600字范文 > AS引导非限制性定语从句


时间:2023-06-18 14:18:31




As we all know, Taiwan belongs to China. Taiwan, as we all know, belongs to China. Taiwan belongs to China, as we all know. 注意下面的习惯用法:

as is well discussed 正如已讨论过的

as is often said 正如通常所说 as is often the case 通常就是这样 as has been pointed 正如所指出的那样 as has been said before 如上所述 as often happens 如同经常所发生的那样 as might be expected正如所料 as is well known to all众所周知

在多数情况下,从句中的谓语助动词可以省略 as explained before 如前面所解释的 as mentioned above 如前面所提到的 as shown in the figure 如图所示 as seen from the table 从表中可以看出 as already discussed 正如已讨论过的 三、不定代词

一). some 与 any 的用法

1. some 用于肯定句以及表示建议或期待得到肯定回答的问句。修饰单数名词时,意为某个。如:

Ihave some questions about the assignment. (希望得到肯定答复)。

2. any 用于否定句和疑问句时,表示一些。用于肯定句时,只和单数名词或不可数名词连用,表示任何。如:

The medicine is on sale every where. You can get it at any chemist?

二). each 与 every 的用法

1. each 强调个体,表示两个或两个以上中的每一个,在句中可充当主语、宾语、定语和同位语。如:

There are trees and flowers at each side of the road.

2. every 强调整体,表示三者或三者以上中的每一个,只能作定语,不能说 every of them ,要说 every one of them .

Every student in our class works hard.

三 ). no one 与 none 的用法

1. no one 意为没有人,只能指人,不能指物,不可与介词 of 连用,谓语动词用单数形式,回答 who 引导的问句。如: Who is in the classroom? No one.

2. none 既可指人,也可指物,强调数量,意为一点也不,一个也不;谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数;常与 of 连用,通常指三者以上的人或物中没有一个,回答 how much 和 how many 引导的问句。如:

They were all tired, but none of them would stop to have a rest.

四).other, another, others, any other, the other 的用法

1. other 表示泛指,意为另外的、其它的。常与复数名词或不可数名词连用。如果其前有 the, this, some, any, each, every, no, one 以及形容词性物主代词时,其后就可接单数名词。如: I have no other place to go.

2. another 常用于指三者或三者以上中的另外一个,泛指单数。可单独使用,也可后接名词。如果其后接复数名词,则表示又、再、还。如: This cap is too small for me. Show me another (one)。We need another three assistants in our shop.

3. others :它是 other 的复数形式,表示泛指,意为别的人或物,但不指全部。特指时在其前加定冠词;前面可加任何限定词以及数量词。如: He has more concern for others than for himself.

4. any other 表示一个之外的其他任何一个,而不是两个之中的另一个。如: China is larger than any other country in Asia.

5. the other :表示两者中的另外一个。可单独使用,也可接单数名词。如: No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.

五).all 与 both 的用法

均表示都,但 all 表示三者以上的人或物, both 则表示两个人或物。二者都表示肯定意义,如果与 not 连用时,则表示部分否定。

六).neither 与 either 的用法

都可用于表示两个人或物。neither 表否定意义,意为(两者中的每一个)都不;而 either 表肯定意义,意为(两者中的每一个)都。都可单独使用,也可同介词 of 连用。如: Both teams were in hard training; neither willing to lose the game. Do you want tea or coffee? Either. I really don"t mind.
