600字范文 > 征集令台北故宫博物院首场拍卖面向全球征集精品


时间:2018-08-29 15:28:41






The national Palace Museum in Taipei

(large-scale comprehensive museum in China)

The Taipei Palace Museum, also known as the Taipei Palace Museum and the zhongshan museum, is an important center for the study of ancient Chinese art history and sinology. It is also the largest museum in Taiwan province. The main body of the building is modeled after the traditional Chinese palace-style building, with white walls and green tiles.

“台北故宫是我最爱的博物馆。在台湾游学期间,都数不清去了多少次了。”如今在台企工作的白领林娜表示,虽然台北故宫博物院馆藏数只有70万件,但在书画、青铜器、瓷器、玉器、珍宝等方面收藏颇丰。除了馆中最著名的文物翠玉白菜,2万多片的甲骨档案、2万多件的陶瓷器、1万多件的铜器钱币、近万件的古代书画、近20万册的善本古籍中都有不少值得一看的珍品。“比如,新石器时代的玉璧、玉圭、玉璜,闻名海内外的清代玉避邪雕刻、三镶玉如意,王羲之《快雪时晴帖》、黄公望的《富春山居图》后部长卷、怀素的《自叙帖》、颜真卿的《刘中使帖》、苏东坡的《寒食帖》、张宏的《华子冈图》、中国最完整的《四库全书》等,都是难得的珍品。”北故宫博物院(Taipei Palace Museum),又称台北故宫、中山博物院。是中国大型综合性博物馆、中国三大博物馆之一,也是研究古代中国艺术史和汉学重镇,为台湾省规模最大的博物馆。

"The Forbidden City in Taipei is my favorite museum. I can count the number of times Ive been to Taiwan. Lin na, a white-collar worker at a Taiwanese company, says that although the museum has a collection of only 700,000 pieces, it has a large collection of paintings, calligraphy, bronzes, porcelain, jade and other treasures. In addition to the museums most famous cultural relics jade cabbage, more than 20,000 pieces of oracle bone archives, more than 20,000 pieces of pottery and porcelain, more than 10,000 pieces of copper COINS, nearly 10,000 pieces of ancient paintings and calligraphy, nearly 200,000 volumes of ancient books have many treasures worth a look. "For example, neolithic jade, jade guerra, jade huang, famous both at home and abroad in the qing dynasty jade have three jade carving, ruyi, wang xizhi" fast snow when clear post ", huang gongwang of "fuchun mountains at the back of the long, huai su capitalise on post, c Liu Zhong make post, su dongpos" two post ", zhang hong HuaZiGang graph, Chinas most complete "ku" and so on, are rare treasures." The Taipei Palace Museum is also known as the Taipei Palace Museum and the zhongshan Museum. It is a large-scale comprehensive museum in China and one of the three major museums in China. It is also an important center for the study of ancient Chinese art history and sinology. It is the largest museum in Taiwan province.


The national Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan, was built in 1962 and completed in the summer of 1965. The total area is about 16 hectares. In order to copy the traditional Chinese palace-style building, the main building has 4 floors, white walls and green tiles, and the courtyard is in the shape of plum blossoms. In front of the courtyard, there are five six-column towering archways, the whole building is solemn and elegant, full of Chinese national characteristics. The national Palace Museum in Taipei has a collection of old imperial collections from the nanjing national central museum preparation office, the national Palace Museum in Peiping, and the national beiping library. The bronze wares of shang and zhou dynasties, jades, ceramics, ancient books and documents, and inscriptions on famous paintings are all rare treasures. The exhibition hall changes its exhibits every three months. By the end of , the museum had a collection of more than 696,000 cultural relics. In October , in order to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Palace Museum in Beijing, the national Palace Museum in Taipei borrowed 11 works of paintings by Italian missionary giuseppe castiello from the Palace Museum in Beijing. The exhibition will last until January 6, .

台湾上之角拍卖公司第一代创立人为中国历史上洋务运动领袖及推行者之一!虽为皇亲贵胄,但也抵不过时代的变迁与进步,几经辗转南迁,仍以电器,古董,典当为业立足午地!解放前移居台湾,美国等地。随着时代的演变更替,第五代掌门人秉着“业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随!”之祖训,承启家族事业,以“承上启下”为己任,延续中华文化之博大精深为目标,创办台湾上之角拍卖公司。台湾上之角国际拍卖公司是台湾超大型企业集团之一,上之角集团旗下的子公司,与亚洲乃至世界多个财团严密协作,在艺术、金融领域影响力巨大,在世界拍卖商场上屡创佳绩,备受藏家推重。台湾被世界银行、世界货币基金安排、美国中央情报局《世界概略》等安排认定为兴旺经济体, 是亚洲四小龙之一。自台湾拍卖商场打开以来,台北商场成为拍卖的一大亮点,在年间高总成交额抵达288亿人民币,每场的成交率抵达83.55%,均匀成交总额抵达20亿人民币,成为世界成交量高的拍卖商场。

The first generation founder of Taiwan top corner auction company is one of the leaders and promoters of westernization movement in Chinese history! Although for the royal relatives and nobles, but also against the changes and progress of The Times, after many years of moving south, still electrical appliances, antiques, pawnshops as the industry based on the afternoon! Before liberation, he moved to Taiwan, America and other places. With the evolution and replacement of The Times, the fifth generation of the palm man bingbing "diligence, waste in hippie; Success comes from thinking and destruction comes from following!" With the mission of "connecting the past with the future" and the goal of continuing the extensive and profound Chinese culture, we have established the auction company of shangzhijiao in Taiwan. Shangzhijiao international auction co., ltd. is one of Taiwans super large enterprise groups. As a subsidiary of shangzhijiao group, shangzhijiao works closely with several consortias in Asia and even the world, and has great influence in the art and financial fields. Taiwan is recognized as a thriving economy by the world bank, the world monetary fund arrangement, the cia world overview and other arrangements, and is one of the four Asian tigers. Since the opening of the Taiwan auction mall, the Taipei mall has become a highlight of the auction. During the year, the total transaction amount reached 28.8 billion yuan, the transaction rate of each auction reached 83.55%, and the average transaction amount reached 2 billion yuan, becoming the auction mall with high transaction volume in the world.


Today, the preservation of hot shopping malls, auctioneers on the market repeatedly stand different high over 100 million high-end collections, folk also have many scattered valuable "folk national treasure", plus the upper layer of television out of the poor treasure, treasure type programs guide, peoples enthusiasm for preservation unprecedented high, the threshold of preservation becomes very low. As long as you have money and leisure, you can find a eye catching art category with yourself, and then you can dive into the preservation work and wait for the appreciation. But the real market is east sunrise west rain, a joy many home sorrow, preservation brief "cash" difficult. In the upsurge of preservation, people value the contribution function of artworks, but do not know the liquidity of the collection, artworks are not only to be bought, but also to be sold, collectors can benefit from the talent, but also a reflection of the value of the collection. Say nevertheless brief, of artwork preserve the extension of bazaar, the way that lets average person contact Tibet is more and more, "buy" the way also is more and more, arrived to want to protect Tibet to sell nevertheless cent, difficult problem also subsequently. Preservationists will find it hard to "cash in" on a carefully selected purchase.
