600字范文 > 托福写作满分作文练成法


时间:2022-12-16 11:55:14








Nevertheless, it would not work either if everybody just keep to themselveswithout communicating. It is also essential for roommates to share theirexperiences with one another and thus get close in their relationship. In thiscase, a good sense of humor can be a such a valuable quality as a single jokemay break the silence and open up a nice conversation.



1 托福满分作文,要求的不是庞大的单词量,而是在已有的8000单词的准确应用。

2 想拿满分作文,不是靠单纯的堆砌复杂句就可以完成的,如果你还不相信这一点,请去中国各大留学论坛,看看一片哀嚎之音。

3 想要拿到30分,要求你写出更为具体化的例子,而不是单纯的泛泛而谈。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier forparents to raise their children than 50 years ago.


Taking a panoramic picture of human evolution, family education has beenplaying a very important role, especially in modern days. When it comes to thequestion of whether or not raising kids is easier than before. I, personally,think that parenting has becoming more and more difficult based on the followingreasons.

First off, with the advent of technological gadgets kids are now moresusceptible to negative information on-line, making it tough for parents tomonitor and guide their kids’ behavior and mindset. As we all know, with theappearance of smart phones, tablets and computer laptops, it is easier forpeople of all age groups, including adolescents and teenagers, to get access toall kinds of information. To be more specific, celebrities especiallyentertainers, like movies stars, sports giants and pop singers are such badexemplars for kids since they are constantly involved in sex scandals, abusiveuse of drugs, random hookups, getting rehabilitation. Kids, who are in theirformative years, are not immune to these negative influence. Therefore, it isbecoming absolutely tough for parents to guide them and any negligence mightlead to be catastrophic for the kid’s future development.

Additionally, parents are so overwhelmed with their career and they tend tobe negligent about their kids. Kids, on the other hand, without guidance fromtheir parents tend to have both psychological and physical problems. A recentstudy done by National Society of Developmental Psychology indicates that thereis a positive correlation between the parents’ working time and the likelihoodfor kids to experience psychological and physical problems in their adolescence.Indeed, fathers and mothers are more stressful and inclined to work more hoursthan those who did a few decades ago, leaving them little time to hang out andcaress their kids. To make matters worse, kids who might experience unparalleledpeer pressure, bullying and other kinds of school cliché are not able to getappropriate and timely instruction and encouragement from their parents,increasing the risk of a series of developmental problems. For instance, theymight get addicted to computer games, involve in early sex, and even havemarijuana and drinking problems.

In conclusion, due to the susceptibility of kids when exposed to negativeinformation on-line or else and the parents’ lack of time spent with their kids,it is getting more difficult to raise kids now and kids are inclined to haveboth psychological and physical problems in their formative years.


现在有一些学校require children(5-11岁) to work together instead of working on theirown during most of their learning process, do you agree or disagree that is thebest way to teach children?




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Many schools requireyoung children (aged 5-11) to work together in a small group instead of workingalone to learn man activities.

Educators and researchers have never stopped the examination of theimportance and relevance of collaborative learning that are encouraged by middleschools. When compared with studying alone, I, personally, believe that it isfar more beneficial to students when working in groups for the followingreasons.

First off, working in a group can be very conducive for students since theycan help students to study more effectively and thus tackle real-world issues. Arecent study conducted by University of Minnesota backed up the claim that studyteams, collaborative learning and group projects are far more effective inhelping students to develop useful skills than traditional teacher-led teachingapproach. In fact, when learning in groups, students have to do some researchabout the topic they are expected to discuss beforehand, which helps them toclear up some misunderstandings and boast their enthusiasm in academicexploration. Clearly, working in a group can help students to retain informationfor a much longer time and have a much deeper understanding of some concepts andideas. Consequently, if teachers categorize students and organize them in smallstudy groups, chances are that they would solve complex issues together, likeresearching the history of the city, examining the water quality of the localtown, so on and so forth. Students can develop critical thinking skills as wellas learn to collect and analyze information from multiple sources.

Additionally, working in groups has much deeper implications beyondstudents’ academic experience. As the saying goes: “many hands make light work”.Actually it remains as relevant today as it did a century ago. To be morespecific, working together helps to develop skills like cooperation,organization and leadership. When learning in a group, every single student getsa chance to contribute their knowledge to the group, and they can learn toappreciate the work of other students simultaneously as well. What’s more, theyhave to work closely with others for the same goal otherwise they might not beable to compete with other study groups. More importantly, students will getexposure to distinctive perspectives and at the same time learn how to acceptdifferent points of view and find common ground in this process. Such aneducational experience will not only be helpful for their future study but alsobeneficial to them when they have to deal with coworkers, clients, and teammatesin a professional setting in the future. Numerous studies have shown thatstudents who have prior experience working with others enjoy a better chance tobe successful in their future career.

In conclusion, working together in a group has far more meaningfulimplications than working alone since collaborative learning helps students tolearn much more effectively and develop important skills that are vital fortheir future study and career.

