bad things will turn into good things; if you have a bad mind, good things will turn into bad things.

十、 不要让人轻易得到你,不然你会很容易被忘记。人生,有多少计较,就有多少痛苦;有多少宽容,就有多少欢乐。计较的心如同口袋,宽容的心犹如漏斗。复杂的心爱计较,简单的心易快乐。Don let people get you easily, or you will be easily forgotten. Life, how much to care about, how much pain; how much tolerance, how much joy. A calculating heart is like a pocket, and a tolerant heart is like a funnel. Complicated love calculation, simple heart easy to be happy.

十一、我的烈早在你身上用尽了,以后别人喝到的,只不过是一杯没味道的酒。我努力坚持不放弃,委屈都给我自己,死心塌地,为何你还是不珍惜。My strength was exhausted on you as early as possible. Later, what others drank was just a cup of tasteless wine. I try not to give up, grievances to myself, die hard, why you still do not cherish.


When we get along with people, all the things that make us fall behind, whether psychological or verbal, and need us to appease and please, are not commensurate with us and do not belong to us. Because a good relationship is always comfortable and peaceful.

十三、时间会把对你最好的人留在最后,毕竟喜欢是一阵风,而爱是细水长流。爱情如花,开时艳丽,芳香四溢,花期一过,自然枯萎。Time will leave the best person for you in the end. After all, like is a gust of wind, and love is a long stream. Love is like a flower, when it blossoms, it is gorgeous and fragrant, and when it is over, it wilts naturally.

十四、今天再大的事,到了明天就是小事;今年再大的事,到了明年就是故事;今生再大的事,到了来世就是传说。人生如行路,一路艰辛,一路风景。你的目光所及,就是你的人生境界。todays big thing, tomorrows small thing; this years big thing, next years story; this lifes big thing, the next life is legend. Life is like a journey, a journey of hardship, a journey of scenery. Your vision is your realm of life.

十五、不要担心别人会做得比你好,你只需要每天都做得比前一天好就可以了。成长是一场和自己的比赛。don worry that others will do better than you, you just need to do better every day than the previous day. Growth is a competition with oneself.

十六、不要为了看别人,走错了自己脚下的路。一个人的快乐,不是因为他拥有的多,而是因为他计较的少。多是负担,是另一种失去;少非不足,是另一种有余;舍弃也不一定是失去,而是另一种更宽阔的拥有。should not go wrong in order to see others. A persons happiness is not because he has more, but because he cares less. More is a burden, another kind of loss; less is not insufficient, another kind of surplus; abandonment is not necessarily a loss, but another kind of broader possession.

十七、 有些路,只能一个人走;有些人,只能边走边忘。我希望有个如你一般的人,如山间清爽的风,如古城温暖的光,从清晨到夜晚,由山野到书房,只要最后是你就好。Some roads can only be traveled by one person; others can only be forgotten as they go. I want someone like you, such as the fresh wind in the mountains, the warm light in the ancient city, from morning to night, from the mountains to the study, as long as you are the last one.

十八、生活从未变得容易,只不过是我们变得更加坚强,你若不想做,总会找到借口,你若想做,总会找到方法,输不起的人,往往也赢不了人,当你勇敢跨出第一步的时候你就已经赢了,犹豫一千次都不如实践一次,所有的努力和付出一定会有收获。Life has never been easy, but we have become stronger. If you don want to do it, you will always find an excuse. If you want to do it, you will always find a way.

Those who can afford to lose will often not win. When you take the first step bravely, you will have won. If you hesitate a thousand times, you will not be able to practice once. All your efforts and efforts will be rewarded.

十九、有的人对你好,是因为你对他好,有的人对你好,是因为懂得你的好。成长的残酷,是让我们摔倒了不再需要别人扶起,同时学会忍着眼泪感激那个把你推倒的人。时间真的是个让人讨厌的东西,它不经任何人同意就任意改变了一切。Some people are good to you, because you are good to him, some people are good to you, because they know your good. The cruelty of growing up is to let us fall down and no longer need to be supported, and learn to thank the person who pushed you down with tears. Time is really a disgusting thing. It changes everything arbitrarily without anyones consent.

二十、 生活本就是一场恶战,给你的是止疼药也好,是一巴掌也罢,最终都是要单枪匹马练就自身胆量。做你喜欢做的事,坚持你想坚持的,突破自己不敢的尝试,给自己特定的时间,完成一个不一样的自己!Life is a vicious battle, giving you painkillers or slaps, and ultimately you have to practice your courage alone. Do what you like to do, stick to what you want to persist, break through what you dare not try, give yourself a specific time, complete a different self!

二十一、人生就是一只储蓄罐,你投入的每一分努力,都会在未来的某一天,打包还给你。别人拥有的,你只要愿意去付出,一样可以拥有。人生是自己的,不要活在别人的眼神和口水里。不是所有的言论都需要别人理解,不是所有的选择都需要别人支持。life is a savings tank. Every effort you put in will be returned to you one day in the future. If you are willing to give what others have, you can have it as well. Life is your own, don live in other peoples eyes and saliva. Not all words need to be understood, not all choices need support.

二十二、我们只是不想,当我们在年老时,回顾自己的一生,后悔没有出去看看外面的世界是什么样子,后悔没有为自己的梦想拼尽全力,后悔就这样无趣的过完此生。we just don want to, when we are old, look back on our life, regret not going out to see what the outside world looks like, regret not working hard for their dreams, regret so boring life.

二十三、你劝我别喝酒,像是关心我,却不知道,我喝酒的原因是你,你劝我别熬夜,像是关心我,却不知道,你就是我熬夜的原因。You advise me not to drink, like care about me, but do not know, the reason I drink is you, you advise me not to stay up late, like care about me, but do not know, you are the reason why I stay up late.
