600字范文 > 雅思阅读词汇量提升建议


时间:2021-06-05 03:42:11



雅思阅读大量刷题, 最好的词汇量扩充方法?小编给大家带来了词汇量扩充方法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

雅思阅读大量刷题 最好的词汇量扩充方法?


1. 词汇树:词汇树可以为你提供一个语境。当你绘制出词汇树时,你会发现自己开始对词汇群进行思考。当你看见一个杯子时,脑海中就会很快想到相关词语,如knife(小刀),fork(叉子),plate(碟子),dishes(餐具)等词。

2. 创造词汇主题列出一个词汇主题的列表,包括词汇、定义以及每个词语对应的例子。

3. 利用科技看DVD是一个帮助你听懂英语母语者说话的好方法。精心选择一些单独的场景,可以帮助你将观看DVD作为一种练习词汇的方式。

4. 专门的词汇列表比起将不相关的词汇做成一张长长的列表来学习,专门的词汇列表可以帮助你对工作、学习或爱好中所需的词汇进行针对性的准备。

5. 构词表构词法是高级ESL学习者取得成效的重要方法之一。一些高级英语考试,如托福、英语证书考试都将构词法列入重要考点。

6. 图解词典一幅图相当于一千个词语。这对准确词汇页十分有用。市面上也有许多优质的图解词典供英语学习者使用。

7. 学会搭配搭配指的是经常一起出现的词语。举一个典型的例子:to do your homework

8. 使用语料库

语料库是一个大量文件的集合,可以让你发现一个词语使用的次数。通过使用语料库,你可以发现一些经常与目标词汇使用的词语。将语料库和词汇树结合起来使用,是学习目标领域专业词汇的好方法。你可以访问从British National Corpus开始。


1. 使用词汇学习方法,来帮助你快速将精力集中到需要学习的词汇上。

2. 不要毫无章法地创建新词列表。将它们按照主题进行分组。这样就可以帮助你更快地记住新词。

3. 如果你有时间,或者即使你没有时间,都要为自己创造一个语境。用新词语写几个例句,可以帮助你在语境中记住词语。

4. 不管什么时候进行英语阅读,都要在手头准备一个笔记本。


文章题目We have star performers

重复年份0114 1124


题型段落细节配对 4+判断 4+填空 5

文章大意人才与天赋,讨论人才和选人标准之间的论证。讲公司考核员工主要的依据, talents,

文章批判了传统的观点(才能是与生俱来的,是不变的,是需要公 司去发现的)。文章先用一段肯定了有才能的人的存在,然后分段讲到,才




28 One example from non-commerce/business settings that better system wins

bigger stars F

29 One failed company that believes stars rather than system B

30 One suggestion that author made to acquire employees then to win the

competition nowadays G

31 One metaphor to human medical anatomy that illustrates the problems of

hiring stars. C


32 McKinsey who wrote The War for Talent had not expected the huge

influence made by this book. NG

33 Economic condition becomes one of the factors which decide whether or

not a country would prefer to hire foreign employees. YES

34 The collapse of Enron is caused totally by a unfortunate incident

instead of company’s management mistake. NO

35 Football clubs that focus making stars in YES


An investigation carried out on 1000 36 analysts of a survey by Harvard

Business Review found a company hire a 37 star has negative effects. For

instance, they behave considerably worse in a new team than in the 38 working

environment that they used to be. They move faster than wall street and increase

their 39 salary. Secondly, they faced rejections or refuse from those 40 rivals

within the team. Lastly, the one who made mistakes had been punished by selling

his/her stock share.

文章题目The influence of social network to people's loneliness

重复年份0920 0622


题型配对 6+选择 4+判断 4


交媒体使人变得更加孤独,有些人却不同意。在大学生中做了一个调查,结 果表明孤独感与人们花时间在社交媒体上无关。社交媒体会使人变得焦虑,



Ethan Kross, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, suggests that

his recent research shows that online social media use, rather than making us as

users feel inter-connected, contributes to overall life dis-satisfaction and


This side-effect can have drastic results, considering over 1.1 billion

users around the world are linked up on Facebook alone.

The study monitored 82 participants’ feelings and well-being, compared to

their social media use, over a long period of time. This kind of LONG TERM

comparative research was the first of its kind to be conducted.

The main correlation result was: the more time spent on social media, the

less happy you will be over time.

A separate study in conducted by Carnegie Mellon University discovered

that when users are DIRECTLY interacting with social media friends, such as

posting pictures and status updates, tagging photos, or liking things, their

sociability and well-being increased.

However, the dangerous part of our social media use stems from the time we

are passively consuming social media content, which represents a majority of

user time spent on these platforms. This passive consumption of other peoples

idealized vacations, days off, meals, boyfriends, family, etc. led users to feel

lonely and unsatisfied with their own lives, despite how eschewed this

perception of others lives ACTUALLY is.

Thus, social media has forced us to face a grave paradox: social media

claims to be the platform that can connect users with their friends, family,

community and the like within seconds, and this is true; however, never before

have we experienced more isolation than we are now as a result. Our obsession

with our digital social media lives is beginning to take precedence over our

physical, here-and-now lives, resulting in our inability to interact with real

people, and enjoy life’s current moments without being distracted by how this

will be portrayed on social media.

文章题目Expert in musician

重复年份0130 0517


题型选择 4+判断 6+填空 4

文章大意天赋是遗传先天的还是靠练习,主要以音乐为例。讨论坚持不懈对成功的作 用和他们的关系。首先探讨了毅力是否是成功的必要条件,并阐述了众多学

家就此提出的各类观点。在论证天才是不是也需要坚持不懈时,举例了莫扎 特一个人坚持找工作的过程。最后证明了坚持不懈和成功的关系密切。

部分参考答案: 选择:

1. what's the definition of talent in the first paragraph

brain structure different from others

2. what can we learn from violin players?

Not sure the change of brain size is the cause of effect of practice

3. the result of findings by experts suggest

Talent may have little to do with ....


1. ericsson's study has influenced other researchers. NG

2. the other areas have one thing in common. Y

3. whose who becoe world scale practice regularly every day NG

4. anyone who practiced over 10.000 will become a talent N

5. current learning and cognitive skills support the practice theory Y


Receive a lot of practice from his father. .... first symphony at the age

of four....not

popular...but not inherited.







