600字范文 > Reduce The Generation Gap 减少代沟_1000字_英语作文

Reduce The Generation Gap 减少代沟_1000字_英语作文

时间:2019-04-01 00:40:44


Reduce The Generation Gap 减少代沟_1000字_英语作文

To reduce the generation gap three aspects are essential - commitment communication and understanding.

减少代沟有三个要素 - 决心、沟通和理解。

Commitment means each person gives this action sufficient time regularly and they all agree to reduce this difference between the generations. Communication does not just mean talking to each other; it means that each should listen to what the other person is saying. Try to find out the real intent and not react too quickly to unpleasant language. Understanding means trying to see a situation from the viewpoint of the other party; when this is practised often enough you begin to understand what a person in another generation is trying to say.

决心指两代人坚持经常花时间去淡化差异。 沟通不单只是对话,它要求殷切地聆听对方在说什么,要留意意图而不急于对刺耳的用词作出反应。 理解是尽量换位思考,多从对方的角度看事物,久而久之,另一代人便不陌生了。

By giving enough time to communicate and try to understand how the other person sees things the generation gap can be reduced over time.

