600字范文 > 如何攻克GRE写作难关


时间:2019-03-31 11:25:15
















练习作文不能写过就算,经常性的回顾并修改一下自己以前写过的文章,可以帮助自己发现以前没注意到的各种漏洞和不足。埋头狂写,只能导致lose the stake! 在认真学习一段时间的写作后,再回头修改自己最初的作文,肯定会发现很多的毛病,在巩固学习的同时也能够看到自己的进步,建立起足够的自信和心理优势!




练习的最终目的是为了形成惯性思维,条件反射。因为实际考试的时间真的是非常紧张。要想克服心理压力,现场思考每句话的调理性绝非易事。特别是下笔的时候十指纷飞,远远超过大脑的运转速度。这种时候只有思维上做好充分准备的人,才能驾轻就熟,运用自如。题目中提到politics,大脑中就应当出现Franklin Roosevelt, Lincoln, Gerhard Shroeder, Gandhi……; 提到ART,脑海中就应该条件反射的立刻想到Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Starry night, night watch, Henmingway, the old man and the sea等内容。提到Scandal,就该想到Nixon,watergate,bill clinton,sex sandal,Enran等内容。总之,熟练很重要,熟能生巧才是王道。太傻教育助您突破GRE考试瓶颈,短期备考拿高分。




一些 a range of; a variety of; a series of; an array of

无数 innumerable; countless

许多 plenty of; many; much; a great deal of; a lot of; ample

非常多(大)的 tremendous

依序列举 list in sequence

过时的 outdated; antiquated; outmoded; obsolete; anachronistic

短暂的 ephemeral; transitory; transient; short-lived

不合时宜的 anachronism

可持久的 durable; able to stand wear; last a long time

一再time after time; again and again

初始的 preliminary

前述的 aforementioned; aforesaid; former

自古到今 from ancient times to the present day; down through the ages

年轻人 young people; youngster; youth; young adult

老式的 old-fashioned; out of date; dated

偶尔 from time to time; now and then; once in a while; at times

时常 often; frequently; repeatedly

永远的 eternal; perpetual; lasting throughout life

重整办事优先顺序 reshape priorities

目前 so far; by far

一次就可完成的事 one-time event

正/反意见 opinion

骂 yell at; reprimand; chide; scold; reprove

支持 support; endorse; back up; uphold

谴责 condemn; express strong disapproval of

错的 mistaken; erroneous; wrong incorrect

错事 wrongdoing; had acts; misbehavior

做相反的 do the reverse of; do the opposite

归咎 blame … on; put the blame on…; … is to blame

瓦解 disintegrate; break up; separate into small parts

支持某一方 in favor of; on the side of

不会犯错的 infallible

意见不和 clashes of opinion

一致的 unanimous; in complete agreement

不恰当 inappropriate; improper; unsuitable; inadequate

批判 criticize; blame; find fault with; make judgments of the merits and faults of…

我们想念 …we are convinced that…; we are certain that..

我愿意 I incline to; I am inclined to; I am willing to; I tend to

有用的 useful; of use; serviceable; good for; instrumental; productive

有意义的 meaningful; fulfilling

他们不愿承认这一点 they have always been reluctant to admit this…


意下 by common consent of…

GRE写作官方题库高频ARGUMENT题目满分范文分享:install low-flow showerheads


The following appeared in a letter from the owner of the Sunnyside Towers apartment building to its manager:

"One month ago, all the showerheads on the first five floors of Sunnyside Towers were modified to restrict the water flow to approximately 1/3 of its original force. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporation, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few complaints about low water pressure, no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. Clearly, restricting water flow throughout all the 20 floors of Sunnyside Towers will increase our profits further."

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.


In this letter, the owner of an apartment building concludes that low-flow showerheads should be installed in showers on all 20 floors of the building in order to increase profits. To support this conclusion, the owner cites the fact that since installing low-flow heads in showers on the bottom five floors only a few tenants have complained about low water pressure, and that no other problems with showers have been reported. However, this evidence provides little credible support for the owner's argument.





In the first place, the argument depends on the assumption that installation of low-flow heads on the first five floors has resulted in lower water costs for the owner. However, this need not be the case. It is equally possible that tenants on these floors compensate for lower flow by either taking longer showers, which would cause the overall water use to stay the same, or even increase. It is even possible that during the month since installation many of the tenants on the bottom five floors have been absent from the building. This could explain why, if it is true, that less water has been used over this brief period. And it would also explain why few tenants have complained.





In the second place, the owner ignores possible indirect consequences of installing low-flow showerheads on all 20 floors. For example, the more low-flow installations there are, the more likely that one or more tenants will become disgruntled and vacate as a result. In fact, the owner has admitted that at least a few tenants have complained about these new showerheads. High tenant turnover might very well serve to increase the owner's overall operating costs.





In the third place, in order to reasonably conclude that low-flow heads will reduce total water usage in the building the owner must assume that other water uses will remain constant in the future. However, this will not necessarily be the case. Perhaps the water supplier will raise rates, or perhaps other tenants who use more water will replace current tenants. Without ruling out such possibilities the owner cannot justifiably conclude that his total water costs will decrease after installing low-flow heads in every shower.





