600字范文 > 附录——万佛圣城在家菩萨戒手册


时间:2019-06-09 13:02:30




附录一:“宣化上人开示.Appendix I: Instructional Talks by the Venerable Master Hua1.什么叫菩提心?1. What Is the Bodhi Mind?2.什么是三聚净戒?2. What are the Three Clusters of Pure Precepts?3.行菩萨道是利人无我3. Practicing the Bodhisattva Way Means Benefiting Others and Having No Self附录二Appendix II1.如何发无上菩提心?1. How to Bring Forth the Unsurpassed Bodhi Resolve2.如何放下财物的执着,而行布施?2. How to Let Go of the Attachment to Wealth and Practice Giving3.智慧的抉择:何者不该施?3. Making Wise Decisions on What Not to Give4.如何对治瞋心?4. How to Counteract and Subdue Anger5.修四念处观法5. The Method for Cultivating the Four Kinds of Mindfulness6 .念佛法门与持戒的关系6. The Relationship Between Reciting the Buddha’s Name and Upholding the Precepts7 .为什么要诵戒?7. Why Do We Recite the Precepts?8 .八关斋法释8. An Explanation of Receiving the Eight Precepts of Purity附录三Appendix III1.忏悔——灭苦之要,莫过忏悔1. Repentance: The Essential Way to Extinguish Suffering2.菩萨戒殊胜功德2. The Supreme Merit and Virtue of the Bodhisattva Precepts3.菩萨戒经典简介3. List of Sutras of Bodhisattva Precepts4.编后语4. Afterword5.名词解释5. Glossary of Terms6.索引6. Index宣化上人法语:戒律---万佛圣城在家菩萨戒手册宣化上人法语——戒律An Instructional Talk on the Precepts by Venerable Master Hua你若懂戒律,对一切佛法都能深入;你若不懂戒律,就像虚空中的云一样,浮浮荡荡,一点根基也没有。If we understand the Precepts, we will be able to enter deeply the entirety of the Buddhadharma. If we do not understand the Precepts, then we will drift like clouds in the sky, devoid of any foundation.因此我们学佛一定要注重持戒,戒律就是要常常管着自己的错处,不是管着人家的错处,而自己的毛病一点都不改,像在给人家洗衣服似的。Therefore, in our study of Buddhism, we should place great emphasis on upholding the Precepts. The function of Precepts is to help us constantly watch over our own faults. Precepts are not meant to be a means of always looking at other people’s mistakes, while not correcting any of our own errors. To use Precepts like that is to be as if washing other people’s dirty laundry while not keeping our own clothes clean.诸位善信:你们想一想,做菩萨很容易,还是不容易?All good faithful ones, let us consider the question: “Is it easy to be a Bodhisattva?”菩萨的神通境界,舍身肉髓等内财布施,和国城妻子七宝等外财布施,是不易做到的。这姑且不说,因为人皆视舍钱如割肉,可是菩萨又甘愿供人舍身作奴仆,这比割骨头更难,确实不易。Bodhisattvas’ appropriate use of spiritual penetrations; their internal giving of wealth, such as their bodies, flesh, bone, marrow, and so forth; and their external giving of belongings, such as national, rural, and municipal property holdings, spouse, children, and the seven precious gems are all difficult things to do. We won’t dwell on that now since it is a sensitive issue: most people find it harder to give money than to slice off a piece of their flesh. Nonetheless, Bodhisattvas are willing to be servants, a task that may prove even more difficult than breaking their own bones would be. In that sense, then, it is truly not easy to be a Bodhisattva.如果我们能处处不占便宜,一举一动都发自慈悲心,不存贪瞋痴的独夫念头,完全为利益他人着想,这就是活菩萨。这不是很容易吗?We should stop trying to get the best bargain in every aspect of our lives, and instead make sure that everything we do is done out of compassion. We should refrain from harboring egotistical thoughts based in greed, hatred, and delusion, and instead think wholeheartedly about benefiting others. In that way, we can become living Bodhisattvas. Now, won’t that be very easy?不论在家或出家的佛弟子,不要把调子唱得太高,不妨大处着眼,小处着手,就从慈悲为首,宽厚待人做起。如果这点学佛道的基础都不打好,恐怕菩提道上,不容易印上你的足迹!Whether we are monastic or lay disciples of the Buddhas, we should not aim too high. We should look at the big picture, but attend to the details. Start by being kind and compassionate; begin by being generous in our treatment of others. If people do not set well this very basic foundation of studying the Buddhadharma, then it is to be feared that they will leave no significant footprints on the path to Bodhi.

