600字范文 > 伤感精致的人生语录 深刻精辟 感触颇深!

伤感精致的人生语录 深刻精辟 感触颇深!

时间:2019-03-18 19:06:13


伤感精致的人生语录 深刻精辟 感触颇深!

一、当你走过了更远的路,见了更多的人、事,关于人生,关于爱情,都会有不一样的愿景。世界不会因你而改变,你也不应因世界而改变,坚守自己就是巩固世界。When you go further, you see more people and things, about life, about love, there will be different visions. The world will not change because of you, nor should you change because of the world. To stick to oneself is to consolidate the world.

二、人与人之间,最大的吸引力,不是你的容颜,不是你的财富,也不是你的才华,而是你传递给对方的信赖和踏实、真诚和善良,一种正能量。人生,并不全是竞争和利益,更多的是相互成就,彼此温暖。The greatest attraction between people is not your face, not your wealth, not your talent, but the trust and steadfastness, sincerity and kindness you convey to each other, a positive energy. Life is not all about competition and interests, but more about mutual achievement and warmth.


The reason why people suffer is to pursue the wrong things. If you don worry about yourself, no one else will ever worry about you. Because of your own heart, you can let go. Take good care of yourself, not others.

四、爱你实在是一件满心欢喜的事情,忍不住偷偷地回应你。在千千万万温柔的小事情里,我的心里确认过了千千万万次:嗯,就是你了。Its a joyful thing to love you. I can help answering you secretly. In tens of millions of gentle little things, my heart has confirmed millions of times: Well, its you.

五、任何一个人,成就一番事业:难在看懂,停在情绪,慢在依赖,快在承担,赢在跟对,乱在不定,苦在单干,巧在借力,亏在自私,散在随意,错在指责,胜在反省,累在盲目,贵在付出,输在少学,败在放弃,成在坚持。Anyone who has achieved something: hard to understand, stop in emotion, slow to rely on, fast to bear, win in the right, chaotic, hard to work alone, skillfully borrow, lose in selfishness, random, wrong in criticism, win in introspection, tired in blindness, expensive in paying, lose in less learning, give up, success in persistence.

六、再长的路,一步步也能走完;再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。还在咬牙坚持的你,请不要泄气。你的日积月累,早晚会成为别人的望尘莫及。No matter how long the road is, you can finish it step by step; no matter how short the road is, you can reach it without your feet. Still grinding your teeth, please don be discouraged. As you accumulate time and time, sooner or later, you will be beyond the expectation of others.

七、人生总是有取有舍的,喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记。越长大越懂得:逢人只说三分话,不可全抛一片心。 失望并不可怕,怕的是心存侥幸不够彻底绝望。There are always choices in life, like to strive for, get to cherish, miss to forget. The older you grow up, the more you understand that you can throw a heart away when you only say three words. Despair is not terrible, but fear that luck is not enough to despair thoroughly.

八、追忆似水年华,做过的最好的事情,就是遇见你,尽管匆匆离别,也足以温暖一生。你说,人生最好的知己就是懂你,知道你心灵的伤痛,陪你将伤痛化为某一天的云淡风轻。花开花落,还要轮回几次,才能再与你相逢?The best thing Ive ever done is to meet you. Even if I leave you in a hurry, its enough to warm my life. You said that the best confidant in life is to understand you, know your hearts pain, accompany you to turn the pain into a day of light clouds and breeze. Flowers blossom and fall, but also several times, in order to meet you again?

九、你的一切努力不会白费。你投入了多少时间和精力将在未来积累起来。世上没有公平的事,时间是唯一公平的。无论你是懒惰还是勤奋,时间都会给你带来成果。All your efforts will not be in vain. How much time and energy you put in will accumulate in the future. There is no fair thing in the world. Time is the only fair thing. Whether you are lazy or diligent, time will bring you results.

十、看穿世上的一些琐事和纷争,所有的纷争都是空的,放过那些不配的人和事,就不用担心别人了。既然你知道你不懂得如何相处,你就可以简单地放手,忘掉江湖,懂得如何到下一个人生中去。Look through some trifles and disputes in the world, all disputes are empty, let go of those unfit people and things, do not have to worry about others. Now that you know you don know how to get along, you can simply let go, forget about the rivers and lakes, and know how to go to the next life.

十一、对于人际关系,我逐渐总结出一个最符合我性格的原则,即相互尊重、亲密和疏远。我相信所有的友谊都是自然形成的,而不是刻意形成的。我也认为,无论朋友有多好,都应该有一段距离。太忙的友谊往往是空的。For interpersonal relationships, I have gradually come to a conclusion that the principles most in line with my personality are mutual respect, intimacy and alienation. I believe that all friendships are formed naturally, not deliberately. I also think that no matter how good a friend is, there should be a distance. Friendships that are too busy are often empty.

十二、阳光雨露,鸟语花香,对每个人都公平;欢乐快乐,忧愁悲伤,但属于每个人的私密。生活总是美好的,不是太多的痛苦,而是我们不了解生活;不是太少的幸福,而是我们不知道如何抓住机遇!Sunshine and rain, birds and flowers, fair to everyone; joy and happiness, sorrow and sadness, but belong to everyones privacy. Life is always good, not too much pain, but we do not understand life; not too little happiness, but we do not know how to seize the opportunity!

十三、当生命之心充实时,它就会变得坚强。没有什么能打败我们。我们相信,在平淡的生活中,我们会生活得越来越好。如果你爱过并离开了最好的人,那些没有来也没有遇见的人将是对你最好的。When the heart of life is real-time, it becomes strong. Nothing can defeat us. We believe that in a plain life, we will live better and better. If you have loved and left the best people, those who have not come or met will be the best for you.

十四、当你选择开始时,不要轻易放弃,用你足够的毅力和耐心去坚持。总有一天你会回首往事,大笑起来:我太棒了。无论你有多好,总会有不珍惜你的人;幸好,到了最后,所有不珍惜的人,都会成为过去。When you choose to start, don give up easily. Use your perseverance and patience to persevere. One day youll look back and laugh: Im great. No matter how good you are, there will always be people who do not cherish you; fortunately, in the end, all those who do not cherish will become the past.

十五、世界是大的,风景是美丽的,有许多机会,生命是短暂的。不要蜷缩在一个小阴影里。因为世界上没有两个完全相同的人。如果你天生平凡,这是限量版。只要你的内心没有混乱,外界就很难改变任何事情。不要嫉妒别人,不要失去自己。The world is big, the scenery is beautiful, there are many opportunities, life is short. Don curl up in a small shadow. Because there are no two identical people in the world. If you are born ordinary, this is the limited edition. As long as there is no confusion in your heart, it is difficult for the outside world to change anything. Don be jealous of others, don lose yourself.
