600字范文 > 1993年考研英语阅读第二篇解析—本文介绍官僚资本带来的焦虑感


时间:2021-02-19 14:11:40




In general, our society is becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic

(官僚主义的) management in which man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery.


The oiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and “human-relations” experts;


yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly participate in his work and that he is bored with it. In fact, the blue- and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.



The worker and employee are anxious, not only because they might find themselves out of a job; they are anxious also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction or interest in life.


They live and die without ever having confronted the fundamental realities of human existence as emotionally and intellectually independent and productive human beings.



Those higher up on the social ladder are no lessanxious. Their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates.


They are even more insecure in some respects. They are in a highly competitive race. To be promoted or to fall behind is not a matter of salary but even more a matter of self-respect. When they apply for their first job, they are tested for intelligence as well as for the tight mixture of submissiveness and independence.


From that moment on they are tested again and again -- by the psychologists, for whom testing is a big business, and by their superiors, who judge their behavior, sociability, capacity to get along, etc.


This constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than one’s fellow-competitor creates constant anxiety and stress, the very causes of unhappiness and illness.



Am I suggesting that we should return to the preindustrial mode of production or to nineteenth-century “free enterprise” capitalism? Certainly not. Problems are never solved by returning to a stage which one has already outgrown.


I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities -- those of love and of reason -- are the aims of all social arrangements.

Production and consumption should serve only as means to this end, and should be prevented from ruling man.



[答案] C


首段第一句中giant enterprises与small, well-oiled cog形成强对比,映补出人的微小。接着作者又对oiling进行了解释,即通过高工资、通风良好的工厂、不断播放的音乐等手段使人顺利工作,然后用yet引导的句子指出这些“润滑油”无法改变的事实:man has become powerless。此外,该段最后一句话workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines也强调了人的“无力”。由此可见,人已经变成微不足道的小小齿轮,无能为力,受人摆布。[C]选项与此意相符,为正确答案。

[A]选项是对人的作用的肯定,不符合原文powerless, puppets的否定含义。[B]选项是通过第一段第二句……higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music, and by psychologists and “human-relations”experts…得出的结论,却忽略了yet 对它的否定和对后述内容的强调:man has become powerless。[D]选项错在后面的条件。原文中说人是微不足道,并未有附加条件。


[答案] D


文章第二段第一句话引出工人和雇员焦虑的原因:… not only because they might find themselves out of a job; … also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction or interest in life。 [A]、[B]选项分别指出了其中的一个原因。这两个原因无轻重之分,因此,[A]选项若正确,[B]选项也应为正确选项。通过这样的分析,可将[A]、[B]选项同时排除,因为不可能有两个正确答案。

[C]选项与文章第二段第二句they live and die without ever having confronted the fundamental realities of human existence…不相符。因此也排除。

通过they live and die without ever having confronted the fundamental realities of human existence…以及第三段第五句When they apply for their first job, they are tested for intelligence as well as for the right mixture of submissive and independence,可以推断出,为了更好的使顺从性和独立性融合,他们会放弃一些独立性。[D]选项确切表达了这一思想。


[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:段落推论

文章第三段最后一句话:this constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than one’s fellow-competitor creates constant anxiety and stress, the very causes of unhappiness sand illness说明造成不快乐的原因就是竞争,反过来说,只有远离竞争,才会体验生活的真正幸福。因此[D]选项为正确答案。

[A]选项与第二段内容不符。二段首句就直接指出the workers and employees are anxious。因此他们得不到真正的幸福。[B]选项又与三段“领导阶层的雇员也有焦虑感”不符。[C]选项与三段最后一句话this constant need to prove that one is… better than one’s fellow-competitor creates constant anxiety and stress, the very causes of unhappiness and illness相悖。

张剑黄皮书英语一真题 考研英语一历年真题2001- 精编版17-20+试卷版09-16+基础试卷版01-08+5套卷¥199.9淘宝月销15购买



在文章最后一段,作者提出了解决现存社会问题的建议。第二、三句对首句所问问题的否定回答Certainly not. Problems are never solved…表明我们不能采取过去的生产方式来解决问题。因此,[A]选项与此文章内容不符,予以排除。[C]选项与该段第四句a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities… are the aims of all social arrangements一致,为正确答案。

[B]选项文中未提到。况且,第一段作者就指出增加工资这种“润滑油”无法改变事实。[D]选项与最后一段作者建议(transforming our social system)相悖。



[解析] 本题考核的知识点是:作者态度


